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Like MKEK?

No, make another guess.

MKEK is a company.

MPT-76 is a technology (a product, IP rights owned by govt)

ALTAY is a technology (a product, IP rights owned by govt)

We need to mind where our money goes. Israel is a competitor.

When any of our money goes to a competitor that's another piece of power of Turkey taken away.
They have close ties with Israel.
Should edit, they have close ties with universities in turkey. I dont know the electronics, but in mechanical sysems they are assisted by universities.
Should edit, they have close ties with universities in turkey. I dont know the electronics, but in mechanical sysems they are assisted by universities.

Vestel is an electronics company. Once owned by Asil Nadir and later acquired by Zorlu Group, (don't know how). They are expected to have elctronics expertise and it is not all that hard to gain expertise in aerodynamics technology. However usually companies take shortcuts and take the path of buying technolojies rather than developing them and skipping experimenting altogather. Kale Group's fast path to technology is also extraordinary. I hope they really absorbed the technology they are developing. Good thing SSM acquires the IP rights to the systems that they contract the development of.
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Asil Nadir is still the "secret Boss". I heard from exhibitions visitors that they try to buy ready but -cheap Technology-
They have close ties with Israel. I wonder what percentage of their technology is created by them and what percentage originates from Israel. It is the same with the US. Israeli originated technology companies start in the US to cater to the markets that US has easier access. There are of course more companies like that in Turkey. I would only trust goverment owned technology.

With exceptions.

I dont know about Israeli technology but some years ago they tried to directly buy US technology, but failed(on the surface atleast).

US blocks company from exporting UAV tech to Turkey

On a side note, they also SOLD Vestel Karayel's technology to a french company called LH aviation.

Karayel Fransa yolcusu - Ekonomi Haberleri
Again, good thing SSM chooses to posses the IP rights and the decision to source the serial production of weapon systems they get developed. Otherwise buying off the shelf even from companies located in Turkey would be not much different from buying from abroad.
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The very stupid thing about SSM website is they update projects from time to time but they don't show it as 'X project's infos are updated' on the main page... We can't follow our projects from SSM website because we should check them 1 by 1 from time to time and it's something like impossible for me... We only see some signing ceremonies on the main that's all...

Also sometimes they don't even update them... Look at this one for example...

Havuzlu Çıkarma Gemisi (LPD)

Now i came across with this... They cancelled 2 New SAT Boat tender and now they are preparing a new one...

Updated at 06.07.2015

Yeni Sualtı Taarruz Timleri Harekatı İçin İntikal Botu (Yeni SAT Botu)

24.07.2015 TF-2000 update

Mevcut Durum :
Fizibilite çalışmaları tamamlanmıştır. Proje Modeli belirleme çalışmaları devam etmektedir.

Hava Savunma Harbi Fırkateyni (TF-2000) Projesi
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