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Turkeys growing interest in Somalia

Armstrong, its really good you can vouch for China.. Personally i am not against China or Chinese people.. But just to have a good relation, i can not ignore what they do to my kinsmen..This is not who we are.. If talking about our peoples` conditions(note that i am not supporting an independent state) antagonize them, so be it.. Others talk about Kurdistan all the time so we are used to it, nothing new there.. Right now Turkey is doing great without China-Turkey cooperation..We will continue our rise with or without China

Your kinsmen ? Mate, I didn't know that this arose out of ethnicity....damn, the Palestinians who at least were subjects of the Ottoman Sultan and share a common religion with you guys have more in common with you then Turkic origin Chinese who settled in Xinjiang hundreds of years ago and yet Israel was one of your closest allies and not until recently were any of Israel's inhumanity against Palestinians called out . I'm sorely disappointed to think that this is some sort of a Pan-turkic thing !
lol i read all the posts and from my past experiences and actions of chinese people not all of them but you can understand a race , chinese people are nationalistic , rude and aggressive , whereas i spoke to many japanese and know they are very calm , kind , always smile , quiet and very clever whereas as far as i know this was opposite in past japanese were very aggresive etc but from what i saw they are like that i think this is got to do with their national position because they read a few china oh this oh china that oh china economic boom their rascism got even further
Your kinsmen ? Mate, I didn't know that this arose out of ethnicity....damn, the Palestinians who at least were subjects of the Ottoman Sultan and share a common religion with you guys have more in common with you then Turkic origin Chinese who settled in Xinjiang hundreds of years ago and yet Israel was one of your closest allies and not until recently were any of Israel's inhumanity against Palestinians called out . I'm sorely disappointed to think that this is some sort of a Pan-turkic thing !

I am not Pan-Turkist at all..I am highly against this idea actually..But i know that those Uighur Turkic Muslims dont deserve this at all..I highly recommend you to read the comments below the video..So you can see the peoples`, you vouch for, opinions about Muslims
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hunting down turks in xinjiang takes only a chinese police action. on the other hand, you deluded turks are talking about linking that birdy country of yours in a small corner in west asia to chinese realm in east asia. who has got the inflated ego? our xinjiang viceroy already spoke on this matter yesterday in beijing: xinjiang knows no leniency for terrorists; find a pan-turkicist, snuff a pan-turkicist. a few pan-turkicists like ergoden who could only talk some trash to us after we kicked them thousands of miles away from east asia are what i would call chest-thumping.

Thank you for proving my point once again

Post #33
I am not Pan-Turkist at all..I am highly against this idea actually..But i know that those Uighur Turkic Muslims dont deserve this at all..I highly recommend you to read the comments below the video..So you can see the peoples`, you vouch for, opinions about Muslims

there are other muslims in china than turkics and they live in peace under state protection of their religion and culture. we execute the pan-turkicists because they are turkish, not because they are islamic. and i quoted you the words of the xinjiang viceroy because as the paramount civil and military ruler in xinjiang, his opinion carries far more weight for turkics than a chest-thumping prime turkey minister or turkey members on PDF.
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there are other muslims in china than turkics and they live in peace under state protection of their religion and culture. we execute the pan-turkicists because they are turkish, not because they are islamic. and i quoted you the words of the xinjiang viceroy because as the paramount civil and military ruler in xinjiang, his opinion carries far more weight for turkics than a chest-thumping prime turkey minister or turkey members on PDF.

Thank you for the clarification.. I didnt know being Turkish is a reason for "execution" in China..
I am not Pan-Turkist at all..I am highly against this idea actually..But i know that those Uighur Turkic Muslims dont deserve this at all..I highly recommend you to read the comments below the video..So you can see the peoples`, you vouch for, opinions about Muslims

