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Featured Turkey proposes 'protection force' for Palestine in emergency OIC meet; Pakistan and Malaysia endorse

Right! That sword and horse argument, are people still using it in this day and age. well apparently you are!

Pardon me, I am not military strategist neither a general, I will let the nitty gritty to those who planned and executed two successful ejections of super powers from an occupied territory. So I say, dealing with a tiny shithole like Israel, the chances of success are very high.

Considering that you admit you are not a military strategist nor a General, would it be fair to say that you should accept the wisdom of those Generals, who in your opinion have already ejected two superpowers from an occupied territory, if they do not decide on any overt or covert actions against a tiny shithole like Israel? We can resume this discussion if there is any such meaningful action.

Ok so thinking out loud here about the change of tactics, let see what we have tried so far:

1. Independent observers NOT allowed
2. UNO representatives NOT allowed
3. Independent media NOT allowed
4. All resolutions against Israel in UNO is VETO by US

hmmm...new tactics...

any suggestions...oh I see, agree and accept Israel's narrative ...

It would be far more effective to conduct an effective economic boycott to hit them where it hurts the most - their pocketbooks - using many of the same techniques that were so effective against bringing down apartheid in South Africa.

Jews claim on Palestine based upon Torah. But nothing given unconditionally by God.
In short, they were exiled over 2000 years ago and only start returning early 20th century. Sykes-Picot and Balfour agreements were DESIGNED to achieve that goal. Palestinians were forcibly removed and it is all in the open.
Spiritually, once jews rejected Jesus and then The Last Messenger, they broke the covenant and up there as occupation force.
Allah, says, only righteous will inherit the earth, here earth refer to Alquds.
There is a transitory period which is hard as Muslims had lost scientific thinking and quasi religious leaders give literal interpretations.
It is sad thing but Suffering may continue for few more years.

As I have said above, no religion has exclusive claims here. The city is equally holy to the three major Abrahamic religions, and everybody should have the freedom to exercise their beliefs in peace without intruding upon anyone else.
Considering that you admit you are not a military strategist nor a General, would it be fair to say that you should accept the wisdom of those Generals, who in your opinion have already ejected two superpowers from an occupied territory, if they do not decide on any overt or covert actions against a tiny shithole like Israel? We can resume this discussion if there is any such meaningful action.

Ofcourse, its a silly argument to assume that any of us on this forum are in any position to define Pakistan's military or foreign policy. BUT, through this forum we can relay our ideas and narratives to powers to be, or even people in general who read and may get influence. You propagate certain narratives which is clear from your diatribes, I am firm believer in my ideas. starting a discussion in not bound when a condition is meet. What you are saying is non sense to be honest.
Ofcourse, its a silly argument to assume that any of us on this forum are in any position to define Pakistan's military or foreign policy. BUT, through this forum we can relay our ideas and narratives to powers to be, or even people in general who read and may get influence. You propagate certain narratives which is clear from your diatribes, I am firm believer in my ideas. starting a discussion in not bound when a condition is meet. What you are saying is non sense to be honest.

I can respect your firm belief in your ideas, if you can reciprocate. Fair enough?
As I have said above, no religion has exclusive claims here. The city is equally holy to the three major Abrahamic religions, and everybody should have the freedom to exercise their beliefs in peace without intruding upon anyone else.

Can you say that with straight face with what has been happening in and around Al Aqsa?

If you have not noticed, Jerusalem is already divided among Muslims, Christians and Jews. Al Aqsa is already under the Muslim or Arab Quarter. Yet we keep on seeing its sanctity violated by zoinst terrorists. On the other hand, Muslims do not go about disrupt rituals at welling wall. Clearly, the status quo cannot continue if peace has to be established for long term. That is why a protection or peace force must be deployed to keep these zionist at bay from Muslim quarters and Al Aqsa in particular.
That is why a protection or peace force must be deployed to keep these zionist at bay from Muslim quarters and Al Aqsa in particular.

Good idea, but the trouble lies in the nitty gritty that you are not interested in, as you have said above in this thread.
Good idea, but the trouble lies in the nitty gritty that you are not interested in, as you have said above in this thread.

