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Turkey puts F-35 order on hold over US refusal to share technology

i guess Turkey shold not go for the program if it dont get any codes. Its better to start its own program with other developed countries like China, Japan or south Korea.:smokin: and even Pakistan:)

What 5th Gen jets are Pakistan making?
Russia selling its top tech to a NATO country = impossible. For the following reasons.

1. First selling an even a downgraded PAK FA to turkey would be a direct threat to them.

2. Second, when the PAK FA is in turkeys hands it wouldn't be long until the US gets it hands on it, and finds out its strengths and weakness.

3. Money is not a problem for the Russians anymore, its not the 90s anymore when they will sell anything for cash.

The same goes for the J-20.

So turkey has no choice it ether buys the F-35, or goes for a much inferior European jet.

My Armenian friend like it or not it is possible.

Russia proposed s 400 missiles before. As far as i know we are member of Nato for 50 years.

Russia plans to sell 600 PAK FA to other countries. Turkey is ready to pay 16 bl and maybe more for 5th gen fither project and I think russia will happy to sell those planes if Turkey demands.

Russia to make 1,000 stealth jets, eyes India deal | Reuters

I do not speak for Sukhoi or the government but here is my take. Russian Turkish relations have been good as of late with both sides collaborating over energy and various other deals. But the talk about Turkey purchasing the pak-fa is somewhat unrealistic with the investment in the F-35, but the F-35 aside its difficult to tell what the Russian government or Sukhoi plans with regards to the pak-fa being sold to a NATO nation. We do, however, know that Russia has some very good relations with many NATO countries, ex France and Greece, in fact Russia sells Greece military hardware and has even apparently offered Greece the SU-35 as well as the pak-fa but Russia and Greece have long been friendly. I suppose if Turkey was interested in a large quantity of pak-fa's than its very possible if not probable that the deal will go through, but than again there is also fear of the pak-fa's technology falling into wrong hands, and Russia has had a long history of this. If we assume that Turkey might be offered the pak-fa it will definitely come with strings attached just like the F-35, even the East German Mig-29s were downgraded.
Playing the devil's advocate - What if Turkey agrees to do back room deals on what they know about the F-35, in exchange for benefits on the FAK-FA program?
US doesn't want to share F-35 with NATO ally Turkey even after Turkey gave them a strategic base in Incirlik,Turkey for supplies for the Iraq war. Obama calling Turkey a strategic ally in the Middle East.

Sometimes the US is embarrassing.
In the first 10 years the US won't give source codes, that's for sure. It is not a matter that the US doesn't want to share but more to keep the secrets of the tech leaking out to China and Russia. After 10 years I think there will be some kind of sharing involved (happened in the F16 program too).
US doesn't want to share F-35 with NATO ally Turkey even after Turkey gave them a strategic base in Incirlik,Turkey for supplies for the Iraq war. Obama calling Turkey a strategic ally in the Middle East.

Sometimes the US is embarrassing.

Turkey gave? I think it may have been the other way around at least in part (i.e. who built the base) ...

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began construction of the Incirlik Air Base in the spring of 1951. The U.S.A.F. initially planned to use the base as an emergency staging and recovery site for medium and heavy bombers. The Turkish General Staff and the U.S.A.F. signed a joint-use agreement for the new Air Base in December 1954. On February 21, 1955, the Air Base was officially named Adana Air Base, with the 7216th Air Base Squadron as the host unit. This Air Base was renamed the "Incirlik Air Base" on February 28, 1958.

In mid-1975, the Turkish government announced that all American military bases in Turkey would be closed and transferred to the Turkish Air Force. This action was in response to an arms embargo that the United States Congress imposed on Turkey for using American-supplied equipment during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974. Only the Incirlik Air Base and the İzmir Air Base remained open due to their NATO responsibilities, but all other non-NATO activities at these locations were suspended.

After Congress lifted the embargo in September 1978, and also restored military and naval assistance to Turkey, normal operations resumed in Turkey, and the United States and Turkey signed a "Defense and Economic Cooperation Agreement" (DECA) on March 29, 1980. After signing the DECA, the USAFE initiated the "Turkey Catch-up Plan" to improve the quality-of-life of airmen stationed at Incirlik. One of the major projects was a completely new base housing complex for airmen and officers.
Incirlik Air Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If we assume that Turkey might be offered the pak-fa it will definitely come with strings attached just like the F-35, even the East German Mig-29s were downgraded.

Turkey is not a development partner of pak-fa. you can't compare Turkey's position on F-35 visa vi pak-fa.
Well Turkey can stop US activities in Incirlik at any time it pleases. And it did so in the past.

Indeed, as evidenced in my earlier quote. Thing is, US was already using Incirlik so nothing was given 'extra' for Iraq war. Besides, as illustrated by my quote, even in case of closure, this was temporary in the past and followed by 'catch up aid' - so who was dependend on who, really?
:lol: if it were built by chinese workers,would it belong to china?

your pro-western stance has been quite entertaining lately...

US Army Corps of Engineers is not quite the same as chinese workers. And I didn't say anything about about ownership (just buildership). My posts have nothing to do with pro- of contra-Western, more with "gee guys, lets try a little research first before we open our mouth with an OPINION (i.e. not facts)". But hey, if it bothers you, I'll go back to naval affairs department so you can all cheer eachother along and feel good about yourselves ;-)
Besides, assuming this was about pro- of contra-West, why would you expect a Westerner to NOT be pro West (or an Easterner to NOT be pro East)? What's the point, fella's? What's so strange? Can't handle a bit of dissent? Right, if you need to talk, I'm back providing 'entertainment' in the naval section.
But hey, if it bothers you, I'll go back to naval affairs department so you can all cheer eachother along and feel good about yourselves ;-)

no,please stay and entertain us with your OPINIONS..

you are a westerner so you are pro-west,im okay with that..but still there must be a link between our brain and the keyboard.no need to militancy ,right?

and please dont try to be funny because you are not.
no,please stay and entertain us with your OPINIONS..

you are a westerner so you are pro-west,im okay with that..but still there must be a link between our brain and the keyboard.no need to militancy ,right?

and please dont try to be funny because you are not.

No, read closely, I didn't say or imply "Í'm a Westerner and therefor pro-West". Since where one stands depends to a large extent on where one sits (metaphorically speaking), it is logical that we have different perspectives because we are from different parts of the world. Besides, 'pro-west' doesn't necessarily have to mean 'anti-East'. Also, what eactly is Western and Eastern in this context? These are a notoriously vague and shifting terms.

Having said that, what part of the information that Incirlik was built by the US Army Corps of Engineers and available to US Armed Forces all the time (and access not specially granted for Iraq war) is OPINION?

You apparent feel a need to make a statement about whether or not I'm funny, which I think says enough and certainly more about you than about me. Maybe you could try to not take yourself too seriously: this is an internet forum, not the real world or anything that matters.

Shall we attempt to get back to F-35 and Turkey?
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