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Turkey VS Asad: Should Ankara take the leap?

Should Turkey participate in a military operation to free Syria off Asad?

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No,why should we?
The GCC countries are closer(arabs)they would be more accepted by Syrians.
We would be seen as hostile invaders by some.
If there was no other option then yes but there are enough countries to do the job
We could help logisticly or building new infrastructure after the war.

Yeah, Turkey should just stick to maintaining its own territorial integrity. Let Turkish forces have very flexible Rules of Engagement when dealing with unprovoked attacks by Syrians. However, there are too many unknowns and variables if Erdogan ordered Turkish forces to go into Syria.
Thats the reason why I believe a Alawite state has to be founded within Syria, like the french did, because I'm sure because those rebells will surely not stop once Assad is gone.

And frankly we don't know who this so called Free Syrian Army is, like Jihadist or whatever and you can easily tell that they are bastards too, I mean those chemical weapons that apparently have been used were reportedly used by the rebells. Assad and the rebells are both no good.

Tomorrow Israel will want a "Alawite" State within Turkey. Will you accept it?
Mate, it's not our both worlds problem. UN should deal with it. I mean why are we risking our soldiers.

And yes proxy wars had never been our style but if you have someone to fight for you why fight by yourself.
It's our problem more than the rest of the world, Syrian refugees aren't flooding to all countries equally. We are getting the most damage and it's not just that.

IF we are to establish some sort of hegemony in the region we must be willing to get our hands dirty.
I guess that makes you at the very bottom of human evolution then.
You didn't just change your avatar, you've changed your attitude. I'm not sure if this has got something to do with you losing your administrator position or all those mocking you've been subjected to. Either way you're making me so fvcking proud!
Talk is cheap and the Syrians keep dying. I'm not saying Turkey should use military force but Erdogan should at least stop pretending to be all powerful when even Assad makes fun of him and his rhetoric.

Point is that PM Erdogan is a weak leader who talks a lot but Turkey should not intervene unless their own security is at risk.
Even though he selected his own chief of staff he still don't have the open support of the army. Hence the talk.. It is all he can do. Do you think if we had one of the 1990s prime ministers Bülent Ecevit or Tansu Çiller he/she would've waited months for your apology? I don't think so.

Greeks are drilling Cyprus' petrol reserves while the TRNC is still unrecognized. What Erdo did? Nothing. Obviously we need someone with cojones and neither Erdoğan nor Kılıçtaroğlu is the guy of this job.
Tomorrow Israel will want a "Alawite" State within Turkey. Will you accept it?
We don't have sect wars in Turkey and Israel doesn't get to dictate us sh.t. Alavi Turks are just as patriotic as those from other beliefs. They would get angry to even hear the idea.
Even though he selected his own chief of staff he still don't have the open support of the army. Hence the talk.. It is all he can do. Do you think if we had one of the 1990s prime ministers Bülent Ecevit or Tansu Çiller he/she would've waited months for your apology? I don't think so.

Greeks are drilling Cyprus' petrol reserves while the TRNC is still unrecognized. What Erdo did? Nothing. Obviously we need someone with cojones and neither Erdoğan nor Kılıçtaroğlu is the guy of this job.

Osman Pamukoğlu is your man. :agree:

He harshly critized Erdogan in the Mavi Marmara incident, and offered some interesting actions. :butcher:
there were some certain reasons prevented government not to retaliate Assad regime when an unarmed Turkish reconnaissance jet shot down in coast of mediteranian..

At that time Turkey's public opinion was not liking about any millitary intervention againist syria because of hard challanges by oppositions...... main opposition party of Turkey CHP now majorly ruled by Allawite Staff..its leader Kamal Kelechdaroghlo is his self Alawite.. many times went to Syria and visited Assad...CHP and other oppotions claimed that the event of shoting down of Turkish Jet is US conspiracy in order to push Turkey into Syria conflicts.....so the athmosphere of public was in favour of oppositions..

