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Turkey quits landmark Istanbul Convention protecting women from violence


Dec 14, 2017
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Turkey quits landmark Istanbul Convention protecting women from violence

Thousands protested in Turkey on Saturday calling for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to reverse his decision to withdraw from the world's first binding treaty to prevent and combat violence against women.

Erdogan’s overnight decree annulling Turkey’s ratification of the Istanbul Convention is a blow to women’s rights advocates, who say the agreement is crucial to combating domestic violence. Hundreds of women gathered in Istanbul to protest against the move on Saturday.

The Council of Europe's Secretary General, Marija Pejčinović Burić, called the decision "devastating."

“This move is a huge setback to these efforts and all the more deplorable because it compromises the protection of women in Turkey, across Europe and beyond,” she said.

The Istanbul Convention states that men and women have equal rights and obliges state authorities to take steps to prevent gender-based violence against women, protect victims and prosecute perpetrators.

ome officials from Erdogan’s Islam-oriented party had advocated for a review of the agreement, arguing it is inconsistent with Turkey's conservative values by encouraging divorce and undermining the traditional family unit.

Critics also claim the treaty promotes homosexuality through the use of categories like gender, sexual orientation and gender identity. They see that as a threat to Turkish families. Hate speech has been on the rise in Turkey, including the interior minister who described LGBT people as “perverts” in a tweet. Erdogan has rejected their existence altogether.

Women’s groups and their allies who have been protesting to keep the convention intact immediately called for demonstrations across the country Saturday under the slogan “Withdraw the decision, implement the treaty.” They said their years-long struggle would not be erased in one night.

Rights groups say violence against and killing of women is on the rise in Turkey but the interior minister called that a “complete lie” on Saturday.

77 women killed since start of the year

A total of 77 women have been killed since the start of the year, according to the We Will Stop Femicide Platform. Some 409 women were killed in 2020, with dozens found dead under suspicious circumstances, according to the group.

Numerous women's rights groups slammed the decision. Advocacy group Women's Coalition Turkey said the withdrawal from a human rights agreement was a first in Turkey. “It is clear that this decision will further encourage the murderers of women, harassers, rapists,” their statement said.

Turkey's justice minister said the government was committed to combating violence against women.

“We continue to protect our people's honor, the family and our social fabric with determination," Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul tweeted.

the rest here :

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Their country their rules. Pakistan should do the same. We don't want Feminazi dictation from abroad. The West loves to use women as a political tool. Malala, feminism, girls rights, women's rights blah blah. All BS. Smokescreen meant to destabalise countries of Western interest.
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We don't want Feminazi dictation from abroad.

No , why would you. Can you please remind us , how many woman died from honor killing in your country last year ?

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The government aims to further its sincere struggle to bring Turkish women's reputation and dignity to its deserved level by protecting traditional social structure

There is no need to look for outside remedy or imitate others for this paramount goal.
The solution is indeed lies in our traditions and customs, in our own

Crime Rate by Country 2021

The US : 47,7
Brazil : 68.3
France : 47,3
UK : 44.5
İndia : 44.4
İran : 48,9
Russia : 40,6
Egypt : 46,6
İtaly : 44,2
Canada : 40,6
Pakistan : 44.1

TURKEY : 39,5
The government aims to further its sincere struggle to bring Turkish women's reputation and dignity to its deserved level

They do not need their " dignity " to be protected. But their rights and as it seems their lives.

We Don't Want To Die': Women In Turkey Decry Rise In Violence And Killings

Their country their rules. Pakistan should do the same. We don't want Feminazi dictation from abroad. The West loves to use women as a political tool. Malala, feminism, girls rights, women's rights blah blah. All BS. Smokescreen meant to destabalise countries of Western interest.

Too bad Pakistan cannot vote for him.


Jokes aside...
It's very sad that this decision was taken. You can say "it's their decision" but it's not a unilateral one. It's Erdoğan just being the dictator he is.

His government entered into the pact calling it a step towards rights for women.

So, why this now? Who knows, maybe to appeal to conservative base and remove attention from the economy, or maybe he just wants to provoke.

But 2023 is just around the corner, so none of this will last long.
May be Turkey is drafting a better domestic resolution without the intereference of Western professional Feminazi trouble makers..The white supremacist Anglo nations are still extremely bitter of having lost at Gallipolli....May be this convention was a Trojan Horse to destroy Turkey before Treaty of Lausanne lapses?
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Interesting move. It may simply be a means of rankling and poking the usual European hypocrites and troublemakers, which erdogan (rightly) seems keen to do at every available opportunity these days. Nevertheless, it seems self-defeating.

I firmly believe women should be forced into the workplace kicking and screaming instead of lounging around "managing the home" every day of the week.
Too bad Pakistan cannot vote for him.

View attachment 726540.

Jokes aside...
It's very sad that this decision was taken. You can say "it's their decision" but it's not a unilateral one. It's Erdoğan just being the dictator he is.

His government entered into the pact calling it a step towards rights for women.

So, why this now? Who knows, maybe to appeal to conservative base and remove attention from the economy, or maybe he just wants to provoke.

But 2023 is just around the corner, so none of this will last long.
Pretty impressive that 131% of Egyptians trust Erdogan. :omghaha:
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why this decision is excellent?
why Turkish women should be exposed to violence?
We don't need the barbaric europeans/americans to tell us how to run our societies --- They should be more worried about the rape/violence against women in their own countries than poking their ugly noses via ugly ngo aunties in our countries.
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