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Turkey slams US over religious freedom report


Nov 4, 2011
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Turkey slams US over religious freedom report
May 01 2019 16:01:22


Turkey has lashed out at a United States’ commission report scrutinizing the state of religious freedoms in the world for describing FETÖ as a Sunni group facing persecution by the Turkish government.

“Describing the members of FETÖ as Sunni Muslims facing persecution openly manifests, from the very beginning, that this report is biased, dislocated from reality and written under the influence of … evil groups,” read a statement issued by Hami Aksoy, spokesman of the Turkish foreign ministry on May 1.

FETÖ categorization as a terrorist organization has been confirmed through court decisions. The description of FETÖ in the annual report by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) means tolerating terror, Aksoy said.

FETÖ leader Fetullah Gülen, whom Turkey has sought to extradite from the U.S., and his followers are accused of overthrowing the government, Turkish ministry spokesman added.

USCIRF placed Turkey on its Tier list, along with other 11 countries, meaning the violations meet one or two, but not all three, of the elements of the systematic, ongoing egregious test for “countries of particular concern” (CPCs).

“The government continued to allege that Gülen and his followers were behind the plot to overthrow the government, although only a small minority has been charged with participation in the coup attempt. The government labeled Gülen and his followers a terrorist organization in May 2016 and refers to them as the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ),” read the report.

Aksoy also criticized the report for alleging that a joint communiqué signed by the religious representatives of all non-Muslim communities in 2018 was coordinated by the Turkish state. He said alone this claim reveals that the report was prepared on political motives.

“Criticisms against Turkey by the U.S. administration and the Congress, which could not digest the election of a Muslim to the House Representatives, fail to show sufficient will in the fight against Islamophobia and to prevent attacks against their own religious minorities, are a display of inconsistency,” said Aksoy.

Two Muslim women were elected to Congress in 2018: Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

He also characterized Turkey as the best example for the world of different religions and faiths cohabitating in peace at a period when religious freedoms are under growing threats of terrorist organizations.

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Chinese government also slammed this so called religious freedom report by US, It's a total fabrication and lie designing to smear us.
They are double faced hypocrites... They oppress minorities in their own countries and rather attack other nations and destroy their countries and then these bastards use this minority crap to slander on others.
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World worst human rights abuser loves to point fingers at others.
Killed 100's of 1000's in ME, Afghanistan..80,000 Pakistanis lost lives due to US war OF terror... previously US killed million in Vietnam and now planning for a war in Venezuela.
US's report also mentioned China along with Turkey, let's see how US lied about China'a Xinjiang.

"U.S. Accuses China Of Detaining Up To 3m Xinjiang Muslims In 'Concentration Camps'
May 4, 2019, 01:53am


Rofl, Xinjiang has around 10 million Muslims, 3 million mean one third of the population, including infants, preschool and school children, very sick and very old who can only stay in their homes or hosptials, basically that means no Muslims you can find anywhere on the street in Xinjiang now.

Xinjiang is sparesely populated, it has only one city, Urumqi, a mega city in Xinjaing ,with the urban population over 1 million, 3 million mean China needs to build 3 Urumqis with all the necessary facilities and supplies to hold them. China has 1 million strong PLA, that means you see PLA facilities all cross China's vast land, cities, towns, villages, mountains and deserts, that's what it takes to hold 1 million people, but US now is talking about 3 million...
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They are double faced hypocrites... They oppress minorities in their own countries and rather attack other nations and destroy their countries and then these bastards use this minority crap to slander on others.
Minorities are persecuted in each and every Muslim countries. Can you show one muslim majority nations where minorities don't suffer hate crimes, minorities have complete rights, minorities have security? But Muslims demand halal certified food, unlimited mosques, and veils in non Islamic nations.
Minorities are persecuted in each and every Muslim countries. Can you show one muslim majority nations where minorities don't suffer hate crimes, minorities have complete rights, minorities have security? But Muslims demand halal certified food, unlimited mosques, and veils in non Islamic nations.

Lol coming from a Burmese this is hilarious. Its well known what you guys did to Rohingas.
Minorities are persecuted in each and every Muslim countries. Can you show one muslim majority nations where minorities don't suffer hate crimes, minorities have complete rights, minorities have security? But Muslims demand halal certified food, unlimited mosques, and veils in non Islamic nations.
And you are the cockroach from the shithole called Myanmar that massacred thousands of Rohingya... you are the most disgusting insects crawling on the planet and it will be great if the world bombs you into oblivion ...you piece of slithering shit.
And you are the cockroach from the shithole called Myanmar that massacred thousands of Rohingya... you are the most disgusting insects crawling on the planet and it will be great if the world bombs you into oblivion ...you piece of slithering shit.

Halal certified food in Myanmar and the certification is by Myanmar Muslim Ulama Organisation. Yes muslims are oppressed in Myanmar Lolzz
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