2 nd reason is probably tthe most important one.. Turkey see Assad as a goner by 100%...So wish Assad regime to be ousted by resistance and revolution of Syrian own people in order to reduce legitimaate of regime to zero value in international poltic arenas...
There is a difference between Alevite and Alawite, you religious guys should know better.

No mate, Alevite and Alawite is the same thing..you know there is no W in turkish alphabet..
that is Pro-Ali..

But Turkish alawite has nothing to do with Syrian Noussayrism...Noussayris is a totally separate religion by its own ways..Throughout islamic history Noussayris regarded and accepted as a non-muslim community....But in 80s soma irani mullahs with efort of legitimating Hafez Assad regime among muslim worlds issued fake some fatwas and claimed that Noussayris is branch of lost Alawite sect...So Noussayris are allawite and they are from muslim community too..

Because Syrian constitution wont permit and dont legitimate of a non muslim person to be president of Syria..

You know, some politic sircles of Alawite in turkey support Assad regime by assuming Nousayris as Alawites like genuis persons Kamal Kelechdaroghlu
You didn't just change your avatar, you've changed your attitude. I'm not sure if this has got something to do with you losing your administrator position or all those mocking you've been subjected to. Either way you're making me so fvcking proud!
Even though he selected his own chief of staff he still don't have the open support of the army. Hence the talk.. It is all he can do. Do you think if we had one of the 1990s prime ministers Bülent Ecevit or Tansu Çiller he/she would've waited months for your apology? I don't think so.
There wouldn't be a Mavi Marmara without Erdogan and there wouldn't have been any need to antoganoze Israel but it is apparent that Erdogan wants to be more Arab than Arabs.
There wouldn't be a Mavi Marmara without Erdogan and there wouldn't have been any need to antoganoze Israel but it is apparent that Erdogan wants to be more Arab than Arabs.

There wouldn't Dead Childs in Palestine.
Osman Pamukoğlu is your man. :agree:
He harshly critized Erdogan in the Mavi Marmara incident, and offered some interesting actions. :butcher:
indeed, he's the man. Kılıçtaroğlu'z a puzzy.
2 nd reason is probably tthe most important one.. Turkey see Assad as a goner by 100%...So wish Assad regime to be ousted by resistance and revolution of Syrian own people in order to reduce legitimaate of regime to zero value in international poltic arenas...
Why would it be any more or any less legitimate? There are two sides trying to gain control of the country, public support is just one aspect. If Asad's side is still in the game it's because the superior equipment and tactics of his forces over FSA. French bombed Gaddafi, he's gone and it seems to be finally over.
There wouldn't be a Mavi Marmara without Erdogan and there wouldn't have been any need to antoganoze Israel but it is apparent that Erdogan wants to be more Arab than Arabs.
Perhaps, I don't give a sh.t about those crocodile tears about "Dead childs of Palestine" it's called Children btw. Harvesting emotions is what they do. This is official business which has a strategic outcome. They are the ones who make the Hamas propaganda through Gülen's media in the first place. They don't give a sh.t about children either, they just want to manipulate the masses.
We dont have religion related problems in Turkey, they allways want to bring that to Turkey despite knowing it will never work.

We have. But Alevis are very patient people, like cemevis vs mosques, IDs and so much more.
Althought I have stopped believing in such a thing as a god I still have a lot respect for Alevis.
We have. But Alevis are very patient people, like cemevis vs mosques, IDs and so much more.
Althought I have stopped believing in such a thing as a god I still have a lot respect for Alevis.
Is it alevis versus sunnies in Turkey?
No,there are allways small problems but not like in many other countries.
Is it alevis versus sunnies in Turkey?
No,there are allways small problems but not like in many other countries.

Just one small example, Turkey started paying the electricity bills of churches and synagogues last month. But not cemevis. The state does not build them or support them, we're talking about ca. 15 to 20 million Turkish citizens that don't get their rights. There is a problem here and just because Alevis are not burning cars or attacking soldiers no one is paying attention to it. This way you will only get an even bigger problem.

Don't get me started about non religious people's rights.
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