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Turkey, US agree ‘al-Assad should go for a free Syria

The problem in midde east is that people use their religious affiliation as their national identity so we ended up having two groups the sunnis and shiah . 90% of the shiah group live in Iraq , Lebanon and Syria , this is why you see these countries unstable, while a small minority of Shia live in the Gulf countries whom are prosperous and stable.

There are no shia in north africa and Jordan , for instance you find countries like Algeria and Morrocco relatively stable as they do not have any shia living there.

In the gulf countries shia form around 8% of the population but most of them are well integrated and regard themselves as Arabs first so the gulf countries do not have the problems currently in Syria and Iraq where Iran as its the home of Shia religion uses Shia terrorist groups to start a proxy war against sunnis living in those countries.

The Shia in Syria mostly live in 2 provinces on the Syrian coast and now they are fighting for an autonomous/separate country from the rest of Syria . Bachar al Assad comes from a shia/alawi background and his father ruled syria 45 years ago through a military coop , during these 45 years he gave all high ranking positions in the state and army to his alawi sect and this has built a growing resentment among the sunni majority who form around 70% of syria .

The current situation in Syria now is the sunnis whom form the majority of the rebels control 70% of the country while Al Assad forces backed by Shia militiants from lebanon , Iraq and Iran control the other 30% including the capital damascus.

The problem is that all the areas assad controls outside the 2 shiah provinces on the costal sea are sourrounded by towns and villages controlled by rebels.

This is why Americans and Russians will redraw the map of Syria in a way to create an autonomous state for shiah/alawis on the sea cost at the same time sunnis will be governed under a government from their own choosing .

This is a close image of what the Americans and Russians are putting up but without the " druze " enclave in the south as most people living there are sunnis .

The kurdish enclave will also be much smaller since 60% of Hassaka province is under sunni rebels already.

The partition will only be limited to the alawi state shown in the map.
sir how can i change my user name ???
That still does not give me an answer. Show me a bad side of Turkey at present time, so horrific that it is considered on par with Iran.

he is brainwashed by the Islamist regime in Iran , never expect much from an Islamist , cant you see his making fun of liberal democracy , this guy is a savage .
It's a real pity @Skolonom got banned, I'd rather get a Chinese member to deal with this fvck. I wonder If he spoke chinese. Anyway good riddance, nobody can insult Arabs more than me! :lol:

finally none messes with @mahatir, I don't give a phuck if he's half arab he's my man! :cheers:
cheers bro :tup:
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How does that link bring any contribution to the discussion? It's just a bunch of photo's taken on various places in Iran.
I mean putting up pictures of the bad side of Iran isn't that hard.
What do you expect from him,he is a Red Bull gang member.
They just drink and fly high.
Just the biggest troll of all.
It's a real pity @Skolonom got banned, I'd rather get a Chinese member to deal with this fvck. I wonder If he spoke chinese. Anyway good riddance, nobody can insult Arabs more than me! :lol:

finally none messes with @mahatir, I don't give a phuck if he's half arab he's my man! :cheers:
cheers bro :tup:

If Sunnis and Shiah Arabs in Syria viewed each other the way Turks and Azeris do then Syria would have been a successful democracy Today.

This is why I want Turkey to be more involved in middle east in order to be a balance against Islamist groups back by Alqauda and Iran .

Remember bro Syria shares 900 km with Turkey and lies in the heart of middle east , that country has to be cleaned from all sorts of extremism be it sunni or shiah .
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@mahatir ever watched star trek bro? google "prime directive"

I couldn't agree more with you. But in my opinion every society, every civilization has it's own path to walk on. Reaching a certain level of enlightenment can only be achieved by a nation on her own. For us it was the war of independence..

What I'm saying is, we can't just crash the party and "bring democracy". It doesn't work if they aren't naturally ready for that. Arabs have to evolve and see it through. As Morpheus said, we can only show you the door. We can only be a good example to them, when they are ready they can follow that example.

Unfortunately they aren't quite there yet. This primitive sectarian wars has to continue until they see that there isn't a point to that. If you can't crush the idea, there isn't a point to kill the man who possess it.

I don't like Arabs, perhaps I never will. But there's yet hope for them.
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@mahatir ever watched star trek bro? google "prime directive"

I couldn't agree more with you. But in my opinion every society, every civilization has it's own path to walk on. Reaching a certain level of enlightenment can only be achieved by a nation on her own. For us it was the war of independence..

What I'm saying is, we can't just crash the party and "bring democracy". It doesn't work if they aren't naturally ready for that. Arabs have to evolve and see it through. As Morpheus said, we can only show you the door. We can only be a good example to them, when they are ready they can follow that example.

Unfortunately they aren't quite there yet. This primitive sectarian wars has to continue until they see that there isn't a point to that. If you can't crush the idea, there isn't a point to kill the man who possess it.

I don't like Arabs, perhaps I never will. But there's yet hope for them.

