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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
What is our way? The stupid foreign policy we followed to this day has led us to sonu bombok bir yere çıkan tünel. I said many times that Turkey's strenght lies in its neutrality, akp tried to choose a side and actively supported that side, even intervened in other countries. In the end otherside won. Every single group and country that akp backed is defeated in the end we have been never more alone in our history. Muslim brotherhood bullshit will cause us billions of dollars and most importantly out reputation.

You know what i mean, we are far away from old corrapted Turkish governments. As Muslim Turks we mind Full independence against US so we are not going to be slave of zioinist ideology it is all about this.
You know what i mean, we are far away from old corrapted Turkish governments. As Muslim Turks we mind Full independence against US so we are not going to be slave of zioinist ideology it is all about this.

Lol you think there is no corruption currently? This country is like a family business. You can deserve a position as much as you can, if there is a son, daughter, wife, nephew or even a very distant relative that is in the line, you can say goodbye to the position. Nobody knows what merit is. Bribery is everywhere. Those who use the religion card openly lies. In what book lying is accepted? Honest workers struggle, those who lick boots are in the top and are protected in every case. If you arent completely alien to inside mechanics of this country you know this is all true. Tell me what corruption did they fix? What is the result of being led by "good muslims"?

There is a big difference between "full indepence" and "yiyemeyeceğin bokun altına girmek". Bir kere olsun yapılan yanlışı kabul edilin. Şu felaket dış politikanın yegane sebebi ego ve ıslak islami hayaller. Cahil cesaretiyle ülke yönetilmez. Ver mehteri demekle süper güç olunmaz.
Bro those actions have taken against Turkey if you think deeply. They make pressure Qatar to cut good relationships with Turkey, US try to make us alone in our way.

Lets assume that this is true.

Do you know what kind of power we would put against us? %99 of Arab world=4trillion dollar of ecoomy? US? o_O The stronges nation on earth. For what exactly, Iran?

Sorry but if US decide the take down Qatar by itself, there is no power to stop it, even China+Russia combined cannot stop it. Are there secret nuclear arsenal in Van mountains which consists 1000s of nuclear missiles? Are there tens of thousands tonnes of "secret gold reserves" of Turkey? We are weak as f, we shouldn't even side against Saudi Arabia if they were all alone against Qatar, and we are talking about all Arab Union, and the US o_O

We are not a superpower. We are not even a regional power (we were regional power in past, we lost this position after 1980s), we cannot even stop few mesapotamian monkey terrorist to occupy Syrian soil and create a country inside of Syria. And we are talking about 20+ trillion usd combined economy. They can organise a military coup in one night in Qatar and take down the control of the government, and you would be by your own if you sided against Saudi/US. Not very smart huh?

What kind of leverages we have against Trump? Syrian refugees? Nope. Is US somehow tens of billions in debt against us? nope, it is the opposite. Is US dependent of Turkish defense industry? Nope, it is the opposite! Even Saudi arabia is NOT dependent of us o_O but the OPPOSITE.
Lets assume that this is true.

Do you know what kind of power we would put against us? %99 of Arab world=4trillion dollar of ecoomy? US? o_O The stronges nation on earth. For what exactly, Iran?

Sorry but if US decide the take down Qatar by itself, there is no power to stop it, even China+Russia combined cannot stop it. Are there secret nuclear arsenal in Van mountains which consists 1000s of nuclear missiles? Are there tens of thousands tonnes of "secret gold reserves" of Turkey? We are weak as f, we shouldn't even side against Saudi Arabia if they were all alone against Qatar, and we are talking about all Arab Union, and the US o_O

We are not a superpower. We are not even a regional power (we were regional power in past, we lost this position after 1980s), we cannot even stop few mesapotamian monkey terrorist to occupy Syrian soil and create a country inside of Syria. And we are talking about 20+ trillion usd combined economy. They can organise a military coup in one night in Qatar and take down the control of the government, and you would be by your own if you sided against Saudi/US. Not very smart huh?

What kind of leverages we have against Trump? Syrian refugees? Nope. Is US somehow tens of billions in debt against us? nope, it is the opposite. Is US dependent of Turkish defense industry? Nope, it is the opposite! Even Saudi arabia is NOT dependent of us o_O but the OPPOSITE.

We have less friends like Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Qatar in our way so Qatar is one country support us from economic and politic sides, as we know we was had good relationships somecountries like Bangladesh, Egypt but military coup maiden overthere and their government turn into hostile against to Turkey. Azerbaijan and Pakistan still under pressure, Japan and Korea didnt give some military technology to us by pressure of west, if any western country has good relationships with Turkey they have been threatened by terrorism and bomb atacks. Now Arab word make a caliper against Qatar by directive of US.

All these things are not happening against Tayyip Erdogan, all this things happening against Turkey you have to just aware of these.

While US and EU havent gave up for FETO and PKK, so we cant leave our friends With their own destiny. If we give up we cant find real anyfriends in the future but they can find allways strong traitors against Turkey.

So i dont say that we have to declere war against Saudi pact but also we cant give up for Qatar.

