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Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

@revojam @Sinan @Bismarck

Isn't Akreps being replaced by these ? or is it only for PÖH ?


I think, police is just testing for now.

Emniyet'ten 10 adetlik Otokar Ural Siparişi

^^ can't be sure of the news authenticity
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That´s not Akrep ,thats Otokar ZPT!
Everbody know it as Akrep because tv allways call it as Akrep. Actually Problem is that we say Apc to both model acv300 and otokar apc 4x4 so couse of this people confusing. As a result otokar has to give a name to that otokar apc....
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Acc to SIRPI, Pakistan ordered 52 T-155 Panter towed howitzer. 12 in 2008 and 40 in 2009. The numbers just contain the delivery of Turkish manufactured Panter's. In additions to those, According to some reports, HIT purchased licence rights to manufacture more in Pakistan as well.

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It'd be a better idea to give all the ZPTs to police, since they don't have mine protection, the army has no use for them. But the police doesn't require mine protection, ballistic protection is enough. So smart thing to do would be to give ALL the zpts to the police, and buy brand new cobra IIs for the army...Ural can slowly replace old land rovers for Jandarma
It'd be a better idea to give all the ZPTs to police, since they don't have mine protection, the army has no use for them. But the police doesn't require mine protection, ballistic protection is enough. So smart thing to do would be to give ALL the zpts to the police, and buy brand new cobra IIs for the army...Ural can slowly replace old land rovers for Jandarma

Which ZPTs ?
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SSM taktik tekerlekli zırhlı araç ihalesini araçların sayısını arttırıp yeniden açmış.

Özel Maksatlı Taktik Tekerlekli Zırhlı Araç

Amaç : Taktik seviyede keşif ve gözetleme ile KBRN (Kimyasal, Biyolojik, Radyolojik, Nükleer) keşif görevlerinin icra edilmesine katkı sağlamak maksadıyla özel maksatlı taktik tekerlekli zırhlı araç tedariği.

Kapsam : 472 adet araç (121 Adet Komuta Kontrol Aracı, 217 Adet Sensör/Keşif Aracı, 74 Adet Radar Aracı ve 60 Adet KBRN Keşif Aracı)

Proje Modeli : Yurt İçi Geliştirme

Ana/Alt Yüklenici :

Sözleşme İmza Tarihi :

Mevcut Durum : Teklife Çağrı Dokümanı hazırlık çalışmaları devam etmektedir.

Özel Maksatlı Taktik Tekerlekli Zırhlı Araç

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