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Turkey’s Biggest Threat? Ask Uncle Sam


Jul 30, 2010
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Turkey’s neighborhood is often considered a bit rough round the edges: conflict-riven Iraq to the south, nuclear-aspirant Iran next door, the restless Caucasian states and the Russian bear to the East. Even to the west, in New Europe, the bordering Balkan states have been plagued by periodic conflict.

Turkish military officers here used to — and often still do — say as much in presentations about regional threats to schoolchildren in ‘national security’ lessons that form part of the state curriculum.

But ask Turks to name their biggest external threat and the source is a long way — and seven time zones — from the country’s borders: the United States.

According to a wide-ranging survey carried out by the Ankara-based MetroPOLL Strategic and Social Research Center in December, some 43% of Turks said they perceive the U.S. as the country’s biggest threat, followed by Israel, with 24%. Just 3% of those surveyed considered Iran a major threat.

This trend isn’t new. Though the U.S. is Turkey’s strategic ally, it has become steadily more unpopular here, receiving the lowest favorability score from Turks in every Global Attitudes survey conducted between 2006 and 2009 by the Washington-based Pew Research Center.

Still the survey from MetroPOLL — which quizzed 1,504 people in 31 provinces in December — appears to mark a sharp acceleration in antipathy towards American and particularly Israeli policy.

“This is the highest ratio ever on the external threat question among our surveys,” says Professor Özer Sencar, chairman of MetroPOLL, which is affiliated to the governing AK-party. “The U.S. foreign politics since the Iraqi invasion, the war in Afghanistan, repeated Armenian bills in the U.S. Congress and the negative statements that Turkish leaders make about the U.S. and Israel play a major role in this perception.”

Predictably, hostility toward Israeli policy spiked after the Mavi Marmara affair, which saw nine activists killed after Israeli commandos boarded a flotilla seeking to end the blockade of Gaza. The MetroPOLL survey says 63% of Turks now want to freeze diplomatic relations with Jerusalem.

Back in the Cold War days, Ankara’s allegiance was clearer — a NATO member which bordered the Soviet Union, it was a staunch ally of Washington.

Turkey’s still a steadfast NATO member: it has the security group’s second-largest military force and in November formally agreed to house a NATO missile shield, despite public protest. But with the Islamist-leaning government of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan sweeping to power in 2002, and still comfortably the most popular party here, Ankara’s foreign policy priorities have shifted significantly in the past decade.

Partly as a product of Mr. Erdogan’s Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davatoglu, who pursued a ‘peace with all neighbors’ policy, relations with old rivals Greece and Armenia — as well as Iran — have warmed. According to MetroPOLL, the number of Turks considering Greece and Armenia the principal threat to national security is now just 2% and 1%, respectively.

The perceived reorienting of Turkey’s foreign policy has ruffled feathers in Washington and Brussels, despite Ankara’s denials that its priorities have changed. The MetroPOLL survey will be cited by those who say Turkey’s deteriorating ties with the U.S. and Israel and closer relations with Iran demonstrate that NATO’s sole Muslim-majority member is moving away from the West.

The Wall Street Journal - Turkey’s Biggest Threat? Ask Uncle Sam
I just wanna say it sickens me to see usage of word "shift" in any Turkey bashing articles. It's like they just want to paint a black scenario about Turkey in the uneducated, uninterested minds of readers.
i thought turkey USA relations were tight........

i guess times change.......:pop:
Turkey’s neighborhood is often considered a bit rough round the edges: conflict-riven Iraq to the south, nuclear-aspirant Iran next door, the restless Caucasian states and the Russian bear to the East. Even to the west, in New Europe, the bordering Balkan states have been plagued by periodic conflict.

Turkish military officers here used to — and often still do — say as much in presentations about regional threats to schoolchildren in ‘national security’ lessons that form part of the state curriculum.

But ask Turks to name their biggest external threat and the source is a long way — and seven time zones — from the country’s borders: the United States.

According to a wide-ranging survey carried out by the Ankara-based MetroPOLL Strategic and Social Research Center in December, some 43% of Turks said they perceive the U.S. as the country’s biggest threat, followed by Israel, with 24%. Just 3% of those surveyed considered Iran a major threat.

This trend isn’t new. Though the U.S. is Turkey’s strategic ally, it has become steadily more unpopular here, receiving the lowest favorability score from Turks in every Global Attitudes survey conducted between 2006 and 2009 by the Washington-based Pew Research Center.

Still the survey from MetroPOLL — which quizzed 1,504 people in 31 provinces in December — appears to mark a sharp acceleration in antipathy towards American and particularly Israeli policy.

