Lol you think 2 Greek soldiers did that. Greek economy is already in crises lol. I have told already what lira will do. My info came at 3 pm Pakistani time. Lira good day started at 5 pm Pakistan time and lira is still gaining. I am no guru I am a poor farmer. You are just talking about lira I gave you the pic of whole market. Tomorrow gold and stocks will also rise in Turkey and the people smuggling dollar out of Turkey to pkk Kurdistan Syria will be bombed and lira will also rise. Now will anyone give you this much info?
I just beat Bloomberg in forecast in and you still don't believe me friend why?
Israel and pkk will not be able to smuggle out any more dollars from Turkey.
And I am no guru but just a farmer seriously just a farmer.
Here Trump is already frustrated because lira is going up and pastor is still in jail.