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Turkey’s air-launched cruise missile ‘almost ready’

First of all F-35 is nt a 5th gen fighter on par with f-22/j-20/PAK fa

personally i think turkey should drop the project and get the PAk fa in future from russia.ii am 100% sure it will be many times more capable and better then f-35..

If Turkey wants +100 hundred PAk fa's i am sure they will give full TOT..so it is also similer to USA.
pak fa?
russian planes?
russian technology?
drop f35?

u crazy?
no thanks.
First of all F-35 is nt a 5th gen fighter on par with f-22/j-20/PAK fa
Avionic wise it is better the the F-22. I would go with it being better then the latter as well. What is the point of maneuverability when you jammed the enemy and they can't even figure out where your are. F-35 is a technological powerhouse. Its physical performance characteristics mean little in the age of high off boresight missiles and advanced targeting helmets and avionics.

personally i think turkey should drop the project and get the PAk fa in future from russia.ii am 100% sure it will be many times more capable and better then f-35..

If Turkey wants +100 hundred PAk fa's i am sure they will give full TOT..so it is also similer to USA.

TuAF does not deal with Russia aircraft period. We would have to re configure our own command and control structure to accommodate the PAK-FA. I also highly doubt the Russians and to a larger extent the Chinese are close to where the U.S. is avionic wise.

It isn't just about full TOT. There are many other factors to consider. If your getting full TOT on a inferior aircraft that isn't compatible with your systems then what advantage do you hold over someone who just brought a F-35 with no TOT but is a better aircraft and works with their command and control interface.
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Jigs, I don't mean to step on your toes brother but that whole "Russian equipment cannot be compatible with NATO systems" cliche is usually just blown out of proportion and has its roots in some very old mass misinformation dating back to the Cold War era.

The problem is almost always SOFTWARE, rather than hardware. Both Western and Eastern aircraft use the same electronic subcomponents, same chips made in Taiwan, etc.

Sure, the West might have switched to MFDs and glass cockpits a few years earlier, but we should call that what it is; having technologic edge, and not "incompatibility".

Greece has been quite successful in integrating their Russian-made S-300s in NATO theater defence over Greece, and a significant number of old Wasraw Pact and even ex-Soviet Union countries are now NATO members while still using predominantly Russian aircraft.

Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia... are all NATO members with extensive use of Russian aircraft and other Russian or ex-Soviet military platforms.

PAK-FA is a new generation aircraft with cutting-edge electronics; claimed to be on par with the F-22. I really don't see why Turkey shouldn't be able to implement it in our national defence doctrine and use with the existing F-16s given full TOT from Russia, natinalization (source codes, subcomponents, etc) and local production.

By the way, I think it'd be wise to point out that most of our F-16s are and the upcoming F-35s will be completely "incompatible" with our indigenously designed and produced missiles and munitions... Food for thought.
Jigs, I don't mean to step on your toes brother but that whole "Russian equipment cannot be compatible with NATO systems" cliche is usually just blown out of proportion and has its roots in some very old mass misinformation dating back to the Cold War era.

It isn't blown out of proportion it is reality. We will be inducting 737 AWACs aircraft in form the U.S. they use Link 11/16 datalinks for ships and aircraft. So they can not be connected either with our Konya operations for exercises or with our AWACS aircraft. Also they can not be used in NATO exercises with the NATO command and control center. Example was the Indians at red flag.

The problem is almost always SOFTWARE, rather than hardware. Both Western and Eastern aircraft use the same electronic subcomponents, same chips made in Taiwan, etc.

I would not go as far as to simple put the difference of these componets as just software. I am sure there are difference in hardware as well.

Sure, the West might have switched to MFDs and glass cockpits a few years earlier, but we should call that what it is; having technologic edge, and not "incompatibility".

Its both.

Greece has been quite successful in integrating their Russian-made S-300s in NATO theater defence over Greece, and a significant number of old Wasraw Pact and even ex-Soviet Union countries are now NATO members while still using predominantly Russian aircraft.

Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia... are all NATO members with extensive use of Russian aircraft and other Russian or ex-Soviet military platforms.

I was not aware Greece integrated their S-300 with NATO at all. Could you provide a source for this ? I thought the reasons the purchased it in the first place was to have a system we had no familiarity with or any western nation for that matter.

