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i dont say there wont be establishment bro, i say it makes no sense ; not a good choise,not a good decision ,not a good way to establish cooperation in education and research . This should be leaved to universities and our government specially leaded by current party shouldnt interfere this at all, just should include university cooperation in protocol,and let universities talking these details between each other,bypassing governments.

We have fallen into this mistake by founding ODTU,and a huge amount of our scientist and potential "kaymak tabaka ( top-students) " have flown to USA , europe , and stayed in there. Now they are trying their best to achieve those students back by programmes and attractions, they are failing one point, our universities couldnt develop themselves because inefficiency, when those guys came to back Turkey by any chance, they cant find oppurtinities, test equipment, and enough protocol for safety and assurance of research. It is because they have flown to there once,instead of they could stay ,or just going abroad till doctorate and coming back; Thus, we wouldnt have been faced this.

Japan is the best and most honest cooperation i have ever considered in basis of research and educational (universities level) so, my words arent toward Japan,but toward mind of our government. It shouldnt be in this way,and hope our instructors ( rectors are puppets ,leave them ) will speak out in this matter,to establish direct cooperation.

If one joint university boost us up in 1 , a cooperation like i mentioned would be 10 or 20 :) like example at ODTU,its also joint university ,but what its contribution since establishment just 1? if it was direct cooperation between universities (which covers several universities )for 40 years , we would be reached more self-sufficient level to say it 10 times more at least.
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PARDUS part is also imoortant for our security, economy and improvement in operating system field...
linux kernel by itself is much more secured than windows,also free. I think our state institutions should begin to use pardus more common,specially in matters including security clearance documents in military , defence ministry and other ministiries.

Also applications in Pardus for free :D , its possible to find equievalant of commonly used expensive applications ( like matlab , some drafting apps ) also has more smooth run for multi-core run of engineering applications. I have faced this, somehow linux based systems results less memory defects,than windows does.
i dont say there wont be establishment bro, i say it makes no sense ; not a good choise,not a good decision ,not a good way to establish cooperation in education and research . This should be leaved to universities and our government specially leaded by current party shouldnt interfere this at all, just should include university cooperation in protocol,and let universities talking these details between each other,bypassing governments.

We have fallen into this mistake by founding ODTU,and a huge amount of our scientist and potential "kaymak tabaka ( top-students) " have flown to USA , europe , and stayed in there. Now they are trying their best to achieve those students back by programmes and attractions, they are failing one point, our universities couldnt develop themselves because inefficiency, when those guys came to back Turkey by any chance, they cant find oppurtinities, test equipment, and enough protocol for safety and assurance of research. It is because they have flown to there once,and while they could stay ,or just going abroad till doctorate , and coming back then there wouldnt have been provided oppurtinities at the moment.

Japan is the best and most honest cooperation i have ever considered in basis of research and educational (universities level) so, my words arent toward Japan,but toward mind of our government. It shouldnt be in this way,and hope our instructors ( rectors are puppets ,leave them ) will speak out in this matter,to establish direct cooperation.

If one joint university boost us up in 1 , a cooperation like i mentioned would be 10 or 20 :) like example ot ODTU,its also joint university ,but what its contribution since establishment ? if it was direct cooperation between universities for 40 years , we would be reached more self-sufficient level.

@isoo ,

Your concerns are respected and I thank you for displaying your reasoning. Thank You. While the decision to establish a technology University in Turkey at the governmental level may be peripheral to the academic standard, I think we should analyze this decision on a strategic level. The decision to cooperate this way illustrates the sense of urgency by the governmental level, much can be compared to how Japan has decided to build a medical university in Vietnam-- which is expected to train up to 1200 Vietnamese medical students -- and this was a governmental decision. Vietnam and Turkey are both strategic partners to Japan as we see. I do agree with you that in time , we should expect and encourage an academic parlance within this joint institution -- allowing and encouraging not only Turkish academes , but also inviting some Japanese professors to teach and to encourage , to foster a sense of symbiosis between Turkish and Japanese science students, joint research et al. This university is not only a diplomatic signal for the need to heighten ties, but illustrates the beginning of our long term interests with Turkey, and vice versa.

