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‘Turkey will never rule Arab World’ – Egypt’s FM

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bak bir daha diyorum adam Türklere "barbarians and savages dedi" sonradan türkçülere çevirdi konuyu. bunu savunmakta ne var?
Ben elaleme küfrederek pakistanlılara, araplara, çerkezlere ne varsa türkiyenin itibarını beş para eden namussuzların pisliğini temizlemek için araplara bir nevi dedimki sıkıntı yok bu türkçüler solcular dinsizler bir kac azınlıklar sadece sizlere değil biz müslüman Türklere de sövüyorlar biz hepimiz böyle değiliz. Şimdi bunu demek Türk düşmanlığı, hainlikmi oluyor yoksa ülkenin menfaatlerini korumak mı?

bak bir daha diyorum adam Türklere "barbarians and savages dedi" sonradan türkçülere çevirdi konuyu. bunu savunmakta ne var?

Adamın öyle demesinin bir sebebi var onu o noktaya getirenler ülkemizin adını kirletenlere yazıklar olsun

Bakın gecen Galatasaraylı Gomis'e maymun dedi sosyal medyada ünlü bir kişi

Noldu şimdi bir kendini bilmez ırkçı piç yüzünden bütün ülkemizin adı kirlenmedimi soruyorum size bunun gs'ye le fb'yele futbolla hiç bir ilgisi yok aynı şekilde arap seviciliği veya cerkez sevicilikle hiç bir alakası yok ırkçılık insanlık sucudur ırkçılık kime yapılırsa yapılsın yanlıştır bunu diyemiyorsunuz diyene arap sevicisi diyorsunuz lanet olsun ya

bak bir daha diyorum adam Türklere "barbarians and savages dedi" sonradan türkçülere çevirdi konuyu. bunu savunmakta ne var?

Türkçüler sosyal medyada Allaha bile küfrediyor sen neden bu gerçegi belirttiğim anda rahatsız oluyorsun yalan mı söylüyorum ben?
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benimle ne alaka

Seninle ne alaka mı sen bana tepki vermedinmi bana saldıranlara katılmadın mı

bak bir daha diyorum adam Türklere "barbarians and savages dedi" sonradan türkçülere çevirdi konuyu. bunu savunmakta ne var?

Nurhak, bak bir daha diyorum türkcüler Allaha, Peygambere, Araplara, Türklere, zencilere, Müslümanlara küfür ediyorlar hakaret ediyorlar. Sonradan arapseviciliğine hainliğe cevirdi konuyu. Bunu savunmakta ne var?
yav sen sen türkçüleri sevmiyor olabilirsin ,ben senin dediğin tipleri bilirim ve internet aleminde bunlardan dolaşan çoktur ama bunlar gerçek türkçü değildir ve bildiğin ırkçıdır. benim kast ettiğim o salmanın sirf (çakma)türkçü düşmani değil ama genel olarak türkleri sevmez.

neyse lets agree to disagree
Dayaktan anlarım diyorsun yalnız sorun şu ki hayatımda hiç dayak yemedim nasıl olacak şimdi sen mi bana dayak atacaksın güldürme beni

Git youtube, twitter, facebook hepsine bak türkücüler bize çomar, arappiçleri, sübyancı,peygamberimize bile haşa küfrediyorlar

Benim onlara tepki göstermem bundan dolayıdır sen ne dersen de niyetimi Allah biliyor gerisi beni bağlamaz

Burada türk düşmanlarıyla, iç ve dış düşmanlarla en çok ben atıştım mücadele ettim ne diyorsun sen be.

Fetonun piçi köpek gibi havlamayı bırak insan ol edepinle takın

Pm'den yaz bana gereken bilgileri vereyim sana telefon numarası adres ne istersen gel bunları yüzüme söyle eğer namus şeref yoksunu bir piç kurusu değilsen gelirsin sözünün arkasında durursun

Dini değerlerimize gece gündüz küfreden türkcüler ve diğer alçakların

Allah belasını versin her kimki bunu destekliyor Allah onlarında belasını versin

ALLAHIN LANETI kafirlerin üzerine olsun

Pm atamiyorum lan amcik, gidip oruspu gibi hemen polise vermede cakal oglu cakal. Sende varmi lan o dassak yuzume gelecek
Feet sucker of Jew after the umayad period usmaniya period was golden era of Muslims which u very Arabs lost for Muslims for ur own setisfaction
‘Turkey will never rule Arab World’ – Egypt’s FM

Published time: August 23, 2013


A non-Arab state, like Turkey, can’t rule the Arab World, Egypt’s interim foreign minister, Nabil Fahmy, told RT Arabic in an exclusive interview, calling Ankara’s ambitions to restore the Ottoman Empire groundless due to failed relations with neighbors.

Egypt’s interim government has only nine months ahead of it, but during that time Egypt will review its relations with all the countries on the world map, Fahmy said.

