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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

Oil being a curse or not, Musul being part of our country can never ever be bad. Ever. Kamâl handed Musul to the British like everything else. Inonu and Kamâl are the same.

Actually thats the result of miscommunication of Inonu being vague to Kemal Pasha. But like it matters <_< atm, what happened, happened and now we are dealing with this cluster ****

However its still the responsibility of Kemal Pasha, since according to Inonu he said that he first refused the offer to be the representative of Turkiye in Lausanne, but when he realized that it wasn't an offer but an order of Kemal pasha he wen't...... Even though we had more competent table diplomats available.

Live broadcast of Netanyahu giving a speech to US congress. Is it normal for Politicians to be cheered into the hall ?

He actually makes sense in some parts of his speech.

I don't think Iranians will ever be able to have the capability to build a nuclear bomb.. But.

They are creating/supporting all kinds of terrorist organizations in the region. They try to take over countries in the M.E via proxy governments, or terrorist-takeovers.

All of which, are against our interests.

And they are doing these while under sanctions. Now what they would do without those sanctions...

I am confident that Iran will never be a threat for us directly. But if we aim for regional obedience and direct influence around, then we need to be cautious about Iran's proxy wars in this region.

On the other hand, it is also in our benefit that Iran is economically powerful and governmentially stable.

We are better off with a rich Iran and a stable neighboring border there.
Turkey Seeks Bigger Military Role in Gulf Region
By Burak Ege Bekdil4:52 p.m. EDT March 8, 2015
ANKARA, Turkey — Despite mounting problems and multiple cross-border threats in its south and southeast, Turkey is seeking a bigger military role in the Gulf region, preparing to set foot first in


Turkey and Qatar, two Sunni regional allies, recently signed a comprehensive military accord that gives both countries the right to deploy soldiers in each other's territory.

Analysts say that clause would probably work in one direction.

"Qatari army is too small. Turkey's army is the second biggest in NATO. Given Turkey's regional ambitions it looks like the deployment clause means, on a de facto basis, Turkey could deploy soldiers in Qatar rather than the other way around," said one Ankara-based analyst.

The military agreement between Ankara and Doha also involves cooperation in military training, defense industry and joint military drills.

Berat Conkar, chairman of the Turkish parliament's foreign relations committee, said on March 5 that: "Turkey has a strategic view of its relations with the Gulf states. This agreement (with Qatar) will make sure Turkey gains strategic ground in an area we are already influential."

Conkar also said similar military cooperation agreements would follow with other Gulf countries.

Analysts often view Qatar as Turkey's best political ally in the Middle East.

Turkey Seeks Bigger Military Role in Gulf Region
Our Ampulla the Big deals IRAN thingies with his wehabii brothers and his mini ampulla rectis are trolling nice watch.

But all of you will be hanged traitors.
Our Ampulla the Big deals IRAN thingies with his wehabii brothers and his mini ampulla rectis are trolling nice watch.

But all of you will be hanged traitors.
Speak english man, even google translation failed to understand what language you are using..
Google translate sucks. Its coders are complete idiots.

I mean Our Big Brother in Turkey (Deepest point of vagina) is dealing IRAN with wehabi brothers and his trolls are trolling nice to see.
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