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Turkey: Israel, West's spoiled child

Israel only survives cos of american charity. Americans empire is on the demise. In due course we will see this spoiled child having no choice but to behave. If I can use the analogy of saddam=america, sadams sons=israel. When saddam ruled iraqis his sons got away with murder. With Saddams demise his sons followed.
Israel only survives cos of american charity. Americans empire is on the demise. In due course we will see this spoiled child having no choice but to behave. If I can use the analogy of saddam=america, sadams sons=israel. When saddam ruled iraqis his sons got away with murder. With Saddams demise his sons followed.

Not really. Israel is self dependent. GDP is $210 Billion with population only 7.5 million. Per Capita (nominal) - 29,000 $. Now you can figure out. Israel is one of the richest country in the world if one consider population of the country !!
Not really. Israel is self dependent. GDP is $210 Billion with population only 7.5 million. Per Capita (nominal) - 29,000 $. Now you can figure out. Israel is one of the richest country in the world if one consider population of the country !!

Give me a break. Everyone knows how and why israel behaves the way they do.
Give me a break. Everyone knows how and why israel behaves the way they do.
he was answering you about your fake statement "Israel only survives cos of american charity"
Some indians forget that they are worse than both israel and Turkey. They dance like monkeys to the tune of genocidal maniacs like norandra modi. I hear that he is the future PM of india.
thread derailing
nothing related to india here
post reported
he was answering you about your fake statement "Israel only survives cos of american charity"

Israel's public debt equals 79 percent of gdp, it imports 1.25 billion dollars more than it exports. More than 23 percent of Israelis live below poverty line. As the US congress stated -- Israeli is not “economically self-sufficient.”

"Israel is not economically self-sufficient, and relies on foreign assistance and borrowing to maintain its economy. Over and above american aid, it is estimated that it receives about $1 billion annually through philanthropy, an equal amount through short- and long- term commercial loans, and around $1 billion in Israel Bonds proceeds. Since 1985, america has provided $3 billion in grants annually to Israel. Since 1976, Israel has been the largest annual recipient of american foreign assistance, and is the largest cumulative recipient since World War II,” The Congressional Research Service (CRS) said in a 2003 report titled "Israel: US Foreign Assistance."

Now with the sytemic failure in the west a weak recovery in america and the west, the amount of financial aid etc that Israel can receive is sure to be affected adding to problems Israeli is already facing. If america whent kaput I would like to see how brilliant the israelis would be.
And some Bangladeshis forget how their Pakistani brethren massacred 3 Million their fellow Ummahites in Bangladesh in wanton cruelty and raped and violated around 150000 of their women. Even 20 Narendra Modis put together cannot even come close to their Pakistani brethren achievements.

Actually, international reports put the figures down at 26,000 civilians were killed. Let's not forget the fact that it was the Indians that stirred the Bengali's against Pakistan in the first place!

Bengali's unlike Indians don't keep regurgitating the past. As far as were concerned, that was in our past and the future generations still love each other. This is evident when Pakistan places cricket in Bangladesh. The Bengali's root for Pakistan and vice-versa when they come here!

Go try to stir trouble amongst other races will you. That is what you've learnt from you Zionist brethren!
Indians should becarefull with nations as Bangladesh because u guys arnt that irreplaceble for them at all.. If you go against the Bangladesh people with agressive hostile goverments they (Bangladesh) will just replace you with other countries from the west-or whatever!
And some Bangladeshis forget how their Pakistani brethren massacred 3 Million their fellow Ummahites in Bangladesh in wanton cruelty and raped and violated around 150000 of their women. Even 20 Narendra Modis put together cannot even come close to their Pakistani brethren achievements.

and some stupid trolls who go off topic,

are you stupid? this is about ISRAEIL and TURKEY , why the hell you bringing Pakistan in here.
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