The minister stressed that all the attempts by the US and the EU to bring the army-backed government and the pro-Morsi Muslim Brotherhood movement to the negotiations table have failed, because the sides weren’t ready to reach an agreement and lacked mutual trust.

“First of all, it refers to the political Islam movements. The Muslim Brotherhood wanted a return to the past, but it’s impossible and unacceptable for the majority of the Egyptian people,” he said. “It’s not a problem between the Muslim Brotherhood and the government or the leadership of Egypt. It’s a problem between the Muslim Brotherhood and the majority of the Egyptian people.”

The FM stressed that all the attempts of “internationalization” of the Egyptian problem won’t be tolerated and that the crisis in the country will be settled “the Egyptian way.”

Fahmy has slammed Egypt’s foreign policy under Morsi, saying it was too ideological and lacked sense of direction, “hopping between the Eastern and pro-Western course.”

The minister said that it’s going to change under him. He has ordered a revision of Egypt’s relations with all the states on the world map “without exception,” including the US, which had significant influence on the country’s previous government.

“Our decisions will be based on evaluation of how our relations get in line with our [Egypt’s] interests,” he explained.


Despite Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait showing their support for the Muslim Brotherhood, it’s necessary for Egypt to maintain close and effective dialogue with its Arab neighbors, Fahmy stressed.

“Our relations with Arab states are relations with brotherly states. Therefore, they have a special nature and are unlike any traditional relationship between two different countries,” he said. “Our mutual understanding in relations with brotherly states – when it’s present – reaches the greatest heights. When there are differences between us, no matter how tense they are, in the end we always find a solution in the frame of our special relations.”

According to the FM, all former statements now belong in the past and in building its new foreign policy Cairo won’t go back to the status quo before June 30, when the first anti-Morsi protests began across the country.

But Fahmy criticized Turkey and the Islamist government of prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for their backing of the Muslin Brotherhood rule in Egypt.

Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) “is afraid that if the ideas of political Islam will fail in the region, it’ll has [have] a negative impact on its own position within Turkey,” he explained.

The minister also believes that the Turkish plan to recreate the Ottoman Empire of 1299-1923 and take the leading position in the Arab World has no grounds in it.

“A non-Arab state can’t head the Arab Islamic world,” Fahmy said, adding that Turkish foreign policy, which was previously highly appreciated, is now “suffering a defeat”.

“It’s clear that Turkey currently has bad relations with all of its neighboring countries,” he stressed. "Thus, Turkey can’t become the head of the Islamic World at the present stage because of its failed foreign policy and lack of capacity to play a leading role in the region.”

The cooling of relations between the two countries recently led to cancellation of joint military drills, but Fahmy noted that “in the long term, neither Egypt nor Turkey are interested in their relationship being spoiled.”

There should also be “no hostility” in relations between Cairo and Hamas, although the Palestinian Sunni Islamic movement, which controls the Gaza strip, stands on basically the same grounds as the Muslim Brotherhood, the FM stressed.

He called Hamas “a part of the solution of the Palestinian problem,” but stressed that Egypt respects its peace treaty with Israel, expressing hope that the 1979 document would become “a starting point for a comprehensive peace between the Arab countries and Israel.”

As for the situation in Syria where the civil war between the government and western-backed Islamist rebels has been raging since March 2011, Fahmy expressed his full backing for the Geneva-2 peace talks.

“It must be a serious conference with the participation of all stakeholders,” he said. “Because the situation in Syria contains the dangerous potential of ‘reshaping’ the whole of the Middle East to such an extent that we haven’t seen since World War I.”

Fahmy also said he has frequent and “objective” conversations with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, promising that bilateral visits which will clarify the situation between Moscow and Cairo are “just a matter of time”.

Nabil Fahmy was sworn in as Egypt’s foreign minister in the interim government led by PM Hazem Al Beblawi, on July 16. The 62-year-old is a career diplomat, who from 1999 to 2008 was his country’s ambassador to the US.

?Turkey will never rule Arab World? ? Egypt?s FM ? RT News
And who is going to stop the Turks? The Sunni NATO? :rofl::rofl:
Apparently the 5000000 million Arabs like some Arab trolls here say lol.

The position of Arabs may be explained by a Turkish loculation; "Her kafadan başka ses çıkıyor!" The nearest English conversation is may be as "There is a different sound in every head!"
Isn't turkey's among the most progressive country in the middle east? I won't be suggesting that they should lords over Arabs (and I doubt it's in their national interest anyway), but hey, Arabs can learn from them right?
The Sheep (previously known as Shepherd7 and now as @GOLDENEAGLE1 ) is changing his nicknames more often than he changes his ethnicity and heritage it seems. Are you now a Kurd with a family from Mardin, boy? Or probably an 100% Yoruk from the Toros Mountains? :D I'm your stalker boy, you won't run away from me... you can't hide. :astagh:

ps I am tagging you guys here so that you know who is the Golden Eagle with the Turkish flags on his profile that keeps licking the anti-Turkish Arab asses around here. @TurkeyForever @Baybars Han @Fenasi Kerim
Quite typical for Egypt to blame their corrupt government and lack of human rights to citizens , and blame it on Turkish Muslims

What exactly is arab ? The inhumane killing in Syria or Iraq while the rich class sits in their castles and watches and chanting , we will will close our eyes and when we will wake up tomorrow it will be just a dream

If the old Turkish / Muslim empire had not been disbanded post world war 1 , the oil from Middle east which was part of their domain would have helped revived the fortunes of all regions in that empire.

