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Featured Turkey proposes 'protection force' for Palestine in emergency OIC meet; Pakistan and Malaysia endorse

A very lively and deep discussion about Turkish foreign and regional policy on TV7 , Israel.
Iran, Iraq & Jordan need to give Pakistan & Turkey land access. If they do then:

Step 1: bring in S400 batteries.
Step 1
2: station PAF & TuAF JF17 & F16 squadrons in Syria.
Step 3: bring in brigade size artillery & tank battalions infantry on the west Bank border.
Step 4: Bring in Ghaznavi SSM Batteries & aim at isreali air bases.
Step 5: bust through the isreali defences.
Step 6: move the S400s, PAF & TuAF squadrons into Back.
Wow, that some dreamy plan!

Any military back action first required a consensus and diplomacy within.
Jordan, Morocco, UAE has secret ties with Israel for a very long time, and now Bahrain, Sudan, openly and KSA clandestinely.
Arabs are dead like stone. Erdogan and Mahatir took initiative of a separate muslim
Block but coward and clueless imran khan sabotaged it under KSA (say Israel and USA in the background) pressure.
In pakistan, we have an ideal combination of clueless doves: Imran Khan and Bajwa. How people like Bajwa become general and Chief, the dude is more suited to be a section officer at FO.
Palestinians will just be massacred, we can block our sight and hearing.
The easiest and most non controversial way to barge into this issue is to make it a religious matter, rather political. There must be a "Al Aqsa protection force" formed from all major Muslim armies special forces, deployed in and around Al Aqsa Mosque to preserve its sanctity. Events of few days should have made abundantly clear that Al Aqsa cannot be left at the mercy of Zionist and extremist Jewish terrorists. Sunni and Shia block will both agree. Pakistan should send Al Zarrar ATU as they specialise in close quarters fighting. Once in, then there is a lot of other things that can be done.
Well intended....but Pakistan does not have guts under IK and Bajwa.
IK is generally clueless about what to do except "nahin chorron ga", and weighted down by empty finances. Plus army chief is a guy who is better be a section officer in FO.

Need courage to do what you propose.

Turkey has suggested a great solution​

  • We can't have a solution where fanatical USA Christians are arming up Jews for return of Jesus and looking other way while Muslim Children and Women are endangered

  • The 750 Million Dollar Weapon Sale to Israel is a Blackmail Tactic

Someone needs to explain to the Jokers , Jesus won't come kiss your face after you are killing Children and Women and Male left and right in order to go to your heaven

I don't know who invented these mindset for Christians in USA or their Churches but that is the core problem
USA is not a honest broker

Time has come forth to openly ask USA , hey you doing this for Jesus return or you serious about solving issue , you clearly are the problem
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On what basis are we declaring that there is a duty for Muslims to be rulers over Al Aqsa? From where does this duty arise, exactly, since we no longer use it as a qibla?

Allah loves His followers. But it is up to the followers to be up to His standards to receive His Mercy and Bounty.
Glory be to Him, who carried His servant by night from the Holy Mosque to the Further Mosque the precincts of which We have blessed. Al Isra, 17:1.
Baitullah was built first, and 40 years later Al Aqsa Masjid.

Both Baitullah and Al Aqsa belong to one who are Singularity monotheistic.
Jews were monotheistic at one time but not anymore. It is the responsibility of the Nation of the Last Messenger now.
Time is nigh but few years away.
Glory be to Him, who carried His servant by night from the Holy Mosque to the Further Mosque the precincts of which We have blessed. Al Isra, 17:1.
Baitullah was built first, and 40 years later Al Aqsa Masjid.

Both Baitullah and Al Aqsa belong to one who are Singularity monotheistic.
Jews were monotheistic at one time but not anymore. It is the responsibility of the Nation of the Last Messenger now.
Time is nigh but few years away.

