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Turkey to Train Officers in China and Korea Instead of The U.S

Limited,passive=the US rules the world,still.
Take tech=who has the best tech?

You should first know what a Military Academy stands for.
Lets look at the Kara Harp Okulu.
The Turkish Military Academy (Turkish: Kara Harp Okulu) is a four-year co-educational military academy located in the center of Ankara, Turkey. Its mission is to develop cadets mentally and physically for service as commissioned officers in the Turkish Army.

Yes US has most advanced technology but what's my benefit here if they don't share any sh!t ? This reminds me our ancestors' word " Zenginin malı züğürdün çenesini yorar"

And again i ask you who told we will not send any military officer to USA for education ?

Also USA has most advanced tech. doesn't mean others are 0(zero)... With your mind we couldn't achieve such success about our defence industry... If we don't have most advanced tech. does it mean we shouldn't work to reach that point ?

If someone doesn't want to share then i work with the ones who share...

Should i say that " If most advanced USA doesn't share with us then i should sit down and watch and i should be happy with what USA teaches me and this should be enough for me " ???
Dude our officers shouldn't be passive but they should be active...

Your idea makes our officers passive...

You say " learn limited education US educations for our officers and turn back" but what TSK is doing here is " Go China & South Korea and take tech. etc. and turn back and apply them for our Future Independent Army "

So about this 2 situation you should choose best of your young officers to achieve best result... Going China and South Korea and achieving these goods is more harder then going USA and listening limited educaitons...

In USA you are passive but in China & South Korea you are active and there is a real hard work...

Dude, in military academy you learn how to lead and give decisions, not making iir seeker or chobham armour.

Dude our officers shouldn't be passive but they should be active...

Your idea makes our officers passive...

You say " learn limited education US educations for our officers and turn back" but what TSK is doing here is " Go China & South Korea and take tech. etc. and turn back and apply them for our Future Independent Army "

So about this 2 situation you should choose best of your young officers to achieve best result... Going China and South Korea and achieving these goods is more harder then going USA and listening limited educaitons...

In USA you are passive but in China & South Korea you are active and there is a real hard work...

Dude, in military academy you learn how to lead and give decisions, strategy and tactics, not making iir seeker or chobham armour. That tech part is up to engineers.

Dude our officers shouldn't be passive but they should be active...

Your idea makes our officers passive...

You say " learn limited education US educations for our officers and turn back" but what TSK is doing here is " Go China & South Korea and take tech. etc. and turn back and apply them for our Future Independent Army "

So about this 2 situation you should choose best of your young officers to achieve best result... Going China and South Korea and achieving these goods is more harder then going USA and listening limited educaitons...

In USA you are passive but in China & South Korea you are active and there is a real hard work...

Dude, in military academy you learn how to lead and give decisions, strategy and tactics, not making iir seeker or chobham armour. That tech part is up to engineers.
The reason why they are sending the best to china and korea is most likely because they will learn faster and will make a very good first impression. They don't need excellent first impression with NATO countries because we are already stuck with them. We will still have cooperation with America but now we will diversify our cooperation by adding china and korea. We can now learn from their experiences and we can learn their mentality. We already know the NATO menatlity so it is just common sense to send the best to learn the new mentality from the chinese and koreans.
Great development. We were too late with this actually. This whole 'you must stick to us (west), because you're a part of us' is BS. EU doesn't want Turkey in the EU and the US want an obedient Turkey, that's very clear to us, no need to be naive. The more we diversify, the more good relationships we can make, the more co-operation and possible allies in the future.
Dude, in military academy you learn how to lead and give decisions, not making iir seeker or chobham armour.

Dude, in military academy you learn how to lead and give decisions, strategy and tactics, not making iir seeker or chobham armour. That tech part is up to engineers.

Dude, in military academy you learn how to lead and give decisions, strategy and tactics, not making iir seeker or chobham armour. That tech part is up to engineers.

Do these definitions mean that we will not take ToT... Dude one of the most important thing about our defence industry improvement is about TSK... You can see that most of Murad BAYAR's interviews... All projects goes on with guidence, intervention and knowledge of TSK...
We should do something about the Uyghurs though. We can use the HQ9 deal and further cooperation as a bargaining chip.
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