PAK-FA is a new generation aircraft with cutting-edge electronics; claimed to be on par with the F-22. I really don't see why Turkey shouldn't be able to implement it in our national defence doctrine and use with the existing F-16s given full TOT from Russia, natinalization (source codes, subcomponents, etc) and local production.

Forgive me if i am very spectacle of the Russians giving a NATO country full source codes to their newest stealth aircraft. Considering they don't even hold this type of relationship with the Indians(Su-30MKI) which hold a heavy share of Russian equipment.

By the way, I think it'd be wise to point out that most of our F-16s are and the upcoming F-35s will be completely "incompatible" with our indigenously designed and produced missiles and munitions... Food for thought.

Possibly. We are not sure of the extent of which we will be allowed to integrate our equipment. However i find that our new "indigenous" defense industry can actually be hurting at times. For example we are integrating our own weapons and sub systems into those Type 214s we are buying from the Germans. I am very much doubtful we are at a level to where we can put systems into these submarines that are above to what the Germans already offer or a company like thales which the Greeks have gone with (and we have too for the Milgem's main radar.) (UAVs would be another area) I am interested to find out if the procurement people at SSM are looking to fill their friends hands with contracts or ones that would have our military receive the latest arms.
Greece has been quite successful in integrating their Russian-made S-300s in NATO theater defence over Greece, and a significant number of old Wasraw Pact and even ex-Soviet Union countries are now NATO members while still using predominantly Russian aircraft.

DrOkuz an expert member in GT-Forum has often writen that Greece is lagging far behind Turkey in Network centric Warfare Capabillitys, so I guess that SA-14, SA-15 and SA-10 are not or not fully integratet in their Air Defence Systems. All these Russian Hardware were bought of shelf by Greece with no particapation of greek Industry !
I think Pak already has a land and air launched of cruise.

i said pak should directly provided them the detail how to make a cruise missile..it will cost them less in money and time both

Pak have only Cruise Missiles which can strike important Strategic high Value Targets deep in enemy Terretory, but not Soft Targets like Ground based early Warning Radar, Missile Launcher, Comand and Control Posts etc.
Are you suggesting this missile is less costly compare to the Raa'd cruise missile that Pakistan has?
Are you suggesting this missile is less costly compare to the Raa'd cruise missile that Pakistan has?

This Missile is not a Terrain hugging Missile like Babur or Raad, it's a Stand - Off Weapon which can engage Soft Targets at Safe Distance. The Missile is comparable with SLAM-ER or IMI Delilah, have GPS/INS, RF Datalink and IIR Seeker for Terminal Guidence.
Pakistan should work with Turkey on improving Ra'ad and Babur...perhaps even join in on the Tubitak Sage program in direction of a multi-mission missile like JSM.
again it comes to source code.we need special plug system to add this into f16.

thats why i always against jsf,typhoon,f16 etc.

make the worst plane but use ur own mission computer own bombs own missiles.

this case same for jsf project too.when usa congress ll put embargo for selling aim9x,aim120d missiles what we ll use?especially in a war time?

strongest lobbies are jewish,greek,armenian all enemies of turkish republic.

I read recently that Turkey will soon replace the mission computers on their F-16 fleet with it's own in-house develop mission computers.
If this is the case then the question on why this missile will not be equipped on our F-16's becomes kinda obvious since the F-4 are still our preferred ground attack workhorse.
I read recently that Turkey will soon replace the mission computers on their F-16 fleet with it's own in-house develop mission computers.
If this is the case then the question on why this missile will not be equipped on our F-16's becomes kinda obvious since the F-4 are still our preferred ground attack workhorse.

We may have our own mission computers, but I don't know how much it has been tested. Perhaps they're unwilling to jeapordize it all on a system that still needs to be tested.
Is the launch platform for the missile is only air ? are there plan for ground and ship ?
Is the launch platform for the missile is only air ? are there plan for ground and ship ?

Launching from ground or any land/naval platform is very different from air launch.

If we consider air platform there is a starting velocity. At ground/naval platforms you have to modify missile engine for zero starting velocity.

At ground/naval platforms you have to modify software/hardware for gaining altitude and recalculating route when missile gains desired altitude.

This is a new and completely diffirent missile design.
Cruise Missile is to make it's debut appearance around 4-5 June during Turkish Air forces 100th anniversary aero show. Should be fun :)
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