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Turkey warns Israel against attacks

Israel never told Egypt to close the border, on contrary, Israel would be happy if all suplies to Gaza were passing through Egypt.

And Gaza is really flooded with medicines, problem that many medicines are outdated or useless. In Edogan's ship some 70% of medicines were expired.

israel is worried about Rafah border; especially after recent reports of alleged underground tunnels used by HAMAS

not sure if that was verified or not though
israel is worried about Rafah border; especially after recent reports of alleged underground tunnels used by HAMAS

not sure if that was verified or not though

Nope, If we want IsAF can attack those underground tunnels, just as it did before. Besides, Egypt listens to us so we can get them to close the Rafah crossing if Hamas or the Palestinians act up again, like last time as well.

Rafah isn't a problem in fact Israel knows the locations of those "underground tunnels" just because they are "underground" doesn't mean their location is unknown...
Israel never told Egypt to close the border, on contrary, Israel would be happy if all suplies to Gaza were passing through Egypt.

And Gaza is really flooded with medicines, problem that many medicines are outdated or useless. In Edogan's ship some 70% of medicines were expired.

70 % of medicines were expired ? Were you there ? Or Israeli officials said so ?
Israel never told Egypt to close the border, on contrary, Israel would be happy if all suplies to Gaza were passing through Egypt.

And Gaza is really flooded with medicines, problem that many medicines are outdated or useless. In Edogan's ship some 70% of medicines were expired.
It's more of a give and take. I believe Israel shared intelligence with their Egyptian counterparts with Muslim Brotherhood, which Mobarek and high top doesn't want them to exist.

Also, there is a clear psychological warfare going on from Israel to the media about the flotilla raid. It wasn't Erdogan's ship or anything. It may have supported under the table, but you have no clear evidence supporting that. Also, medicine that IHH tried to deliver to Gaza, could still be usable even 70% of the medice expired, which I can hardly believe due to old anti-trust to IDF.

Perhaps we are missing the point here. Israel is never ever gonna be welcomed in the region until a two state solution established. Just because Turkey decided to foresee new paths to boost its economic diversity, instead of smoothing relations with her, Israel decided to create a new media hype about axis of Turkey, Iran and Syria. In the long run, you can never know US is gonna be a superpower as its current power. When its not, as all superpowers doomed to be shaded into history book pages, you would be on your own with all your neighbours hate you and destroy your state. Can you find a one state in ME that advocates Israel's reason to exist other than Turkey, even today? I don't think you can. Erdogan came into power with democracy and he will go with it.

Look, what Turkey trying to establish in the region with its zero-problem policy. She is not naive to accept it can be peaceful with your all neighbours, but she tries to dim where there is a problem before. After all, Israelis live in the region, not US. Diaspora of Jewish ethnicities in US won't be a lot of help when you don't have a clear agenda of how you wanna exist as a state, other than you just want to exist. When you don't have an agenda of your own other than military power supported or not, you may not have a bright future according to previous historical lessons.
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israel is worried about Rafah border; especially after recent reports of alleged underground tunnels used by HAMAS

not sure if that was verified or not though
Tunnels used for smagglng weapons existed long before Hamas came to power and Israel always asked Egypt to take care of these tunnels. However Israel never ever asked Egypt to close legal crossing of any peaceful materials and goods. On contrary, Israel would be happy if all goods to Gaza were passing through Egypt.

70 % of medicines were expired ? Were you there ? Or Israeli officials said so ?

YouTube - Expired medicine donated to Gaza

YouTube - BBC Panorama - What happened on the Flotilla to Gaza 2 of 2
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My brothers.. Silent Ninja and all... why do you get upset at me? I m not saying anything wrong... please keep emotions aside for one minute and read carefully what I am saying...

Erdogan is not what you are thinking of him... Turkey is not any more Islamic than it used to be a decade and a half ago... We should be sick and tired of hollow slogans and mere harsh words by now... we have seen such nonsense for a long long time... everytime Muslims start claiming back their heritage and go to their Islamic roots in a decent manner... someone comes along and hijacks their sentiments and we start cheering for them without giving a second thought... Please think about it for a moment... I know how Islam is making a strong return in Turkey today... I have personally met some of the most important people within such a movement and truly they are sincere and want change for the better... but to be sincere and desiring change is NOT enough... one needs to see what is happening on the ground...

The reality of Turkey today is that the current government is only using such slogans to keep their majority stupefied which has amazingly shifted from Secularism to Islam... By this measure I would rather see secularists with a bit of decency i.e not agreeing to torture political prisoners (which has been a norm in Turkey in the past) to be in place of Erdogan today... at least they wont use Islam for their political purpose... dont you see what happened in Iran... where the Ayotollahs hijacked the Islamic sentiments of the people and in return gave them misery not much different to what they had under the Shah...

We need to start demanding straight answers from these governments...

1. Why is it that Israel kills humanitarian aid workers and gets away with it without any proper apology and compensation for the victims... as well as punishment to the soldiers involved in that cowardly attack?

2. What Islamic economic policies have Erdogan government adopted that he is now considering himself even more enlightened than the Ottomans even?

3. Why is it that people get thrown in jails for talking about Islam still in Turkey today?

4. When will Turkey abolish all travel restrictions with a brotherly country like Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world? After all I have close Turkish friends, feel perfectly at home in Turkey, even know a little of the Turkish language, pray with Turks in those magnificent mosques... why cant I call Turkey my home also as a Muslim? Why cant I invest my money within Turkey instead of Europe? Why are we still insisting on borders between Muslims... to keep them divided and fractured? and all of this while this government is begging the enemies to join them in the European Union? Read my words... You may have forgotten your history... but the French have NOT... they will never ever allow Turkey in the EU... Erdogan and his friends can keep dreaming about this...