Lol you think there is no corruption currently? This country is like a family business. You can deserve a position as much as you can, if there is a son, daughter, wife, nephew or even a very distant relative that is in the line, you can say goodbye to the position. Nobody knows what merit is. Bribery is everywhere. Those who use the religion card openly lies. In what book lying is accepted? Honest workers struggle, those who lick boots are in the top and are protected in every case. If you arent completely alien to inside mechanics of this country you know this is all true. Tell me what corruption did they fix? What is the result of being led by "good muslims"?

what you say all tricks and lies so i wont spend my time for your emty words.

There is a big difference between "full indepence" and "yiyemeyeceğin bokun altına girmek". Bir kere olsun yapılan yanlışı kabul edilin. Şu felaket dış politikanın yegane sebebi ego ve ıslak islami hayaller. Cahil cesaretiyle ülke yönetilmez. Ver mehteri demekle süper güç olunmaz.

Size kalsa memleket 2002 de işgale ve düşmanlarımıza teslim etmeye hazır durumdaydı, o ekonomik krizlerin arkasından gelecek tek şey bir gücün ülkeyi işgal etmesiydi ama tabi durumun vahameti sizi endişelendirmediği gibi Türkiye'nin batıya karşı zayıflayıp bitap düşmesi sizi mest eden meseleler niteliğinde, küffarla beraber sevinip küffarla bir üzülmeniz buna en büyük delildir.

Memlekette küfür başını aldı gidiyor dünyada küfür kol geziyor, bu gidişat nereye diye durup sormayacak düşünmeyecekmiyiz. Bu memlekette biz ve bizim çocuklarımız yaşayacak mevcut sizin israr ettiğiniz düzenle kula kul olarak küfre girip batarak nereye varacağız, neyin savaşını vermektesiniz hiç durup düşünüyormusunuz?

Bizim davamız sadece İslam değil insan olmanın davasıdır, biz bu davamızdan vaz geçmeyeceğiz siz de elinizden ne gelirse yapmaya devam ediniz.
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We have less friends like Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Qatar in our way so Qatar is one country support us from economic and politic sides, as we know we was had good relationships somecountries like Bangladesh, Egypt but military coup maiden overthere and their government turn into hostile against to Turkey. Azerbaijan and Pakistan still under pressure, Japan and Korea didnt give some military technology to us by pressure of west, if any western country has good relationships with Turkey they have been threatened by terrorism and bomb atacks. Now Arab word make a caliper against Qatar by directive of US.

All these things are not happening against Tayyip Erdogan, all this things happening against Turkey you have to just aware of these.

While US and EU havent gave up for FETO and PKK, so we cant leave our friends With their own destiny. If we give up we cant find real anyfriends in the future but they can find allways strong traitors against Turkey.

So i dont say that we have to declere war against Saudi pact but also we cant give up for Qatar.

what you say all tricks and lies so i wont spend my time for your emty words.

Size kalsa memleket 2002 de işgale ve düşmanlarımıza teslim etmeye hazır durumdaydı, o ekonomik krizlerin arkasından gelecek tek şey bir gücün ülkeyi işgal etmesiydi ama tabi durumun vahameti sizi endişelendirmediği gibi Türkiye'nin batıya karşı zayıflayıp bitap düşmesi sizi mest eden meseleler niteliğinde, küffarla beraber sevinip küffarla bir üzülmeniz buna en büyük delildir.

Memlekette küfür başını aldı gidiyor dünyada küfür kol geziyor, bu gidişat nereye diye durup sormayacak düşünmeyecekmiyiz. Bu memlekette biz ve bizim çocuklarımız yaşayacak mevcut sizin israr ettiğiniz düzenle kula kul olarak küfre girip batarak nereye varacağız, neyin savaşını vermektesiniz hiç durup düşünüyormusunuz?

Bizim davamız sadece İslam değil insan olmanın davasıdır, biz bu davamızdan vaz geçmeyeceğiz siz de elinizden ne gelirse yapmaya devam ediniz.

Correction; Egypt did NOT become hostile to us. We made them hostile to us. Why would the coup government be hostile to us if we didnt intervened into their country? When you stop blaming west for every single thing and say "yes we act stupid sometimes" then we can have some progress in fixing of the problems. There is no friends or enemies in politics. Only temporary partners. Your Ikhvan bullshit has ruined the country's foreign policy. Down to hell with your rabia sign.

Tricks and lies? Buna ne deniyordu acaba, takiyye miydi? Çünkü şunlara yalan diye adam ya bile bile, muhtelen ağzının orucuyla orul orul yalan söylüyordur ya da ölümüne kördür. Hademelik için bile millet parti torpili arıyor memlekette.

