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Turkish Directed Energy Weapons

Turkey further tests Sapan railgun hypervelocity weapon
13 NOVEMBER 2018

Turkey announced it successfully tested an electromagnetic kinetic weapon – referred to as ‘railgun' – which shoots metallic projectiles at hypersonic speeds. This makes the country join the other developers of this kind of weapon: Russia, the US, China, and India.

The weapon has been named "Tübitak Sapan," or "Tübitak Slingshot," after Turkey's Scientific and Technological Research Council (Tübitak). Weapons similar to Sapan are capable of firing a projectile as far as 100 km, at speeds of up to 3,500 meters per second (12,600 km/h). The Sapan has been tested at 9,300 km/h, faster than Mach 7.5. Ankara intends to boost the velocity of the round to Mach 8.5 (10.500 km/h), making it almost impossible for a target to defend itself, Business Times reports. The hypervelocity round is very difficult to intercept, and, since it has no electronics inside, it is immune to jamming and electronic warfare. In one live fire tests, a railgun successfully pierced a one-meter-thick reinforced concrete bunker.

This kind of weapon consumes an extremely high quantity of energy. In order to fire at 10 rounds per minute (one shot every six seconds), a railgun requires some 20 megawatts, the output of a power plant used to light and heat some 250 small homes.

First tested in 2014, Turkey's Sapan is a byproduct of Tübitak's research into inertial confinement fusion technology, also known as controllable thermonuclear energy, Business Times reports. Turkey reportedly plans to build eight TF-2000 class frigates, equipping them with full-scale combat-ready versions of the Sapan railgun.

Yusuf Akbaba‏ @ssysfakb 2h2 hours ago

Sapan: 100 KJ ve 400 KJ depolama enerjisine sahip iki farklı proje üzerinde çalışılıyor. Hedef, 2040 M/S namlu çıkış hızı ve 1 MJ namlu çıkış enerjisine sahip bir sistemi ortaya koymak.

Translated from Turkish by Microsoft
Slingshot: 100 kj and 400 kj are working on two different projects with storage energy. The target is to put out a system with a 2040 M/S barrel output speed and 1 MJ barrel output energy.


Tufan: 2040 M/S namlu çıkış hızı ve 2 MJ namlu çıkış enerjisine sahip mühimmat fırlatabilen bir sistem üzerinde çalışılıyor. Proje çerçevesinde 2.5 MJ depolama ve 250 KJ namlu çıkış enerjisine sahip bir sistemin test atışı yapıldı.

Translated from Turkish by Microsoft
Tufan: 2040 M/S barrel output speed and 2 MJ barrel output energy is being worked on a system that can launch ammunition. Within the framework of the project, a system with 2.5 MJ storage and 250 KJ barrel output energy was tested.
Will all three of them be used for specific uses? Or are the three just competing for a yet non-existent contract by the MoD? If so Tufan is ahead of the other two from the looks of it.
Prototype testbed, I believe this is being developed for Naval Platforms. - Nazar Project, Meteksan and Bilkent University.
View attachment 530480

A bit confusing it has been claimed that Nazar is a Directional Infrared Countermeasure blinding IR and IIR seekers of missiles, a system like AN / AAQ-24 (V) which is generaly used for air platforms but strange enough it seems our navy is asking for it! Do you have any info about it? yet a great achivment just in 3 years!! as the next step if we can manage to miniaturize the system we can easly apply it to our air platforms including TFX in the future since the testbed seems huge but yeee it is just a testbed!


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