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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

Ignore that retarded cxx-dragon. Normal Chinese people do not hate Jewish people but respect them.

A New York Jew in China - What Do Chinese People Think of Jews?

We historically have no conflict with Jewish people. There have never been anti-semitic campaign in China as well. China has harbored many Jewish people during world war II as well and China diplomats have risked their lives to save Jewish people then as well.

Well we do have tons of conflicts with muslim separatists/terrorists dating back to Tang Dynasty.

We still have huge tasks eliminating those uighur terrorists as well. I hope your special force can have more cooperation with ours on anti-terrorist tasks.

But because HAMAS opposes Israeli policies, it is a terrorist organization? :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------
Because their charter says that destroying Israel is their goal, something about Jews being monkeys and pigs.

Chinese-Dragon, what happened to neutrality? Tipped to the "Israel is evil* rhetoric i see, oh well... Shame.

Really, i don`t think Turkey will do anything besides possibly sending their Navy to escort any future ships to Ashdod(Forced to go to Ashdod and then head back to Turkey) and them claim "We have defied the Jews!!! High-Five!"
why are you bringing china into this? and what does this thread have to do with chinese-muslims or chinese-jewish relations?
besides, israel is the last country china should cooperate with on fighting terrorism.
More civilians will end up dead :P
So what? I think China should support the two-state solutions all the times and I have never changed my position. I support the two-state solutions as well.

Devil is in the details! And you are one of the most gullible and shallow Chinese I have seen. Would you like to elaborate what those 'two-states' should look like? Do you know that, by building Settlements in prime locations, Israelis are effectively KILLING any viable two-states in that? Do retards like you and a few others from Pakistan here even know what would be the future of Palestinians in a 'Bantustan'?
You claim to be a 'neutral' person but you and even a couple of Pakistanis don't have answers to any the nagging problem posed by the Israeli settlements activity. Well, sir! The Settlements are premised on an ancient-claim on land--effectively meaning that either Pals should agree to a sub-ordinate 'state' of a Bantustan (minus any meaningful control on E. Jerusalem) or be agreed to be expelled to the 'real Palestine' called Jordan.
Idiots like like you buy the Zionist propaganda without any critical thinking. I bet idiots like you have a rationale for even when the 2/3rd of the UNGA is going to vote for the Palestine state later in the month DESPITE immense US pressure on at least 73 countries. Sure, the world is 'anti-semitic'.
And those who talk about the the 'Charter' of Hamas should also look into the actual actions of the Zionists. These land-grabbers are worse than Hamas. Hamas at least agrees to a 20-year 'Hudna'. What are the Israelis doing for decades? Creating 'facts on the ground'. Do you or other Israeli apologists have ANY answer to what this means for the future of the region?

I am sick and tired of your rantings! Stick to watching Fox News and contributing to their 'Comments' section. You can't fool anyone here. THE WORLD IS NOT BUYING ZIONIST AND THEIR APOLOGISTS PROPAGANDA ANYMORE!
It seems allah did nothing in the past wars. I do not think he will do anything either in the future.

Who cares what a jew under Chinese flag thinks

We all know your an imposter like that clown faujihistorian
Meegla really it s not a joke.. Turkey is not just looking to save face that stupid to think. Turkey doesnt operate like that. They are not that simple.

And what is Turkey (Erdogan) going to do if the International court rules agianst him? Erdogan has backed himself into a corner and will look extremly weak if he loses. Israel sits in a very strong position legally. Though anything can happen in any court proceeding.
And what is Turkey (Erdogan) going to do if the International court rules agianst him? Erdogan has backed himself into a corner and will look extremly weak if he loses. Israel sits in a very strong position legally. Though anything can happen in any court proceeding.

Well first the Hague needs to bring charges against the Israelis for genocide of Palestinians, but of course as a white christian tea-bagger you conveniently forgot
Well first the Hague needs to bring charges against the Israelis for genocide of Palestinians, but of course as a white christian tea-bagger you conveniently forgot

Perhaps they could include Hamas as well in any war crimes charges?
Perhaps they could include Hamas as well in any war crimes charges?

I am all for those who have committed war crimes, acts of terrorism and genocide to be punished.

However, you and I both know that the rules don't apply to everyone, i.e, Israel
Devil is in the details! And you are one of the most gullible and shallow Chinese I have seen. Would you like to elaborate what those 'two-states' should look like? Do you know that, by building Settlements in prime locations, Israelis are effectively KILLING any viable two-states in that? Do retards like you and a few others from Pakistan here even know what would be the future of Palestinians in a 'Bantustan'?
You claim to be a 'neutral' person but you and even a couple of Pakistanis don't have answers to any the nagging problem posed by the Israeli settlements activity. Well, sir! The Settlements are premised on an ancient-claim on land--effectively meaning that either Pals should agree to a sub-ordinate 'state' of a Bantustan (minus any meaningful control on E. Jerusalem) or be agreed to be expelled to the 'real Palestine' called Jordan.
Idiots like like you buy the Zionist propaganda without any critical thinking. I bet idiots like you have a rationale for even when the 2/3rd of the UNGA is going to vote for the Palestine state later in the month DESPITE immense US pressure on at least 73 countries. Sure, the world is 'anti-semitic'.
And those who talk about the the 'Charter' of Hamas should also look into the actual actions of the Zionists. These land-grabbers are worse than Hamas. Hamas at least agrees to a 20-year 'Hudna'. What are the Israelis doing for decades? Creating 'facts on the ground'. Do you or other Israeli apologists have ANY answer to what this means for the future of the region?

