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Meteksan radar is indeed not equivalent with Aselsan's radar and ther is not equivalent with meteksan. Different purpose radars, and this is better for aselsan, so they dont loose time with other projects.

Both are ground surveillance radars, so they have same purpose. Aselsan has already developed ACAR so no need to worry about time wasting. Infact if anyone is wasting time it is Meteksan, even if it is for maximising their R&D.. Where is MMW for T-129, METEKSAN ? :D

If Meteksan try to occupy the workshare of industrial giant, Aselsan, I think Aselsan will rape them. No institute in Turkey can compete with Aselsan and I think Meteksan also know it very well so They should better develop Atak-MMW, Anka-MMw and airport-MMW radars as soon as possible and sit on their chairs to concantrate on different areas Aselsan doesn't work on.

Aselsan Acar instrumental range = 60km
Meteksan Retinar instrumental range = 12km

Aselsan Acar large moving targets detection range = 40km
Meteksan Retinar large moving targets detection range = 10km

Aselsan Acar pedestrian detection range = 12km
Meteksan Retinar pedestrian detection range = 4km

Acar detail performance
Pedestrian detection = 12km
Light Vehicle detection = 20km
Helicopter detection = 25km
Heavy Vehicle detection = 35km
Convoy detection = 40km
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dont know I just hate the guy in the video damn punk!!!

Özge hanımıda ne diyelim Allah sahibine bağişlasın :devil:
dont know I just hate the guy in the video damn punk!!!


I used to hate the guy too.... let's say not the guy but the way he interrupts and asks his imbecile questions... later i realized he is interfering when presenters go too technical. We as defense enthusiasts can easily understand but average people (as this show is being aired in TRT) might not understand...

So, now i'm neutral against the guy (though i would prefer him staying silent)
Commander of Belarus visited ASELSAN...

Belarus Genelkurmay Başkanı ASELSAN’da | Haberler | Basın Odası | ASELSAN

Türkmenistan's 7th boat's (YTKB) communication systems & ASELSAN Hızır

Bedelli askerlik çıktı! İşte tüm detaylar! - Sabah


YAŞ'ta alınan kararla birlikte dün Bakanlar Kurulu'ndan alınan kararla 27 yaşını doldurmuş olan vatandaşlarımıza bedelli askerlik imkanı getiriliyor. Bu vatandaşlarımız 18 bin TL ödeme yaparak askerlik görevini yapmış sayılacaklar. Bu imkanın getirilmesi ile birikim hafifletilicek hem de buradan doğacak kaynak teknoloji yoğun savunma anlayışına geçebilmek adına o bölüme aktarılacak.Başka herhangi bir alanda kullanılmayacak.


Prime Ministry says this is avaliable for 611.880 persons... 18.000 TL each...

Sure all of them will not attend but let's make calculation with these numbers...

611.880 X 18.000 = 11.013.840.000 TL => $4.961.189.189,20 Let's say $5 bln... 8-)

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