Muslims are getting bitch slapped by world media left or right and so called Arabs or Muslism are busy pointing fingers , that this region is our and this oil field is our and that is not yours and one thing is Arab or another is none arab

WAKE up and smell the coffee

How hilarious is it that door steps from Egypt lies Aqsa Mosque and it is occupied and Egyptian Armed forces , can't even go help Palestinians who happen to be their brethern "Arabs"

There is no real such thing as Arab there is only "Either you are Muslim" or you are not

Arab pride only exists on Soccer fields when there are fights between Arab teams or you see a crazy red card play , and that is all it is CHAOS ...

This is how the world defines "Arab"

a) Expect to get paid low wages
b) Expect to get abused in employment unpaid overtime
c) Expect no leadership to form strategic partnership to protect Muslim cause
d) Stereo types of rich prince and their fancy cars and dollars in European streets
e) Huge amount of $$$ wasted on Soccer teams and sponsorships
f) Silly black robes
g) No cinema (middle east) , women can't drive
h) Messed up society
i) Problem with health care system
j) Problem with water and electricity
l) Problems with food quality and living standards

And same problem exist also in Pakistan

Nothing has really changed from WW1 to Now , expect that Muslism are not globally being abused

The living standards of Muslims in their countries has remained pretty much the same as it was under Turkish Empire, May be in Middle east (after oil money came in 1970 ) they made massive cities but still there are many problems

Where is the Global Muslim voice that would have prevented Syrian Massacre or or Killing in Iraq

Mess in Iraq ~ Mostly Arab people
Mess in Libya ~ Mostly Arab people
Mess in Syria ~ Mostly Arab people
Mess in Palestine ~ Mostly Arab people

Where is the Global Muslim voice that would have prevented Syrian Massacre or or Killing in Iraq

Turkey is not even involved ... people they are in their own country housing Syrian Refugess

The fundamental , thing is only that poor muslims dying on ground have no voice and it is not about being Arab or not anymore
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Quite typical for Egypt to blame their corrupt government and lack of human rights to citizens , and blame it on Turkish Muslims

What exactly is arab ? The inhumane killing in Syria or Iraq while the rich class sits in their castles and watches and chanting , we will will close our eyes and when we will wake up tomorrow it will be just a dream

If the old Turkish / Muslim empire had not been disbanded post world war 1 , the oil from Middle east which was part of their domain would have helped revived the fortunes of all regions in that empire.

Muslims are getting bitch slapped by world media left or right and so called Arabs or Muslism are busy pointing fingers , that this region is our and this oil field is our and that is not yours and one thing is Arab or another is none arab

WAKE up and smell the coffee

How hilarious is it that door steps from Egypt lies Aqsa Mosque and it is occupied and Egyptian Armed forces , can't even go help Palestinians who happen to be their brethern "Arabs"

There is no real such thing as Arab there is only "Either you are Muslim" or you are not

Arab pride only exists on Soccer fields when there are fights between Arab teams or you see a crazy red card play , and that is all it is CHAOS ...

This is how the world defines "Arab"

a) Expect to get paid low wages
b) Expect to get abused in employment unpaid overtime
c) Expect no leadership to form strategic partnership to protect Muslim cause
d) Stereo types of rich prince and their fancy cars and dollars in European streets
e) Huge amount of $$$ wasted on Soccer teams and sponsorships
f) Silly black robes
g) No cinema (middle east) , women can't drive
h) Messed up society
i) Problem with health care system
j) Problem with water and electricity
l) Problems with food quality and living standards

And same problem exist also in Pakistan

Nothing has really changed from WW1 to Now , expect that Muslism are not globally being abused

The living standards of Muslims in their countries has remained pretty much the same as it was under Turkish Empire, May be in Middle east (after oil money came in 1970 ) they made massive cities but still there are many problems

Where is the Global Muslim voice that would have prevented Syrian Massacre or or Killing in Iraq

Mess in Iraq ~ Mostly Arab people
Mess in Libya ~ Mostly Arab people
Mess in Syria ~ Mostly Arab people
Mess in Palestine ~ Mostly Arab people

Where is the Global Muslim voice that would have prevented Syrian Massacre or or Killing in Iraq

Turkey is not even involved ... people they are in their own country housing Syrian Refugess

The fundamental , thing is only that poor muslims dying on ground have no voice and it is not about being Arab or not anymore

Looks to me like Egypt is against Turkey's foreign policy, they couldn't be more right.
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