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Turkey & Iran and Iran and Arabs (The Political Differences)

The point I was trying to make is that we may wish to be friends with Europeans or Americans, but if they are not sincere with us what can we do. I have watched Turkey's attempts to join the EEC. I have been very disappointed by the Europeans just procrastinating and playing with Turks. look at how the EEC allowed and fast tracked Eastern European countries into EEC but after making Turks wait etc we finally have the likes of Sarkosy just couldn't hide the inbred hatred towards Turkey and I think in my opinion it was purely because the are Muslims this has happened.

Exactly, How sad to see so much divisions for nothing. As I see it, Americans & the West (Christians), Israelis (Jews), Indians (Hindus) have nothing in common and first two have been having a tough relation throughout their history but them all are united against Islaam and Muslims (They like calling it ''Terrorists'') and us Muslims being one Nation (As described by none other then Prophet Muhammad PBUH) are so devided for no good reasons and allowing others to attack us hard, due to our weaknesses by being devided.

It Is Really Sad.
The point I was trying to make is that we may wish to be friends with Europeans or Americans, but if they are not sincere with us what can we do. I have watched Turkey's attempts to join the EEC. I have been very disappointed by the Europeans just procrastinating and playing with Turks. look at how the EEC allowed and fast tracked Eastern European countries into EEC but after making Turks wait etc we finally have the likes of Sarkosy just couldn't hide the inbred hatred towards Turkey and I think in my opinion it was purely because the are Muslims this has happened.

Only ones who have sympathy for Europe USA and Israel are liberals and foreign educated Kemalists. Nationalists and Islamists strongly opposes. Nationalists prefer Turkic people's over Iran and Arabs, while Islamist prefer Sunni Arabs over other Turkic people's.
Islamic state or working closely with Islamic states or even to unite under current conditions is a dangerous idea, first we will hurt eachothers and in the end destroy it totally from within! We can deny all we want but the fact remains we are still living darkages, everything from science to technology comes from the west, not a single damn thing from us. But by words we are all the best muslm, but just by words,we dont even understand Islam, we follow the religion as a hobby for entertainment,just imitating without knowing why, no questions no answers just follow and do what you're being told, repeat the same again and again nothing new, memorize without knowing the true meanings, it's so obvious if we truly understood and were on the right path as Islam is absulte truth we would lead in fields such as technology,science. We would become a source ofenlightment to all the peoples of the world!
the western science discovers and all we do is saying things like "we muslims already knew this, it is written in Holy Quran" this is the only thing we can do, just talk and do nothing, expect everything from Allah, insallah.

Conclusion:brothers there's nothing our governements can do about it, it is much much more complicated, it is corrupted to the very core, until enlightment, until Mehdi comes i wont support islamic state or union with other muslims. Only chance left is Mehdi who will be guided and protected by Allah, only such person with divine knowledge will remove all misunderstandings,innovations, corruptions, falsehood. all humanity will be united when Mehdi arrives. his message will be something new, totally new and updated it wont be like we used to hear untill now! he will reveal such unbelieveble knowledge and hidden secrets from Quran that even aleems will say " have you brought us a new book?"

If i'm still alive that day, i will support Islamic state i wileven sacrefice my life to defend it!
I cant go on the second page of this thread, I keeps staying on page one when you try and go o next page WTF?
Only ones who have sympathy for Europe USA and Israel are liberals and foreign educated Kemalists. Nationalists and Islamists strongly opposes. Nationalists prefer Turkic people's over Iran and Arabs, while Islamist prefer Sunni Arabs over other Turkic people's.

Kemalists are informed and educated people theyre also strongly anti-emperialists, anti-usa, anti-west.

Nationalists are believing their cause and willing to die for it!

But insignificant folks like you only talk like women, you are just talk i feel pity for yoour kind
Kemalists are informed and educated people theyre also strongly anti-emperialists, anti-usa, anti-west.

Nationalists are believing their cause and willing to die for it!

But insignificant folks like you only talk like women, you are just talk i feel pity for yoour kind

What makes you think that I talk like a woman. What is my kind? Only Allah knows which one of us is pitiful.
I just want to show mentality of Turkish people with last election results.

Strongest 4 parties %95.28

1.AKP 49,9 Islamists, Rightists (Voted for economic stability, developing on some fields) (Aims: Changing to secular regime (not all of supporters), improve relationships with Muslim countries especially Arabs, providing a peace between seperatist terrorist and government)
2.CHP 25,9 Secularists, Alavis (a wing of Shia but there are some differences at especially salat and mosque issues), Leftists
(Aims: Protecting secular regime due to Alavi supporters and Ataturk's principles, they are biggest rival of AKP, they see themselves as followers of Ataturk principles and ideas aslso called as Kemalists due to this reason)
3.MHP 12,9 Mostly Turkish Nationalists, Islamists
(Aims: Firstly forming a Turkish Union and most of them are also support Turk-Islam Union, they are fully against talks with terrorists and government)
4.Independents mostly BDP %5.5~6,5 Kurdish Nationalists, Crypto Armenians, Leftists (Aims: Dividing to Turkey at least gaining an autonomous region at Kurdish cities, they are supporting by EU)

Most of Turks even don't know that Islam against to secularism and see to Ataturk as a rescuer like me so people think that who want to change principles of Ataturk especially secularism want that bring a radical Islamist regime such as Iran and S.Arabia to Turkey. I entirely respect his patriotism and most of ideas but i don't think that Ataturk was a Muslim especially after have seen this video.

