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Turkey VS Asad: Should Ankara take the leap?

Should Turkey participate in a military operation to free Syria off Asad?

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A NATO Operation will be fine , i mean someone must Stop the War ,before this sparkle grown up to a flame.
Stop smoking those funny cigarettes or whatever you are high on. Pakistan will never participate in any attack on Iran nor will we ever allow any country to use Pakistani soil for an attack on Iran.

We are not like you guys. We don't stab our friends and neighbours in the back like you guys.

I was just thinking of ethnic policies , Pakistan has baluch in iran , turkey has kurds in Syria , have you already forgotten how many time turkey invaded Iraq during saddam? this shall give you a clue as to how eager turkey might be to precipitate in syria
its easy to end this war, just end the terrorists and weapons flow into Syria, and the war will end... more weapons = more bloodshed...

I don´t like in the Vid´s if they call " Allah " and kill each other in Civil war.

I just want only an End ,i mean nobody cares about Civilians who lost anything ,the funny Thing is that some Syrians are come from USA to Syria to fight against Asad/Esad/Esed or whatever ,Tayyip gaves him much names :)
I don´t like in the Vid´s if they call " Allah " and kill each other in Civil war.

I just want only an End ,i mean nobody cares about Civilians who lost anything ,the funny Thing is that some Syrians are come from USA to Syria to fight against Asad/Esad/Esed or whatever ,Tayyip gaves him much names :)

yes, however AKP does not want an end to this bloodshed, the west along with their puppets encourage this war to go on and on, they support terrorists, to prolong this war, and add more bloodshed. Syria nos is fighting international terrorism... terrorists from all over the world went to Syria to kill the Syrian people with the support of the west and their puppets... erDOGan thinks he will become the new emperor the new ottoman empire, but that will never happen..
Because the longer the civil war goes on the more radicals join the anti assad forces the more power they command and the more likely they will have a say in the future goverment, do you want Syria 2015 to be like a taliban Afghanistan?

Because you are already spending millions ( and all credit to Turkey for its comassion in this ) supporting refugee camps there are only going to be more as time goes on, do you want those camps still there in 10 years time?

Enough countries to do the job? Which: The US want another "arab" war like they want hemorrhoids on a hot leather car seat.
France is busy.
The EU as a whole needs 35 comisions to change a roll of toilet paper if the conflict is still going in 2300 they might have come to an agreement.
Russia China nope.
Egypt sorry thier busy trying to stop the country imploding.
Saudi Arabia sends in troops expect Iraq to go up in flames and problems to spread across the middle east.

It kind of suxs to be Turkey, you have a leader who might not be liked but people can work with, you have a good military a border with Syria and a reputation for avoiding sectarian problems. Why Turkey because you are a sucess and when your doing well other people expect you to fix thier problems.

Boots on the ground gives you a chance to perhaps sideline the radicals that you dont want next door and last of all because she deserves a future not a refugee camp.

Why use eshe?
Well now if we had another leader and the generals(our military command now sux because many in jail)who know how to command an armed forces ,we would have been in allready.
You think we would just watch innocent people(women and children)getting killed.
Think of Cyprus 1974,we didnt care about what the rest of world said.
Erdogan is not willing to take a risk to save those people like eshe because he has no balls and no one to lead the military.
See,its not easy to be a real leader.
To the outside world,Erdogan is good(only bla bla)but we Turks know who the real Erdogan is.
eshe was a typo, now corrected. sorry

I understand your point i dont particularly like the way Erdogan has done things either, starting you leadership with the jailing of your generals sounds like Russian history but thats a little off topic. You dont have to like the man to be able to work with him.
Yes, we should go in, capture Asad and his lieutenants. Capture FSA leaders too and put them on trial. They must all be brought to justice for deaths of innocent people.

And more innocents must die in the process.
@Syrian Lion

Asad is lucky to have Turkey not Pakistan at its doorstep, because we would have intervened regardless of the cost to us. Asad is busy butchering Syrians through its Alweite and Christian miltiary as well as his Waffen SS -- the Shabiha'a. I find it disheartening for GCC and Turks to be bystanders and allow 70,000 Syrians to be butchered by a psychopathic tyrant.