I am sick and tired of your rantings! Stick to watching Fox News and contributing to their 'Comments' section. You can't fool anyone here. THE WORLD IS NOT BUYING ZIONIST AND THEIR APOLOGISTS PROPAGANDA ANYMORE!
lOl just ignore him.He is extremely biased anti Islamic bigot.He hates pretty much all muslims.He claims to represent Chinese yet the chinese members here dont agree with him lol.
Two state solutions basically set up two countries: Palestinian and Israel, based on about 1967 border, with Jerusalem divided between the two as the capital for each of them.

About China involvement here? The success towards terrorists is critical to China. We must make sure they get eliminated everywhere in the world since the minute they have success in one place, they will spread like a disease everywhere. We have no interest to deal with those muslim terrorists from arabs, somalia, afghanistan and etc to have a jihad in China afterwards.

About ranting? Is it a joke?

It seems those muslim members here rant and dream here day in and day out to erase Israel from the earth, boasting how strong they are and how their almighty god will help them to get rid of Israel and Jewish people.

I thought majority of muslims are moderate and only few of them are like extremists/terrorists e.g. OBL.

Well, go ahead. Do not just pump your fists here. Do whatever you need to do, either join your jihad or become a suicide bomber. The reality is that most of the world have normal relationship with Israel and Hamas and hez-blah-blah are deemed as a terrorist organizations.

Devil is in the details! And you are one of the most gullible and shallow Chinese I have seen. Would you like to elaborate what those 'two-states' should look like? Do you know that, by building Settlements in prime locations, Israelis are effectively KILLING any viable two-states in that? Do retards like you and a few others from Pakistan here even know what would be the future of Palestinians in a 'Bantustan'?
You claim to be a 'neutral' person but you and even a couple of Pakistanis don't have answers to any the nagging problem posed by the Israeli settlements activity. Well, sir! The Settlements are premised on an ancient-claim on land--effectively meaning that either Pals should agree to a sub-ordinate 'state' of a Bantustan (minus any meaningful control on E. Jerusalem) or be agreed to be expelled to the 'real Palestine' called Jordan.
Idiots like like you buy the Zionist propaganda without any critical thinking. I bet idiots like you have a rationale for even when the 2/3rd of the UNGA is going to vote for the Palestine state later in the month DESPITE immense US pressure on at least 73 countries. Sure, the world is 'anti-semitic'.
And those who talk about the the 'Charter' of Hamas should also look into the actual actions of the Zionists. These land-grabbers are worse than Hamas. Hamas at least agrees to a 20-year 'Hudna'. What are the Israelis doing for decades? Creating 'facts on the ground'. Do you or other Israeli apologists have ANY answer to what this means for the future of the region?

I am sick and tired of your rantings! Stick to watching Fox News and contributing to their 'Comments' section. You can't fool anyone here. THE WORLD IS NOT BUYING ZIONIST AND THEIR APOLOGISTS PROPAGANDA ANYMORE!
^ Dont repeat same nonsense . Israel is also a big terrorist if we look at definition of terrorism defined by UN
A lot of supposed chinese members here are anti-semitic. However, in reality, few Chinese are like that in China.

Do not believe what I have said???

A New York Jew in China - What Do Chinese People Think of Jews?
A New York Jew in China - What Do Chinese People Think of Jews? - YouTube

lOl just ignore him.He is extremely biased anti Islamic bigot.He hates pretty much all muslims.He claims to represent Chinese yet the chinese members here dont agree with him lol.

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------

Majority of the world will not agree with that.

Your five permanent U.N. members won't agree with that as well.

Your international court will not agree with that either.

^ Dont repeat same nonsense . Israel is also a big terrorist if we look at definition of terrorism defined by UN
Chinese-Dragon, what happened to neutrality? Tipped to the "Israel is evil* rhetoric i see, oh well... Shame.

What happened to neutrality, is your Israeli friend ephone trying to talk on behalf of Chinese, and insulting all the other Chinese members here, in order to (lol) defend Israel. And also insulting our Muslim allies like Pakistanis.

That's what happened to neutrality.
neutrality??? If I can stand neutrally between the current palestinian authority (who at least promote peaceful solution) and Israel, there is no way I can stand neutrally between hamas and Israel. I will choose Israel over hamas any single day.

You think China will do anything differently??? No major country in the world will favor hamas over Israel for sure.

What happened to neutrality, is your Israeli friend ephone trying to talk on behalf of Chinese, and insulting all the other Chinese members here, in order to (lol) defend Israel. And also insulting our Muslim allies like Pakistanis.

That's what happened to neutrality.
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