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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
How do you know how the Turkish economy is doing and make economic predictions?
Make a thread and teach the basics please? I'm serious btw
There are many economic indicators that you need to bring into account bro. It is not a short topic to explain. I will make a thread and explain it to you in detail tomorrow. The biggest wrong in Turkish situation was how can an economy like Turkey nosedive? This was all artificial and I know Turkey is near to reach the culprit. Economies like Turkey don't nose dive and I predicted the forecast of lira rising because I had few before hand news that what supports were coming to Turkish economy.
I also told Qatar is going to invest in Turkey yesterday but people said I was wrong. Lira is moving up at this very moment. My best wishes to my Turkish friends on recovery of their economy. May Allah keep Turkey prosperous always.
I also told Qatar is going to invest in Turkey yesterday but people said I was wrong. Lira is moving up at this very moment. My best wishes to my Turkish friends on recovery of their economy. May Allah keep Turkey prosperous always.
thank you bro for your good wishes. May Allah keep Pakistan prosperous always as well as
I also told Qatar is going to invest in Turkey yesterday but people said I was wrong. Lira is moving up at this very moment. My best wishes to my Turkish friends on recovery of their economy. May Allah keep Turkey prosperous always.

Qatar was probably the surest bet. Turkey stand with them in their hour of need. And not just the gov of Qatar, we saw in recent days videos of oridinary Qataris buying liras, and those are only the ones that filmed them self. Also, Kuwaitis, did the same. There was nt somekind of official campaign, just ppl doint it on their own accord. Even in Egypt, some imam sold his wifes gold for lira - not sure how his wife took the news :D
Albayrak visited KUwait, too. Its to be expected that Kuwait gov will show its support in some way.

Qatar was probably the surest bet. Turkey stand with them in their hour of need. And not just the gov of Qatar, we saw in recent days videos of oridinary Qataris buying liras, and those are only the ones that filmed them self. Also, Kuwaitis, did the same. There was nt somekind of official campaign, just ppl doint it on their own accord. Even in Egypt, some imam sold his wifes gold for lira - not sure how his wife took the news :D
Albayrak visited KUwait, too. Its to be expected that Kuwait gov will show its support in some way.


Many people supported Turkey in Lebanon Kuwait I already told it was in news even in Pakistan and many other countries. This proves one point Muslims are united against any foreign intervention in Muslim countries and Turkey is our pride and no one will let Turkey fall even in Azerbaijan and many Muslim countries lira went out of stock.
I also told Qatar is going to invest in Turkey yesterday but people said I was wrong. Lira is moving up at this very moment. My best wishes to my Turkish friends on recovery of their economy. May Allah keep Turkey prosperous always.
Lira got a lot of its value back! It is still too valued considerüng the path it had been following since 2002.. I still wonder though what led it to get out of its course so much.

Hopefully Lira will keep getting its value back and get back onto the track it was on. I didnt like the taste of these things when my paycheck virtually became worthless, hah!
So, giving the same 'national security' reason as with Canada, China, EU tariffs. Good

So, giving the same 'national security' reason as with Canada, China, EU tariffs. Good


Why media twists the news so much is USA back tracking on its statement. They just called pastor a national security and never differentiated between the 2 issues this proves that pastor is if a national security he is related to CIA.

She clearly meant pastor is a national security here listen to her.

I saw this whole live.
No, you missunderstud. Tariff policy is implemented under national securtity card, not just with regards with Turkey, but overall. Same reason was cited with Canada, Mexico, China, EU tariffs.
No, you missunderstud. Tariff policy is implemented under national securtity card, not just with regards with Turkey, but overall. Same reason was cited with Canada, Mexico, China, EU tariffs.
I saw it whole live she is linking the 2. Now that Turkish economy is in recovery they are trying to separate it just because they failed they are literally hiding their failure.
I understand these Yankees very well. We have played cat and mouse with them for years.

Yankees are backtracking and hiding their failure now. They went after Turkish economy like wolves

Bye bye Apple

@ARMalik wall street might take a hit down today I am not sure 100% but there is very high probability so play cautious for next week.
The reason why Turkey can stand strong against U.S is because of the relatively low trade between the two countries. Germany and Italy already made a statement to support Turkey.

But some Turkish analysts say that the danger can come on Eid al-adha and after it. Why specific Eid al-adha??
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