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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza


When someone is a Muslim they seize to be Bangladeshi Indian Pakistani Saudi etc. We are all Muslim and we are all brothers.
I do not expect you to understand this.

:angry: Listen you Silly Arab; don’t include all Pakistanis, Indians, Bangladeshis as your brothers because we are sick and tired of your double dealing with us non-Arab Muslims.

Take your false promises somewhere else and don’ try to act all soft alike with false pretence of brotherhood.

You are the kind that should go to Iraq and do his Islamic duty there so the world can be a safer place!

good lets learn Isreal a leasson and send them back to EU AMERICA RUSSIA POLAND were these ppl came from

---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------

and watch how these brothers will stop killing each other and start killing u !!!

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------

Look at ur country and 1000 fighter planes of Indian airforce has crashed since 1970 lol and u are saying who can operate weapons lol hahaha
"start killing u !!!" - Ohh emotional. I won`t hold my breath though, there is no unity amongst Muslims and there won`t be anytime soon.
Too many think themselves as the superior Muslims, do you believe a Saudi Arabian royal will take orders from Pakistanis? That a Shia will submit to the will of Sunni?
Here`s my advice to you: Hate never got you anywhere, help your fellow Muslims that need help and try to do good for the world that has so many problems besides this conflict.
You know stuff like cancer, AIDS, Neuromuscular diseases, Diabetes, Famine, Lack of basic commodities.
What is so hard to understand? To remain superiority over those nutcases.

if israel is really that advanced then why does is it start bit**ing like a little girl to the UN when countries like syria, iran, and saudi arabia are going for better military hardware?
israel didnt let syria buy su 30s, it didnt let iran buy s300 and didnt let the saudis upgrade its f15 fleet!
they are desperate
I guess time will tell who the real victorious are. You can bi**h all you want now, because you have some advanced technology or backing of a superCoward. You still have some years to talk ****, but soon you will be crushed and erased from the pages of history. Then we'll see who will do the talking.

only idiots like turkey in this time try to provoke a war to challenge Israel on the blockade.

I do not say Israel is like a god. However, turkey is not good enough to defeat Israel. It will be another one that gets humiliated for sure if it does not know what it faces with.

When someone is a Muslim they seize to be Bangladeshi Indian Pakistani Saudi etc. We are all Muslim and we are all brothers.
I do not expect you to understand this.

Sorry, but that doesn't count because lines have been drawn as nations. If you are all considered as Muslims you don't need different countries but one single nation to exist. That experiment is failed time and again throughout history and this whole "WE" concept doesn't work in the long run. Simple as that.

Indian Muslims are different. They are not like what you think; you should be knowing that since a lot of Indian Muslims work in your country.
Hezbollah??? They have been bombed into turtles behind civilians. They used civilians to hide their own axxes. You call that victory???

How many Israel army forces died in that conflict and How many hezbollah died then???

There are still nuts here saying hezbollah winning???

IDF can bomb you into your shxtty holes every day. What does that stupid hezbollah terrorists can do? fire some toy rockets again???

BTW, NATO will for sure not stand with turkey. The big boss U.S. will not allow NATO to do that. If you are a turkey citizen, you would like to put your country's fate on NATO while fighting for some people who are not even your citizens??? Good luck with that.
You keep your propaganda in your pockets.

Isreal's recent military adventure in Lebanon achieved nothing. Hezbollah's leader just laughed and fired so many missiles in to Israel that hundreds and thousands of Israeli citizens were displaced.

In the end, the former Isreali defence minister stated this: "Israel had lost to a very small group of people, 5000 Hezbollah fighters, which should have been no match at all for the IDF."

Turkey is nothing like Lebanon. It is much more powerful then Syria. Do not underestimate it.

And US shutting Turkish weapons down seems like the joke of the century. Thanks for entertaining us.