How? In a situation of a conflict, peace has to be "enforced".
How? In a situation of a conflict, peace has to be "enforced".

100% agreed. Now please tell us who will bell this particular cat and how?
This chutiya @Indus Pakistan sounds like a typical public benefits fraudster still living with his mom.
Are you American or British Pakistan. "Mom" sounds American, And I you still sore because you could not summon the balls to use that Egypt Air ticket I offered you?
Ever heard of hasbara trolls, two cents per post? @Indus Pakistan is another one.
You still sat in ghetto 99p chicken fried shop? Gaza awaits you and a IDF bullet?
We are still thinking the maps of the 1970s and discussing over that. No, that opportunity was missed. Such a decision must be taken with a much larger and RELIABLE international coalition.

OIC can not overcome even UNSC barrier, because ofshattered into 1000 pieces... Truths... Can the navy of any Muslim country break the Gaza blockade? Let's say them broke, will this risk be rewarded or punished by other Muslim countries?

Jordan and Egypt made border agreements. And after these years, Israel occupied 90% of the Palestinian territories. Which West Bank are we talking about, for example? The West Bank is currently under Israeli occupation. Except for a total of four or five district centers, the entire area and %90 of Jordanian border are under Israeli direct military control. As soon as you enter from the Jordan border, there will be an Israeli soldier. More importantly, is Jordan ready to wage war on Israel? Gaza ... If you do not have a plan to enter from the Erez gate (under Israeli control) the only way to enter is Egypt-Rafah gate. Is Egypt ready for this... or it will just let us in?

For exactly these reasons, a significant number of people in my country criticize Erdogan's political discourse and coalition pursuits (just like his attitude in the 2013 Egyptian Military coup) and even many important figures argue that an EEZ agreement should be signed with Israel right now. Because this is our primary problem in terms of the interests of the country. Turkey is subject to a siege in the Mediterranean. We cannot say that they are unfair when we look at the issue from a technical perspective rather than a conscientious one and compare it with past experiences.
Are you American or British Pakistan. "Mom" sounds American, And I you still sore because you could not summon the balls to use that Egypt Air ticket I offered you?

Whatever that sound like, you certainly sound like a northerner from bradfordistan. I once travelled to Karachi via Pindi and flight was full of your kind. My god you lot are disgusting being.

You cant offer shite mate, you are just a loud mouth fktard.

You still sat in ghetto 99p chicken fried shop? Gaza awaits you and a IDF bullet?

When is your next cheque due, you two pence per post hasbara troll? I will offer you 3p per post, will your change your allegiance?
100% agreed. Now please tell us who will bell this particular cat and how?

I don't understand this strange mindset where Israel is perceived as some sort of hyper super power.

Peace enforcement force or protection force can be assembled under any international body. Be it UN or OIC, or just between like minded countries. My understanding is, that Malaysia has already offered its troops for this purpose.
I don't understand this strange mindset where Israel is perceived as some sort of hyper super power.

Peace enforcement force or protection force can be assembled under any international body. Be it UN or OIC, or just between like minded countries. My understanding is, that Malaysia has already offered its troops for this purpose.

Israel is definitely not a superpower. You are correct that an international body can create and deploy such a force. Who did Malaysia offer its troops to for such a force? Obviously Malaysia thinks that that entity is the correct way forward with this goal in mind.
Israel is definitely not a superpower. You are correct that an international body can create and deploy such a force. Who did Malaysia offer its troops to for such a force? Obviously Malaysia thinks that that entity is the correct way forward with this goal in mind.

I am not sure who Malaysia offered its troops to but what is more important is to understand that states are already thinking along these line, that peace can only be "enforced" and status quo is no longer an option.
I am not sure who Malaysia offered its troops to but what is more important is to understand that states are already thinking along these line, that peace can only be "enforced" and status quo is no longer an option.

Offering troops without an identified coordinating agency is surely not going to be effective. At all. But you are correct, lots of countries are talking about this.
It would be far more effective to conduct an effective economic boycott to hit them where it hurts the most - their pocketbooks - using many of the same techniques that were so effective against bringing down apartheid in South Africa.
As I mentioned in my previous post any such action via UNO have very high probability of being blocked by US.
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