Japan has plans to become a pro-active member in global affairs, as we have gutted our Article 9 of the Constitution. Given the interests of the Middle East, we see Turkey as the keystone in the Middle East and Southern and Eastern Europe. Together, we can do much.
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@isoo ,

Your concerns are respected and I thank you for displaying your reasoning. Thank You. While the decision to establish a technology University in Turkey at the governmental level may be peripheral to the academic standard, I think we should analyze this decision on a strategic level. The decision to cooperate this way illustrates the sense of urgency by the governmental level, much can be compared to how Japan has decided to build a medical university in Vietnam-- which is expected to train up to 1200 Vietnamese medical students -- and this was a governmental decision. Vietnam and Turkey are both strategic partners to Japan as we see. I do agree with you that in time , we should expect and encourage an academic parlance within this joint institution -- allowing and encouraging not only Turkish academes , but also inviting some Japanese professors to teach and to encourage , to foster a sense of symbiosis between Turkish and Japanese science students, joint research et al. This university is not only a diplomatic signal for the need to heighten ties, but illustrates the beginning of our long term interests with Turkey, and vice versa.

Japan has plans to become a pro-active member in global affairs, as we have gutted our Article 9 of the Constitution. Given the interests of the Middle East, we see Turkey as the keystone in the Middle East and Southern and Easter Europe. Together, we can do much.

You are right in this, i appreciated. And honestly my concerns arent for japan's intentions ,but its on turkey's. Current turkish government's mind wouldnt be in this sight, like you mentioned. That university will be established , and will be precious university for government instead of using the joint university as base for coop with existing universities. This will lead to ignoring of rest universities ,as its happened after establishment of ODTU (middle east tech. Un).

Unless japan is asking (why would be asking this, its turkey who needs this ) for further cooperation between existing universities , Turkey wouldnt do it. Thats why i prefer it to left on hands of instructors, profs , instead of governments. After this phase of cooperation done, joint university will be a result.

Turkey's capacity in engineering/Tech study and research reached already in a considerable level , just needs a vision ,advancement ( like level up ), which will be delivered by japan and joint researchs also with exchange of research staff.

Rather than encouraging japanese proffesors to lecture in turkey , joint researchs may be established on both side , which will lead exhange of staff, my opinion is this will ve more long termed, and give a way for japan to extend middle east by Turkey.

I appreciate your comment,since you have been in university as academic staff and would have netter knowledge than me. But i just mentioned how it would end up possibly.
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It makes no sense about a tech university in Istanbul for 2 reasons ;

1st , defence related industries locate their HQs in Ankara, where HQ of divisions both for Defence ministry, and Military stays. This why ODTU has too many cooperation and R&D partnership.

2nd , in istanbul there are 3 universities which is in top 5 of turkey ,2 of them tech university already ,1 of them general university , names are, Istanbul Technical U. Yıldız Technical U. ,and Boğaziçi , among all of them have one mutual point, all are state universities. While there are already established universities, and 2 of them has extensive cooperation with Japan , there is no sense to open one tech more in Istanbul, one or all of those universities can be participated a protocol between Turkey and Japan states, and having direct cooperation , joint researchs , Research staff exchange.

There have been some japanese instructors who came to turkey as guest instructor, i was honoured by joining of their class and it was nice. Also there are lots of turkish students going to S. Korea , and Japan ,by attending scholarship either by Turkish or Japanese Gov. ,or direct scholarship from foreigner universities.

I am not confronting one university founded by japan's assistance, i am confronting to situation while there are enough good universities which even named out themselves in international area, and throwing them a side by this action.

So far i know, Istanbul tech. U. has coop. with Moscow aviation inst. (RU) , New jersey inst. (US), Glasgow Un. (UK) . To note further , these coop arent in extensive level , it would be blessing if there is coop with japanese universities ,more extensive than those mentioned above.
I already knew those universities were cooperating with Japan but I read a while ago that Turkey and Japan agreed to open a joint university in Turkey. See this:
Turkey, Japan to set up university | Science & Technology | Worldbulletin News

By the way, I did my erasmus exchange program in Istanbul Universtiy. The quality of the University was disappointing but we also had guest lecturers from S-Korea, Japan and also Bosnia. I liked the Korean lecturer. Very lively.

I heard the quality of Istanbul Technical University, Koc University and Boğaziçi University is very good.
7 of NATO countries want crypto device of TÜBİTAK for their A400-Ms... Deliveries started...

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