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Turkish Air Defence Programs

It seems that Turkey is closed to buy S-400 missile system.Can Turkey take TOT of air defence system from russia due to buying s-400 missile system.Because south Korea developed air defense system by helping of Russia.Turkey is developing its short and middle range air defense system nemed hisar.If Turkey develop long range air defense system which uses cold launch system like s-400, it will be good product using west and east technology att the same time.

There are some key technologies needed.
S-400 will be a gap filler. I hope that we will our own THAAD missile within 5 years
It seems that Turkey is closed to buy S-400 missile system.Can Turkey take TOT of air defence system from russia due to buying s-400 missile system.Because south Korea developed air defense system by helping of Russia.Turkey is developing its short and middle range air defense system nemed hisar.If Turkey develop long range air defense system which uses cold launch system like s-400, it will be good product using west and east technology att the same time.

Well... TR want to buy but today geopolitics is difficult... TR will have to Choose btw RU or US... Therefore TR choice will be important for this future "S-400 sell"...
Putin plays a lot with that to maintain those around her...
Sry for Off Topic...
Mk-41 equivalent national VLS on image.


S&H magazine
Mk-41 equivalent national VLS on image.

View attachment 390123

S&H magazine

Mest oldum. Masallah.

Now I wanna quote brother robust :

"ATMACA fuzesinin burnundaki radar muhtelen X band veya Ku band olabilir. Bu iki radar frekans bandi, kisa dalga boyu ile yuksek cozunulurlukte hedef ayririmi yapabilen, yuksk frekans genisligine sahip, atis kontrol amacli kullanilan radarlar. SAR modu teorik olarak mumkun ama ATMACA cok alcak irtifa ucuyor ve cok kisa menzillerde ve kucuk bir sektorde ancak goruntu alabilir. Cok yuksekten alinan SAR goruntulerinde islemci ve algoritmanin kabiliyeti ile SAR resmi olusturuluyor. ATMACA bu islemci gucu, SAR resmini olsuturmak cok hizli yapilmak zorunda. Muhtemelen kucuk bir radar antenine sahip olmasi, cok kisa menzil aktif olmasi nedeniyle, kucuk bir sektoru SAR resmini cikarmak isine yarar mi? Deniz uzerinde kesin hedef secmek icin faydali olabilir. Ornegin, onumde iki tane hedef var, birinin diregi digerinden daha uzun, kopru onunde bir cikinti var (Phalanx CIWS mesela) gibi hedefleri karsilastirarak kendisine atis oncesi verilen hedefin sayisal goruntusu ile SAR goruntusunu karsilastirarak istenilen hedefi vurabilmesi mumkun.

Benim beklentim LPI (low probability of intercept) ozelligine sahip bir radar arayici kullanmalari mumkun olursa, gemilerin ESM sistemlerini uyutarak kendi yerini en son ana kadar belli etmemesi onemli bir ozellik olacakir. Genelde bu fuzeler radarlarini actiklarinda gemilerin ESM sistemleri ikaz vermeye baslar. Bu acidan ATMACA fuzesinin radar ozellikleri, hangi frekans genisliginde calistigi, pulse repetition ozellikleri cok gizli bilgilerinin korunmasi lazim. Bu kadar fuze ve torpido projesi yaparken casusluk faaliyetlerini goz ardi etmemek lazim ama feto sirketlerin icine iyice sizmis oldugundan ATMACA gibi projelerin bilgi guvenligi nasil korundu benim icin soru isareti. Bu konunun cok ciddi bir sorun oldugunun altini cizeyim tekrar.".

Translation will follow. I am on mobile
Well... TR want to buy but today geopolitics is difficult... TR will have to Choose btw RU or US... Therefore TR choice will be important for this future "S-400 sell"...
Putin plays a lot with that to maintain those around her...
Sry for Off Topic...
Why chines option is not considerd
Hq9 system is also very nice one.plus they were offering TOT also
. . . . .
Just for info,

S400=Patriot in terms of funcionality ?
. . . . . .

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