Blessed it is, yes, no doubt. But how does the above mean that Muslims must rule over it?
Blessed it is, yes, no doubt. But how does the above mean that Muslims must rule over it?
There are two aspects.
Does Palestine belong to palestine?
Is palestine is a Muslim Issue also?
Pakestenian were original natives of the land before even when jews conquered it under Saul in early 11 century BCE.

jews were exiled a 2nd time in 70 AD and only started returning from 1920"s on about Usmani Caliphate was abolished. They were given a state by USA, UK. France. And Palestinians were exiled in turn.
Yaroshelem was under jordan till 1967.
So it is an occupation. And land belongs to Palestenians. Israel is a defacto ruler over Palestine and AlAqsa but not de jure.

There is an spiritual aspect, but we leave it there.
There are two aspects.
Does Palestine belong to palestine?
Is palestine is a Muslim Issue also?
Pakestenian were original natives of the land before even when jews conquered it under Saul in early 11 century BCE.

jews were exiled a 2nd time in 70 AD and only started returning from 1920"s on about Usmani Caliphate was abolished. They were given a state by USA, UK. France. And Palestinians were exiled in turn.
Yaroshelem was under jordan till 1967.
So it is an occupation. And land belongs to Palestenians. Israel is a defacto ruler over Palestine and AlAqsa but not de jure.

There is an spiritual aspect, but we leave it there.
Not knowing the full background to it - but maybe Jordan should have just stayed out of 67 and then Jerusalem would still be under their control?
I mean if the whole problem began because Jordan attacked otherwise Jerusalem could still be visited by muslims all over - then I am not sure where the blame for loss really lies with? Israelis or Muslims?
Yes - the injustice is there to Palestinians who have been systematically cleansed from Israel - but generally the Arab states entering into conflicts with Israel have been bumbling fool’s militarily to try and start conflicts when they were clearly unprepared to deal with them.

Egypt, Syria or Jordan dont exactly have a record of stellar performances against Israel to start with. If the price of Jerusalem turned out to be the pride or small economic concessions to the parasitic state of Israel - even if to buy time to fully prepare military might and strategic thought; I don’t see how one cannot blame Israel for occupying Jerusalem and not blame the ones that lost it by starting wars they could not win and gambling Jerusalem away as part of it.

Not saying it isn’t Israeli fault or they don’t deserve condemnation to what they did and do to an entire people - but blame lies on Muslims as well starting from 48 onwards.

Blaming the west for supporting Israel wont help because that is simply admitting that Muslims in general were/are stupid enough to not understand geopolitics, economics and military capabilities along with strategic thought.

Allah does not help if one doesn’t prepare. Dont cry about losing your wallet and belongings after you threatened the favorite child of bigger men than you and weren’t prepared to face the consequences.

Unfortunately, it really does seem muslims forgot the life of their own prophet and example it set for actions under every scenario and condition.
Hats off to turkey
Keep your hat on. This is not going to happen. Erdogan is just scoring points and he knows this will not go anywhere. If he realy wanted to do something tangible then he would give the west 24 hours to rein in Israel or Turkey will leave NATO and throw out US forces in Turkish air bases.

Watch how fast they would muzzle Israel.
Is palestine is a Muslim Issue also?
No. Even if Palestinians were Christian this would be playing out as is.

Keep your hat on. This is not going to happen. Erdogan is just scoring points and he knows this will not go anywhere. If he realy wanted to do something tangible then he would give the west 24 hours to rein in Israel or Turkey will leave NATO and throw out US forces in Turkish air bases.

Watch how fast they would muzzle Israel.
Whatever he is still better than those who are maintaining silence.
Whatever he is still better than those who are maintaining silence.
Not really. I hate pretenders. I would rather honesty then give false hope that some fools will fall for. I have regular interaction with Turks. They tell me all this is Erdo's drama. This week he will be crying for Pales. Next week he will be doing business deals with Israeli's. The guy is just a gymnast. He is good at massaging everybody with end goal being to perpetuate his rule and benefit Turkey.

You know by 2018 Erdogan was literally a Sultan has he had effectively muzzled all politica dissent and neutered any threat fro deep state or the failed attempt by Turkish Army's coup in 2016.