@madmusti Its disheartening to see Turks and Arabs who don't know the value of freedom and ain't willing to help Syrians. Isn't Turkish history written in your own blood?
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eshe was a typo, now corrected. sorry

I understand your point i dont particularly like the way Erdogan has done things either, starting you leadership with the jailing of your generals sounds like Russian history but thats a little off topic. You dont have to like the man to be able to work with him.
You cant lead a country by bashing others(political opponents),a real leader would try to unite the country.
My country is in a big mess now,who knows they could devide the country in the future.
Just know that the Turkey i know would have ended this war a long time ago.
Why use eshe?
Well now if we had another leader and the generals(our military command now sux because many in jail)who know how to command an armed forces ,we would have been in allready.
You think we would just watch innocent people(women and children)getting killed.
Think of Cyprus 1974,we didnt care about what the rest of world said.
Erdogan is not willing to take a risk to save those people like eshe because he has no balls and no one to lead the military.
See,its not easy to be a real leader.
To the outside world,Erdogan is good(only bla bla)but we Turks know who the real Erdogan is.

Actually, Erdogan has been quite eager to involve Turkey physically in the mess in Syria. Had the Turkish people given consent, he would have done so too. But guess what, we are not the fvcking gendarmerie of the region, therefore we do not have any obligation to save people from their mad dictators by risking our own people. Providing shelter to those who have been caught between the psycho Assad and the so called FSA is more than enough for Turkey's part.

Syria is the whole world's problem, not just ours.
@Syrian Lion

Asad is lucky not to have Turkey not Pakistan at its doorstep, because we would have intervened regardless of the cost to us. Asad is busy butchering Syrians through its Alweite and Christian miltiary as well as his Waffen SS -- the Shabiha'a. I find it disheartening for GCC and Turks to be bystanders and allow 70,000 Syrians to be butchered by a psychopathic tyrant.

@madmusti Its disheartening to see Turks and Arabs who don't know the value of freedom and ain't willing to help Syrians. Isn't Turkish history written in your own blood?
this is very racist comment you made... I don't think it is allowed in PDF...??

but anyways, the Syrian army is the Syrian people, that majority of the Syrian people are Sunnis... enough said there...
so if Pakistan was border with Syria what is going to happen? how many Pakistanis died because of the USA, and yet you side with the USA and NATO, you have no value for the Pakistani blood? you pretend that you care about Syrians, but you don't even care about your own people... hypocrisy at it's best, however I know that your point of view is sectarian and filled with hatred...
the ones that are killing the people of Syria are the terrorists that is backed by the west and their puppets...

Look, if you believe that the Syrian people are against Alasad, explain to me why he is still in power... answer these questions, try to convince me.. and explain your point of view..
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I think the west is waiting for presidential elections to come into effect in iran (chaos) in order to intervene in Syria....

No disrespect to you my Iranian friend, but Iran isn't capable of stopping any military action either by GCC+Turkey or NATO or both. The game changer in the Syrian conflict now is air power. The Air power is in favor of Turks, and in the GCC. As per my calculations Turkish air force alone is capable of destroying and establishing a no fly zone over Syria, without any help from outside. If you add GCC air forces ie Saudi, UAE,Qatari,Jordanian and Egyptian....well you are talking about the most powerful air force alliance in the region. If they establish a no fly zone, the Asadian armor will be obliterated by the FSA and by CAS provided by these air forces. They don't need to have boots on the ground, they just need to destroy every winged asad asset and only then the FSA can take the fight to Asad's bunker. Capability is there.....will or ethical responsibility simply isn't, that is replaced with rhetoric.
@Syrian Lion

Asad is lucky to have Turkey not Pakistan at its doorstep, because we would have intervened regardless of the cost to us. Asad is busy butchering Syrians through its Alweite and Christian miltiary as well as his Waffen SS -- the Shabiha'a. I find it disheartening for GCC and Turks to be bystanders and allow 70,000 Syrians to be butchered by a psychopathic tyrant.

@madmusti Its disheartening to see Turks and Arabs who don't know the value of freedom and ain't willing to help Syrians. Isn't Turkish history written in your own blood?
The Turkey you know is history,the rulers rather watch then do something.
How many times they used the Red line and nothing happend?
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