Mate if its on humanitarian grounds then I would counsel you to adopt a hardline policy towards Pakistan too because many Baloch separatists claim that we're virtually prowling the dusty plains of Balochistan butchering the first Balochi dissident we come across or that Pakistan should severe ties with Turkey because of all the random videos by Kurd Nationalists I've ever seen. But we don't..do we ? Because we take all of that news with more than a grain of salt and look at the bigger picture. I have come across enough videos and articles to suggest to me that we're killing Baloch in the hundreds and yet the same Baloch that I've talked to on this forum have a very different opinion of whats going on there...perhaps extending the same benefit of the doubt to China isn't that unthinkable.
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Mate if its on humanitarian grounds then I would counsel you to adopt a hardline policy towards Pakistan too because many Baloch separatists claim that we're virtually prowling the dusty plains of Balochistan butchering the first Balochi dissident we come across or that Pakistan should severe ties with Turkey because of all the random videos by Kurd Nationalists I've ever seen. But we don't..do we ? Because we take all of that news with more than a grain of salt and look at the bigger picture. I have come across enough videos and articles to suggest to me that we're killing Baloch in the hundreds and yet the same Baloch that I've talked to on this forum have a very different opinion of whats going on there...perhaps extending the same benefit of the doubt to China isn't that unthinkable.

Mate, of course it is not..China is not a power to underestimate..May be i expressed myself wrong..I am not against China-Turkey relation..I really would like to see a better Turkey-China relation..Well, time will tell..I dont want to ruin the topic anymore..Sorry everyone for derailing the topic
Can not say anything, a Turkish member said that a picture is worth a thousand words, of course, I show that he was deceived, and those pictures even be marked mosaic. This time, you want to tell me, a video is worth a thousand words,? OK, I can tell you, if you look at that video, you can judge the man is a thug or ordinary people? I personally tell you if a Uighur no illegal laws, he will not be subject to any penalty, but ifhe went to violate the laws of China, to hurt or kill other people, he will be punished by law, he will be arrested by the police and like this video. your video to refute my point of view? your video to refute my point of view?If you want to blame the Chinese, at least one real charge, what a lie can explain?

I just want to send a message, do not want to say more here. Can only say that, if the Turkish government also has the same ideas and some things are simple. If that is a zero-sum, some things are more easy to handle.

I am not really trying to create a big discussion here, however it would seem that the video hit a soft spot.

Tell me this, is your China who lay claim to Tibet and Taiwan, innocent ?

If your fellow Chinese Iajj's point of view valid, from what I understand out of what he says is that the strongest rule, so if we wipe out China, does that mean we can rule and treat you as we want ?
If your fellow Chinese Iajj's point of view valid, from what I understand out of what he says is that the strongest rule, so if we wipe out China, does that mean we can rule and treat you as we want ?

don't act as if you turks aren't criminals and murderers with plenty of european, arabic, caucasusian, and asian blood on your hands. today pan-turkics continue to bring grief and injuries to chinese people in xinjiang. and it is only chinese military superiority that ensured that we've acquired dominion in xinjiang and the sovereign right to kill turkic terrorists and rebels. so yes, it is the rule of the strongest that says on the fate of pan-turkicists a han party official in xinjiang has far more say than a pan-turkicist ideologue like erdogen who can only watch the execution of his fellow travelers with a womanly wringing of hands and groaning.
lol look at dirty chinese people rascist and now because in the last few years they got stronger now they think oh there so big and i cant believe pakistanis are supporting these guys yes you are allies but sometimes you gotta speak the truth from what he said these chinese guys here are all rascist for years they have been discriminated , even in my schools in UK they were treated like dogs , bullied , lol come UK see how many turks get bullied anywhere? none and in UK they are the dirtiest people , lol im so happy now what the japanese did to you it seems you deserved it , you work like dogs for europeon and american countries your products are known in the world as **** and you come and talk you rascist dirty guy , if any mod tries to ban me they are tottaly sided and biased those chinese rats should get banned only 1 here has spoken properly and fairly huzihaido but unles they say sorry i will not apologise

the only chinese i still like is jakie chan , just learn abit from the kindness of the japanese , also didnt the big china the massive china get invaded by little japan haha you are no different from india just little slaves and you will always be , oh also which parts of china was ruled ? i forgot tell me and let me get happier
Mate, of course it is not..China is not a power to underestimate..May be i expressed myself wrong..I am not against China-Turkey relation..I really would like to see a better Turkey-China relation..Well, time will tell..I dont want to ruin the topic anymore..Sorry everyone for derailing the topic

Believe me, You didn't... This shows from whose posts were deleted and whose weren't... You were very rational...

Congradulations for keeping your cool and responding to trolling and bashing with cool head.

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