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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
Son dakika... Emeklilikte yaş önergesi reddedildi
Son dakika... Emeklilikte yaş önergesi Genel Kurul'da MHP ve AK Parti tarafından reddedildi. Oylamada AK Parti ret oyu kullandı, MHP çekimser kaldı. Emeklilikte yaşa takılanlara (EYT) ilişkin önergenin Meclis'te görüşülmesi İYİ Parti, CHP, HDP ve MHP'nin oylarıyla kabul edilmişti.
24.10.2018 - 19:13 | Güncelleme: 24.10.2018 - 19:33Gündem

  • TBMM tarafından araştırılmasına ilişkin önergesinin görüşülmesi talebi, CHP, MHP ve HDP’nin desteğiyle kabul edilmişti.


    TBMM’de, dört siyasi parti EYT konusunda ortak tutum takındı. İYİ PartiGrup Başkanvekili Yavuz Ağıralioğlu’nun, emeklilikte yaşa takılan vatandaşların mağduriyetlerinin giderilmesi, sorunlarının çözümüyle, açılan yeni kadrolarla işsizliğin önüne geçilerek yeni istihdam olanaklarının yaratılması amacıyla dün TBMM Başkanlığı’na verdiği araştırma önergesinin görüşülmesi ilişkin oylama yapıldı.

    Oylamada İYİ Parti milletvekillerinin yanı sıra CHP, MHP ve HDP milletvekilleri de kabul yönünde oy kullanınca, konuyla ilgili önergenin görüşülmesi kabul edilmişti.


GOOD! There is a reason why retirement age had to be increased in the first place!

Instead of reversing that we should actually go ahead and remove the 'state' pension system altogether!

People very well can invest their own money! There are private pension systems too, go join one of them instead instead of becoming a blood-sucking parazyte for the rest of the nation!!
if you look around the world, you'll see that state pension is common occurance, so I don't get why you're trying to demonize that ?

going 100% capitalism isn't the solution either. you need a solid balance between welfare state and capitalism.

Free education up to university would be good. people would be able to get a vocational education or a high school diploma.

basic healthcare and such would be good. partial payment for anything above basic health care and such. of course all of this needs to be balanced/ compared to how much tax we're paying.

I do agree that raising age of pension isn't viable. unless the politicians follow the same trend.
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it's retarded tbh. But just raising the age of retirement isn't the solution either. Here in Denmark the current pension age is 67, and because ppl live longer it's going to be raised.

What the retarded politicians don't mention or care about is that when you're 67, and a doodering idiot who needs a caretaker to change your diapers, what kind of job will you be able to do ?

No, raising the age of retirement isn't the solution. But they're doing that hoping that people will save up for early retirement themselves and retire, and those poor ppl who can't afford anything because they're public employed will work until they have to go to work in diapers.
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Exactly, just as everything extreme capitalism isnt the answer.

But CHP wants to decrease pension age? Is this party full of morons or something?

What’s the regular age to go pension or how many years you must work to go pension in Turkey?
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The current system with an artificial age of retirement is absolute bonkers and needs to be changed.

BUT there is no economy model that will sustain 45 year old pensioners, that's obviously not the way to go too.

I think the government should lift the age restriction altogether and at the same time increase the time that needs to be worked (working days). Instead of 7000 days increase this to 12000 days or so.

To determine the "days worked" number, try and balance it to someone who's 25 years old and has just started working - took no breaks between jobs and is able to retire at 60 years old, that comes around 12.000 - 13.000 days.

Also to ease up on the burden DECREASE the SGK payments by half. So the same amount of money is paid to the SGK at the end, but it's paid in smaller quantities and no one has to wait to an arbitrary age to retire.

Because of this decrease on SGK payments you would eliminate a huge chunk of illegal salary manipulations done by business owners as they would rather pay the smaller SGK fee (now that it's manageable) then face huge SGK fines and go bankrupt.

As to the worker, this gives them more options :

  • You're a hard worker? Congrats you could retire as soon as 53 even.
  • You want to slack off? Ok your choice, just keep pushing your retirement back to 65 or 70 or w/e you want.

You could also give current workers the choice to either opt-in to this new system NOW and continue from there OR just wait till their retirement age if they chose to.

This would be ideal IMHO.
Retirement on low age yields extra heavy loads for the state. Look at Greece..
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60 is enough, after 60 you are for 50% dead. It is not fair to work that much. You have payed 40 years and you are enjoying your retirement max 25 years.
It depends on if the system will be sustainable with 60, we here need to work till 65.
in Denmark, you're required to have worked for at least 30 years and paid taxes (full time job of course). depending on how much you've worked 30-40 years, your pension is regulated. if you've worked for 40 years, you get full pension (more money between your hands). you can have a private pension on the side to this. so if you're used to having 2-3000 USD in your hands every month, you can save up additionally to aim for that. And private pension is something you can decide when it should start, so you can even retire earlier if you don't want to work.

People who has physically hard work are worn out faster, in Denmark they used to have a "early" retirement system based on unions and such. you could retire 2-3 years before your age of retirement, and the union would pay out something like pension. The capitalistic government is dismantling this system claiming ppl can work until they're 67-72.
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