“This is the highest ratio ever on the external threat question among our surveys,” says Professor Özer Sencar, chairman of MetroPOLL, which is affiliated to the governing AK-party. “The U.S. foreign politics since the Iraqi invasion, the war in Afghanistan, repeated Armenian bills in the U.S. Congress and the negative statements that Turkish leaders make about the U.S. and Israel play a major role in this perception.”

Predictably, hostility toward Israeli policy spiked after the Mavi Marmara affair, which saw nine activists killed after Israeli commandos boarded a flotilla seeking to end the blockade of Gaza. The MetroPOLL survey says 63% of Turks now want to freeze diplomatic relations with Jerusalem.

Back in the Cold War days, Ankara’s allegiance was clearer — a NATO member which bordered the Soviet Union, it was a staunch ally of Washington.

Turkey’s still a steadfast NATO member: it has the security group’s second-largest military force and in November formally agreed to house a NATO missile shield, despite public protest. But with the Islamist-leaning government of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan sweeping to power in 2002, and still comfortably the most popular party here, Ankara’s foreign policy priorities have shifted significantly in the past decade.

Partly as a product of Mr. Erdogan’s Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davatoglu, who pursued a ‘peace with all neighbors’ policy, relations with old rivals Greece and Armenia — as well as Iran — have warmed. According to MetroPOLL, the number of Turks considering Greece and Armenia the principal threat to national security is now just 2% and 1%, respectively.

The perceived reorienting of Turkey’s foreign policy has ruffled feathers in Washington and Brussels, despite Ankara’s denials that its priorities have changed. The MetroPOLL survey will be cited by those who say Turkey’s deteriorating ties with the U.S. and Israel and closer relations with Iran demonstrate that NATO’s sole Muslim-majority member is moving away from the West.

The Wall Street Journal - Turkey’s Biggest Threat? Ask Uncle Sam

And Uncle Sam is most- biggest threat for whole world and peace for human being on this earth.
i thought turkey USA relations were tight........
i guess times change.......:pop:

You have to seperate state policy and nation's voice, buddy, on the paper usa is a close friend an ally, a supporter. Turkey needs friends like usa on the world stage as much as they need a country like Turkey muslim, nato member with a big army located in the Middle East. Just politics..

A really big part of Turks, dont like the usa and her policies and alliance with Israel, they never have been loved, you can add European Union into the list.

quotes from wsj comments

Anonymous wrote:

How exactly will the US threaten Turkey?…those people are just dumb.
4:11 pm January 7, 2011

To Anonymous down there wrote:

who said ” How exactly will the US threaten Turkey?…those people are just dumb ”
you know what, a big part o americans are not able to show the usa on world map, a bigger part of them dont know where is Turkey, Iran and Iraq. Some of them thinks Turkey is an arabic country and i am sure you know nothing about politics just talking.. whos dumber now ? if people say something threaten them, believe me there are some reasons for that. All you can do .is respect nothing more.
americans are not more hated any where in the world than pakistan, the big liar is a big satan...

i want to know what are obstacles behind freezing relations with israeli zionist state???
I think there was an incident after the Iraq war in which Turkish soldier were captured by US troops or something like that.

What was that called and when exactly did it happen?
I think there was an incident after the Iraq war in which Turkish soldier were captured by US troops or something like that.

What was that called and when exactly did it happen?
It was after parliament refused to allow American troops to pass through from south eastern Turkey to northern Iraq for second front.
Seems poll answers are based on Kurtlar vadisi movies. :cheesy:
nope.poll answers are based on Ovadia Yossef.:cheesy:

that guy is hilarious.:rofl:
Sometimes can be funny:

Rabbi Yosef: Lieberman voters support Satan

Rabbi Yosef: Lieberman voters support Satan - Israel News, Ynetnews

He once dismissed Ariel Sharon, the leader of the right-wing Likud party, as "a warmonger who loves pigs" and called the former prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, a "blind goat".

BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Profile: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

In a sermon delivered prior to Purim, Rabbi Yosef compared Yossi Sarid, the education minister and leader of the leftist Meretz party to Haman. Rabbi Yosef proclaimed: "Yossi Sarid is the Dark Side'. He is Satan, may his name and memory be erased.

CJNews Features
nope.poll answers are based on Ovadia Yossef.:cheesy:

that guy is hilarious.:rofl:

Yeah, i have to agree, all(all religion) religious "leaders" are wackos! they have to be when they compete with each other on who is the biggest idiot...
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