I understand your point , by intervention I was referring more in an Economic way to Syria and Iraq two countries that already share borders with Turkey and also has a significant Turkmen minority.

The region is not Just about Arabs , there are also Kurds and Turkmen living in those countries and a common vision for the whole region is needed in order to bring peace and prosperity . All this starts through economic integration , both the Gulf and Turkey at least share a common interest in seeing a stable Syria .

There will always be cultural differences between Turks and Arabs and even among Arabs themselves but that does not mean there should be enmity . There are many construction firms from Turkey for instance are working on various projects in UAE and recently several companies from UAE started working in various sectors in Turkey.

Several Arabs countries are now learning it the hard way , dictators were taken down through their own blood and the war of Syria will certainly give a hard lesson for future generations in Syria regarding the need of separating state and religion.
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It's a real pity @Skolonom got banned, I'd rather get a Chinese member to deal with this fvck. I wonder If he spoke chinese. Anyway good riddance, nobody can insult Arabs more than me! :lol:

If you google his name, you get a ******** page with a lot of Iranian videos.

Just saying.

He doesn't sound Chinese to me. They do not have a hatred for Jews like he has shown.

This is why I want Turkey to be more involved in middle east in order to be a balance against Islamist groups back by Alqauda and Iran .
Problem is bro, Turkish leadership seems to be Islamist. Muslim Brotherhood gang.

I'm not sure this is conducive to creating regional harmony.

Certainly if Turkey get a more secular or moderate government, their influence could be much needed.
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If you google his name, you get a ******** page with a lot of Iranian videos.

Just saying.

He doesn't sound Chinese to me. They do not have a hatred for Jews like he has shown.

Problem is bro, Turkish leadership seems to be Islamist. Muslim Brotherhood gang.

I'm not sure this is conducive to creating regional harmony.

Certainly if Turkey get a more secular or moderate government, their influence could be much needed.

I agree with you regarding AKP's gulen branch , but still they are much progressive and better than any Islamist government existing in the Arab world or the clowns running Iran .

I would love to see Arabs becoming more like France in terms of separating state and religion , but this is a far fetched dream , lets start first cleaning the region from extremist *****.

One way to this would be solving the Israel/Palestinian case based to a two state solution so the ****** Islamists will no longer use Israel as a campaign to gain recruits and votes, well it no longer works in Egypt after MB has been exposed .

Still the region will need a long time to stabilize , were trying to see a group of countries move out of the middle ages to the modern world.

Getting rid of Iran and Alqauda influence from Syria will be a good start towards eventual peace among all middle countries be it Israel , Turkey or Arabs .

lets hope the American/Russian summit will bring this change , even if it means partition of Syria .
I agree with you regarding AKP's gulen branch , but still they are much progressive and better than any Islamist government existing in the Arab world or the clowns running Iran .

I would love to see Arabs becoming more like France in terms of separating state and religion , but this is a far fetched dream , lets start first cleaning the region from extremist *****.

One way to this would be solving the Israel/Palestinian case based to a two state solution so the ****** Islamists will no longer use Israel as a campaign to gain recruits and votes, well it no longer works in Egypt after MB has been exposed .

Still the region will need a long time to stabilize , were trying to see a group of countries move out of the middle ages to the modern world.

Getting rid of Iran and Alqauda influence from Syria will be a good start towards eventual peace among all middle countries be it Israel , Turkey or Arabs .

lets hope the American/Russian summit will bring this change , even if it means partition of Syria .

We're a long way away from your vision bro, but I share your dream.

We're going through a period of politicised Islam. In many parts of the Arab world, Islam is now politics and not a private faith between man and God.

So far, any 'democracy' we've seen has given us Islam in the form of the MB in Egypt & Tunisia, oh, and Hamas in Gaza who are a 'one election' party :lol:

Definitely peace between Palestinians and Israelis will help - the only problem is I'm not convinced a state on roughly 67 borders is the end of the matter. Sadly, I suspect many Arabs will see it as the beginning.
We're a long way away from your vision bro, but I share your dream.

We're going through a period of politicised Islam. In many parts of the Arab world, Islam is now politics and not a private faith between man and God.

So far, any 'democracy' we've seen has given us Islam in the form of the MB in Egypt & Tunisia, oh, and Hamas in Gaza who are a 'one election' party :lol:

Definitely peace between Palestinians and Israelis will help - the only problem is I'm not convinced a state on roughly 67 borders is the end of the matter. Sadly, I suspect many Arabs will see it as the beginning.

haha This is why I said its a fetched dream , still a long time especially when 30-35% of the Arab world still cannot read or write , lets just hope for the best .

As for Iran , once the khomeny regime falls Iranians will pull themselves out of this mess , Persians hate Arabs more than anything else in this world , it is just their regime that dreams of forming a grand empire that includes Iraq and Syria , this is why they use the Israel/palestinian case as a tool to spread their religion and influence .
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