Lets start with these simple things first... we should start demanding action rather than hollow words and harsh slogans... Israel blatantly murdered our Turkish brothers in cold blood and our entire armies (forget the Arabs... what about us Turks and Pakistanis?) keep sitting in their barracks?

Heres an idea for Erdogan... send in some military naval vessels armed to the teeth with the next aid flotilla that goes to Palestine with a clear warning that we will use force if Israel tries to attack the aid convoy... and then act on such a threat...

You know something... Israelis would never dare to take on Turkish military... NEVER EVER... if they did they have everything to lose and nothing to gain...

Please please be assertive... and enough with useless politics!!!
Oh and another thing that Erdogan can do to put Israel back in its place is to send a few squadrons of Turkish Air Force F 16s and station them in Lebanon for an indefinite period of time... Let us have some joined Turkish Lebanon training... Once we get rid of this government, we can send our jets to such training as well... You like my idea yeah? ;)

Bro. i will give answer of your questions.

lets start with number 1 You are right but i think you do forget that Israel has crazy, maniac leaders who are ready to use their own Nukes directly to muslims !!! We cant give response against this kind of strike.... I mean nuclear strike. you know Turkiye has ability to wipe israel out from the current maps right now. btw still we didnt stop to get our rights coz Israel broke the international laws on the international waters. No way, first they will apologize and pay compensation to the victims families !!!

2 you are right again about Erdogan and i dont like him but he has some plans that you can understand..

3 you are not right about this coz nobody gets thrown jails coz they are/were talking Islam.. i think you are mistaken about this.

4 Bro. Turkiye tries to open its own borders to all of closer countries but its not depend on the only one side !! for example Turkiye was going to open borders and let Azeri brothers visit Turkiye without visa but Azerbaijan still wants visa from Turkish citizens. Maybe you know, Iran,Iraq,Syria,Jordan, Japan,Korea these are some countries that we do not want visa from their citizen. Now i dont know how about Pakistan. I am pretty sure Turkiye doesnt want visa from Pakistani people also.

If you dont feel Turkiye as your home or brother etc and others are your own opinion. But most of Turks feel that Pakistan is our second home and brother country.
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Dear TrMhMt.

May you and your family be happy for your reply...

1. Please brother... dont be afraid of Israel or their nukes... I can honestly say to you that if Israel ever dared such an option on Turkey, it will cease to exist within the year of such an action... they desperately want to survive brother... they have absolutely no intention to start using their nukes because they know its repercussions... So this fear is not reasonable... Nukes are always last options... When I was a kid, my father used to tell us that the Soviet Union leader used to boast that he has placed the button to wipe off our city in Pakistan in his bedroom (The Russians had shot down a U2 spy plane which had flown from our city in Pakistan if I remember correctly)... but did we fear? No we engaged Russia, dragged the mighty bear into a quagmire in Afghanistan and the Soviet Union is now in the dustbin of history... We can do the same to Israel... for a world of the future where Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus and no matter what a person's religion is can live in peace and harmony with economic abundance... Such a dream shall not come true if we keep tolerating Zionazism that keeps raising its ugly head now and then when it is convenient for it to spill innocent blood... Read my words today and know that I swear by God who holds my life in His hands... there can be no peace as long as Zionism remains amongst our midst...

2. It is not about not liking Erdogan... its about his use of these slogans and not doing anything serious about these issues... and also that our brothers and sisters place hopes on people and keep getting disappointed again and again...

3. I am right bro... I have seen videos of people getting arrested and brought to jails... Turkey has certainly improved from the past when prisoners were brutally tortured... but it still happens and one can get into trouble if talking about certain things in Turkey... specially if you go against the ruling party nowadays...

4. How can you say I dont feel Turkey as my home... that is my whole point... Turkey is my home... it does nt matter where I was born or what passport I carry... when I can stand shoulder to shoulder with a brother from Turkey to face God and bow before the creator... why should I make any difference between myself and someone who was born in Turkey or Germany to Turkish parents...

Long live Turkey bro... God honored the Turkish nation with the leadership of Muslims... I wish Turkey would resume that role again... we shall always be with Turkey no matter what happens... but the thing that are happening in the world todaycvvx... we need to show the world that we are together... Lets start training our armies together, let us remove all travel restrictions and investment restrictions... let us unite amongst ourselves genuinely concerned about each other in reality and not just when we talk... I would happily lay my life for Turkey bro... I would expect nothing less from you or any other Turk to do the same for Pakistan... this is why I post in Turkish topics brother... this desire... this love for Turkey... thats all there is to it...

Pakistan is also your FIRST home brother... I truly dont understand why more Turkish people dont visit Pakistan? At least they should visit main cities like Karachi a lot often and make friends with the communities there...
Bro. i really understand you and i feel exactly what you feel.

Edit: I have many thing to say but here is a forum and some times we must keep it in. Only InsAllah we will see that what you want to see ...
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Tunnels used for smagglng weapons existed long before Hamas came to power and Israel always asked Egypt to take care of these tunnels. However Israel never ever asked Egypt to close legal crossing of any peaceful materials and goods. On contrary, Israel would be happy if all goods to Gaza were passing through Egypt.

YouTube - Expired medicine donated to Gaza

YouTube - BBC Panorama - What happened on the Flotilla to Gaza 2 of 2

It does not prove that medicines that we sent with mavi marmara was outdated.
bs news.. i dont think turkey will go through that much trouble and then supply expired medicine..
It does not prove that medicines that we sent with mavi marmara was outdated.
Well these are not Israeli sources.

bs news.. i dont think turkey will go through that much trouble and then supply expired medicine..
Purpose of the ship was to create provocation. There was not any lack of medicines in Gaza.
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