And US will not directly support Isreal in this case. It will put immense pressure on both sides to end the conflict. Turkey is very important to US as well. Turkey is like a bridge for US in to Islamic world.
NATO is not going to support Turkey in a war with Israel. Since it would be the insane actions of the Turkish Government that provoked Israel. And Israel will not use nukes unless Turkey makes a grab for the B-61 thermo nuclear bombs NATO has positioned in Turkey right now.
And NATO will further loose its credibility, if it does not supports Turkey. A time will come when people will say that NATO is just a fake alliance. Russia will start flexing its muscles.
Looks like this naval-escort to Gaza news is primarily being reported on Turkish and Israeli channels only. I am not sure about the validity of this news. I am hoping this is not going to happen. But here is one more news on the front page of Haaretz. This time about Turkey forming a strategic alliance with Egypt. In this connection, it is reported that Pakistan's President Zardari is trying to make Iran and Saudi Arabia at least shelve their differences. Who knows how much of this is factual but events are moving in rapid motion.

Report: Turkey seeking strategic alliance with Egypt - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Meanwhile, following the expulsion of the Israeli envoy from Turkey, Egyptians called on their government to follow in Turkey's footsteps, Al Jazeera reported on Sunday, and expel the Israeli envoy in Cairo, as well as alter the Camp David Accords to allow more Egyptian forces in the Sinai Peninsula.

On Friday morning, Turkey announced a series of measures against Israel, beginning with the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador and the downgrading of bilateral relations to the level of second secretary.

Another step announced by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu could lead to a military confrontation with Israel. "Turkey would take every precaution it deems necessary for the safety of maritime navigation in the eastern Mediterranean," Turkey's Hurriyet Daily News quoted him as saying Friday. The paper reported that Turkey's navy would escort civilian vessels carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and would guarantee free navigation in the zone between Israel and Cyprus.
And US will not directly support Isreal in this case. It will put immense pressure on both sides to end the conflict. Turkey is very important to US as well. Turkey is like a bridge for US in to Islamic world.

You are right except on this one. The 'United States' you are talking about is not more than a few hundred Congressmen/Senators too beholden to certain 'Lobbies' to challenge Israel. Israel can call a visiting former American President Carter with real bad names and still manages to get away with that!! The 'Lobby' has, through its influence/money made some rebellious Congressmen lose their re-election bids; so, unlike a few secure people like Kucinich or Ron Paul, most of these people would rather sit in offices and so Israel's bidding than to raise their heads--lest they risk being ousted from their offices they love more than America itself. The Lobby will ultimately drown America unless it is stopped. Read 'The Israel Lobby' by mearsheimer and Walt to understand how powerless the Congress is when it comes to Israel.
Looks like this naval-escort to Gaza news is primarily being reported on Turkish and Israeli channels only. I am not sure about the validity of this news. I am hoping this is not going to happen. But here is one more news on the front page of Haaretz. This time about Turkey forming a strategic alliance with Egypt. In this connection, it is reported that Pakistan's President Zardari is trying to make Iran and Saudi Arabia at least shelve their differences. Who knows how much of this is factual but events are moving in rapid motion.

Report: Turkey seeking strategic alliance with Egypt - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

"Egyptians called on their government to follow in Turkey's footsteps, Al Jazeera reported on Sunday, and expel the Israeli envoy in Cairo"
Egyptians have been calling for that since the peace accord was created, and it was Israel that allowed Egypt to deploy more soldiers in Sinai so they can control the Islamist terrorist groups that have taken over Sinai.

So much that Egypt just started an extensive mission to destroy all tunnels between Gaza and Egypt.

But trouble is, without a doubt, stirring.
I guess time will tell who the real victorious are. You can bi**h all you want now, because you have some advanced technology or backing of a superCoward. You still have some years to talk ****, but soon you will be crushed and erased from the pages of history. Then we'll see who will do the talking.

I don't get your "you" perspective mate. Is it against China or USA or what? Because if it is either of these countries, both are simply too powerful to go down. USA might be weaker than before but it still packs enough punch for everyone to listen. If you mean China, I am sure you know how fast Chinese are rising.