So in 2018 in a positon of absolute power he actually changed the Turkish constitution from Prime Ministerial to a Presidential system with power residing in the newly built Presidential Palace. And he won to become the President. Can you imagine Imran Khan pulling off such a feat in Pakistan. So there he is in absolute power and about to be invested as the President. This is the oath he took in 2018 - after nearly 18 years in power as a putative leader of the Islamic leaning AKP.

On assuming office, the president takes the following oath before the Grand National Assembly:
I swear upon my honor and integrity, before the great Turkish Nation, to safeguard the existence and independence of the state, the indivisible integrity of the country and the nation, and the absolute sovereignty of the nation; to remain loyal to the supremacy of law, to the democratic and secular republic, and to Atatürk’s principles and reforms; not to deviate from the ideal according to which everyone is entitled to enjoy human rights and fundamental freedoms under the notion of peace and prosperity in society, national solidarity and justice, and loyalty to the Constitution.[10]

The interesting parts of this oath for Pakistani's are -

  • Absolute sovereignty of the nation
  • secular republic
  • Atatürk’s principles and reforms

These are three crucial points he is swearing the oath to. No attempt was made to alter this oath to place sovereignty in hands of Allah, to delete secularism or to abrogate Ataturk's principles and reforms. This should tell you about him and Turkey. By the way this guy is regarded as a Islamist by the Turkish right.
Well intended....but Pakistan does not have guts under IK and Bajwa.
IK is generally clueless about what to do except "nahin chorron ga", and weighted down by empty finances. Plus army chief is a guy who is better be a section officer in FO.

Need courage to do what you propose.

Its more for Bajwa and Co then IK. IK is a new phenomena. The deep state has always been there. So when we hear, that Saudi Arabia territorial integrity will be protected at all costs, due to the presence of Harmain Shareefain, from past and present generals, what are their views and policies about "Qibla-e-Awal" , the third most holiest place in Islam? I want to hear what DG ISPR has to say about this.

Courage or lack of, is no excuse. If tomorrow America decide to invade Mecca and Madina, can anyone use this excuse? Its Israel we are talking about here for crying out loud, Muslim forces should have barged in by now.
Its more for Bajwa and Co then IK. IK is a new phenomena. The deep state has always been there. So when we hear, that Saudi Arabia territorial integrity will be protected at all costs, due to the presence of Harmain Shareefain, from past and present generals, what are their views and policies about "Qibla-e-Awal" , the third most holiest place in Islam? I want to hear what DG ISPR has to say about this.
Well, you got that right. But you still don't understand the motives. The love for Harmain Shareefain is not religious but money. Saudia Arabia's oil wealth is the underlying driver. It offers so much opportunity for serving and retired military. It even offers lucrative opportunities for the political and religious elite. The best thing about all this is it also ties in with western power elites as you know full well the Saudi and other monarchies are deeply wedded with American ruling class and through that Israel.

It's all a farce including the Turks. Every single Muslim country and their elites are deeply entrenched with the west. The only countries not in this club are Iran and Syria. And you should be able to tell by how western media is consistently denigrating these two countries. This should be pretty obvious.
If they do that then US ban sale of F-16 spare parts to Turkey. It's not something Turkey can afford to do.

And that is why I do not take anything Ankara says regarding the Muslim World, seriously. Turkey has its head screwed on upside down, where it's got one leg in the Islamic World and the other in the Western World. The fact that Turkey is part of NATO, makes Turkey toothless when trying to defend the Islamic World. It's hypocritical and more so, deceptive.

The Muslim World are gullible and stupid to trust Turkey with their affairs. In my view Turkey is a "Trojan Horse" for the Muslim World.

The fact that Turkey could lose its spare parts for it's F-16 fleet, which makes up the backbone of Turkish Air Force, signifies why Turkey could not ever confront israel, militarily. Other than the glaring fact that Turkey officially has recognized israel since 1949.

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