Evet canım biz bayılıyoruz memleketin kötü durumda olmasından, italyan arkadaşlarımla kötü adam kahkahaları atıyoruz şaraplarımızı yudumlarken, biz bu ülkede yaşamıyoruz çünkü, aslında hepimiz amerikanyalıyız cia bize maaş yatırıyor. Kula kul olmaktan bahsedene de bak hele. 15 yılda ne yaptın kula kul olmayı, rüşveti, yalanı, israfı, adam kayırmayı bitirmek için? Bunlar yerli yerinde duruyorken sizin derdiniz diz boyunda çocuklara allah peygamber öğretmek. En önemli derdimiz bu çünkü. Görüyoruz ağzından Allah lafı düşmeyen herkes ne kadar da dürüst, çalışkan ve hoşgörülü. Çocuklara Allah öğretirsek oldu bu iş. Diyanet de müjde vermiş zaten. Bundan sonra ne güzel 6-7 yaşında çocukların bütün yaz tatili kafada takkeyle geçecek. En önemli ihtiyacımız bu.

Kafanıza vura vura özeleştiriyi yerleştirmek gerekiyor.
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So i dont say that we have to declere war against Saudi pact but also we cant give up for Qatar.

Yes we can. They are in pathetic position, not us. They made huge mistakes to give Saudi Arabia legal rights to interfere Qatar, not us. They need help, we don't.
We dont have to sacrifice anything for Qatar. Qatar wants to save their money? Then they are welcomed to Turkish stocks, or Turkish banks. Qatar wants to keep Turkey as a friend? Then they are the ones who have to make some sacrifices! Not Turkey.

Qatar have 2 outdoors; Iran and Turkey. They of course will try to get good relationship with Iran, but they also know the fact that Iran's days are numbered since there is Trump in white house, so Turkey is the only logical outdoor for Qatar.

If they move their assets to Turkey, they will save their existance. If they wont move their assets to Turkey, Turkey won't lose anything. They will lose everything.

We should stop acting like we are in debt to losers. No, we do not. It is the opposite. Losers should work with Turkey, with Turkey's terms to keep their existance.
my problem is here not with saudi or qatar but those UAE emails leak them.
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Ben durumun doğrulu ya da yanlışlığı hakkında yorum yaptım mı? Diyorum ki BİZE NE. Mısır'da İhvan'ı kurtarabilecek gücün var mı? Yok. O zaman ne hakla 92 milyon nüfuslu ülkeyle bizi düşman ediyorsun? Ettin de ne oldu ne kazandın? Sizin hayalperestliğiniz bu ülkenin tamamına mal oluyor.

Her dönemde olması bu dönemde de devam etmesini doğru kılıyor mu? O dönemde yaşasam o dönem başta olanı eleştiririm. Şimdi ne güzel yola geldin bak, sen de farkındasın işte, niye utanmadan yalandan hileden bahsediyorsun? Konuyu Cehape zihniyetine getirmeseniz ölürsünüz lan. Evet bu memlekete bütün kötülükleri cehape getirdi. Osmanlı süperdi hüloo.

O bahsettiğin hoşgörü ve özgürlük bu ülkeye "cehape zihniyeti" sayesinde geldi. 100 yıllık süreçte size seve seve sizden olmayanı kabul etmek öğretildi. Yanlış da yaptılar ben bunu reddetmiyorum, ama yanlışlarına rağmen bu ülkeyi ortadoğunun geri kalanından farklı bir konuma koymayı başardılar. Çok merak ediyorum devlet kurumlarında başörtü yasağını dile getirenler zamanında "cehape zihniyeti" bu ülkeyi kurmasa ve reformlarını yapmasa kadınlara sokakta örtüsüz çarşafsız gezme hakkını verir miydi?

Sen bize bir hak tanımıyorsun kardeşim. Karşında milyonlarca insan var ve bu insanlara haklarını siz değil nesiller önce yaşayan insanlar verdi. O hakları da almaya bi tarafınız yemez. 3-5 gazeteciyi sindirirsiniz, sanatçıları işsz bırakırsınız ama milyonlarca insanı umutsuzluğa sürükleyemessiniz. İp orda kopar. İstemediklerinden değil, yapamadıkları için sindiremiyorlar.

Try to post in English, would be much appreciated, for the the interest, understanding and knowledge of international members. Use of regional language is not allowed.

Yes we can. They are in pathetic position, not us. They made huge mistakes to give Saudi Arabia legal rights to interfere Qatar, not us. They need help, we don't.
We dont have to sacrifice anything for Qatar. Qatar wants to save their money? Then they are welcomed to Turkish stocks, or Turkish banks. Qatar wants to keep Turkey as a friend? Then they are the ones who have to make some sacrifices! Not Turkey.

Qatar have 2 outdoors; Iran and Turkey. They of course will try to get good relationship with Iran, but they also know the fact that Iran's days are numbered since there is Trump in white house, so Turkey is the only logical outdoor for Qatar.

If they move their assets to Turkey, they will save their existance. If they wont move their assets to Turkey, Turkey won't lose anything. They will lose everything.

We should stop acting like we are in debt to losers. No, we do not. It is the opposite. Losers should work with Turkey, with Turkey's terms to keep their existance.

i think you havent heard that Qatar allways investing Turkey with billions dollars, sell cheap gas, buy weapons and more. When we get trouble at Gezi and military coup time they invested ten billions dollars to save our economy, their politic decides are allways comport with our policy etc. thats why they deserve Turkish help, as you said also there is no way no alternative to Turkey.
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