Listen, practically even under normal circumstances it is impossible to cause a war between the two. Maybe for some local brownie points, Erdogan might go and fire some fancy words at Israel but it will never escalate beyond that. If Turkey enters, then will Syria, Iran and other countries. To avoid nuclear war, US will intervene here and most probably after a few shots and a dozen soldiers dead, the skirmish would stop.

Looking at the volatility of Middle East, even a tiny skirmish can erupt into WW3. Israel is keeping put and so are other countries including Iran which talks more but acts better than what it speaks in terms of sensibility. Turkey is far more rational and other than some political fame, won't go practical on this. Soon after the flotilla incident, Erdogan announced that he would enter with Navy. It has been months and not happened. Because it will not happen. The cost of that war would be too great for all those who are involved. Once it becomes Turkey vs Israel, Iran, Syria, Egypt (new regime) and some other countries of middle east would jump in (doubt the oil sheikhdoms would participate) on Turk side while that would force US to side with Israel. So you see a fight between these two would become a fight between a dozen countries.

ALL this is only talk and not action.
But trouble is, without a doubt, stirring.

I would lose respect for Egyptians if they get out of Camp David accord. I know, it was not under a representative govt. when they signed Camp David but Egypt has enjoyed some benefits from the peace and getting back the land of huge size (Sinai).

So what do you mean by 'trouble'?
You are right except on this one. The 'United States' you are talking about is not more than a few hundred Congressmen/Senators too beholden to certain 'Lobbies' to challenge Israel. Israel can call a visiting former American President Carter with real bad names and still manages to get away with that!! The 'Lobby' has, through its influence/money made some rebellious Congressmen lose their re-election bids; so, unlike a few secure people like Kucinich or Ron Paul, most of these people would rather sit in offices and so Israel's bidding than to raise their heads--lest they risk being ousted from their offices they love more than America itself. The Lobby will ultimately drown America unless it is stopped. Read 'The Israel Lobby' by mearsheimer and Walt to understand how powerless the Congress is when it comes to Israel.
Brother, I understand this.

However, regardless of how pro-Isreal US can be, it cannot afford to alienate the entire Islamic world. The War On Terror has taught US that their is a limit to how much it can protect Israeli interests and US has its own problems to deal with.

And if the US president possesses the power to defy US congress by (illegally) authorizing military action in Libya; he can knock sense in to Isreal as well. No need to fall for Netanyahu hype either.

Turkey has very good reputation in Islamic world and not just in the western world. The Islamic block would be absolutely willing to help Turkey in its time of need.
I'm talking about the Jewish land. They are the ones that threaten and even have attacked Muslim countries. I just don't see any future for them if they keep going the way they are. I agree with u other points.

I don't get your "you" perspective mate. Is it against China or USA or what? Because if it is either of these countries, both are simply too powerful to go down. USA might be weaker than before but it still packs enough punch for everyone to listen. If you mean China, I am sure you know how fast Chinese are rising.

Listen, practically even under normal circumstances it is impossible to cause a war between the two. Maybe for some local brownie points, Erdogan might go and fire some fancy words at Israel but it will never escalate beyond that. If Turkey enters, then will Syria, Iran and other countries. To avoid nuclear war, US will intervene here and most probably after a few shots and a dozen soldiers dead, the skirmish would stop.

Looking at the volatility of Middle East, even a tiny skirmish can erupt into WW3. Israel is keeping put and so are other countries including Iran which talks more but acts better than what it speaks in terms of sensibility. Turkey is far more rational and other than some political fame, won't go practical on this. Soon after the flotilla incident, Erdogan announced that he would enter with Navy. It has been months and not happened. Because it will not happen. The cost of that war would be too great for all those who are involved. Once it becomes Turkey vs Israel, Iran, Syria, Egypt (new regime) and some other countries of middle east would jump in (doubt the oil sheikhdoms would participate) on Turk side while that would force US to side with Israel. So you see a fight between these two would become a fight between a dozen countries.

ALL this is only talk and not action.
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