You're taking this personally when there is no reason to. This isn't an attack on Turkey just stating the current facts and numbers.
Investor confidence is a massive consideration and should be taken seriously by everyone and whether you like it or not credit agencies do influence investors both foreign and local.
The ongoing instability both politically and in terms of security is turning away investment hence the 44% drop in fdi. Those numbers also aren't representative of performance post the coup attempt. Not an attractive market when you can't predict events or even government policy such as the extension of the emergency laws.
Turkey is also in the midst of a currency crisis due to poor administration. Conflict between the central bank and the government over interest rates and a lack of coordination in terms of monetary and fiscal policy has lead to a record slump for the Lira in front of the dollar (3.62 lira to the Dollar).
For a nation with a trade deficit of near 60 Billion Dollars (2015) this is not a great place to be in and is ultimately damaging to the Turkish consumer with inflation rising (currently at 8.53% following a 7% rise in November).
Also not a good place to be when
40% of the external debt stock is short term loans which in itself is a dangerous percentage but also compounds the currency crisis as these loans are dependent on the Dollar.
Turkey's entire external debt stock is 60% of its GDP and that figure rises to over 90% of GDP if you add its domestic debts. Not healthy with an account deficit currently standing at 35 Billion Dollars on average annually.
Basically, you're in a tough spot and you need to get out of it not just for yourselves but for the region and global market. We live in a world where all our economies are connected.
However, the reaction thus far from the Turkish government has been poor. Deflecting economic problems and stubbornly declaring there is nothing wrong. Dismissing influential credit agencies as being tools of conspiring nations and so on.
You're confident when you should be worried.