In summary most of Turks support a Muslim Union probably except CHP and BDP voters and i fully support all Muslims should unite against internal or external infidels. If even old enemy EU countries can establish an union, we can establish our union easily after regime changes on some non-democratic Arab regimes and deviant Mollah regime in Iran.
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I just want to show mentality of Turkish people with last election results.

Strongest 4 parties %95.28

1.AKP 49,9 Islamists, Rightists (Voted for economic stability, developing on some fields) (Aims: Changing to secular regime (not all of supporters), improve relationships with Muslim countries especially Arabs, providing a peace between seperatist terrorist and government)
2.CHP 25,9 Secularists, Alavis (a wing of Shia but there are some differences at especially salat and mosque issues), Leftists
(Aims: Protecting secular regime due to Alavi supporters and Ataturk's principles, they are biggest rival of AKP, they see themselves as followers of Ataturk principles and ideas aslso called as Kemalists due to this reason)
3.MHP 12,9 Mostly Turkish Nationalists, Islamists
(Aims: Firstly forming a Turkish Union and most of them are also support Turk-Islam Union, they are fully against talks with terrorists and government)
4.Independents mostly BDP %5.5~6,5 Kurdish Nationalists, Crypto Armenians, Leftists (Aims: Dividing to Turkey at least gaining an autonomous region at Kurdish cities, they are supporting by EU)

Most of Turks even don't know that Islam against to secularism and see to Ataturk as a rescuer like me so people think that who want to change principles of Ataturk especially secularism want that bring a radical Islamist regime such as Iran and S.Arabia to Turkey. I entirely respect his patriotism and most of ideas but i don't think that Ataturk was a Muslim especially after have seen this video.

In summary most of Turks support a Muslim Union probably except CHP and BDP voters and i fully support all Muslims should unite against internal or external infidels. If even old enemy EU countries can establish an union, we can establish our union easily after regime changes on some non-democratic Arab regimes and deviant Mollah regime in Iran.

True bother, but i don't think it is fair to say that CHP are all alavis. Their leader, Kilicdaroglu is as far as i know alawi, but i don't know about the rest. And regarding Ataturk, as we we have been discussing for a long time, he wanted to transform Turkey into fully secular non-religious country. Some people want that (secualirists and kemalists) and some people are against that including me.
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Ataturk was a great leader, I would have fought on his side. His policies may have been right at his time but today things have changed.

West is the den of sin and corruption. If we want to protect ourselves, families and nation, we should be hold our culture, religion tight. Each western incursion into our country corrupts a few more youths' brains, makes our women look like ******, etc... We should convince our brothers, who have been deceived by evil, to join our rightful cause.

What I see every day on streets is not a good sign, a few more generations we will have lost our roots. It is like Chinese corrupting Huns and enslaving them. Bilge Kagan and Tonyukuk saw it and warned us centuries ago.
True bother, but i don't think it is fair to say that CHP are all alavis. Their leader, Kilicdaroglu is as far as i know alawi, but i don't know about the rest. And regarding Ataturk, as we we have been discussing for a long time, he wanted to transform Turkey into fully secular non-religious country. Some people want that (secualirists and kemalists) and some people are against that including me.

Already I didn't say all voters of CHP are Alavis like all supporters of AKP are not Islamists. Islamists, rightists, alavis, secularists they are different sub groups.

Kilicdaroglu is clearly a crypto Armenian like most of Alavi Kurds. His mother's name is Yemus and she is Armenian also his father is an Alavi Kurd but probably he is an Armenian like his mother too.
Actually there is few country stops Turkish attemt to join EU, France-They were supporting us until Sarkozy idiot came to power-, Austuria -They are now mostly supportitive of us protest by Turkish people in Austuria, Germany -They start to support us after protests by Turkish origin citizens in Germany-, Cyprus, Greece-even they are somewhat supportitive of us--

Well, we hate most of the Europa bacuse they tried to divide our country and they hate us because of our battles and conquest of Europa. It is normal that if you were under others rule for more than 400 years that now you are bit angry at the but Turkish relationship with Balkans are improving alot since 2000's.


Contrary to your assertions if you follow European politics you would know that religion is an issue although they pretend that its not
WikiLeaks cables: Pope wanted Muslim Turkey kept out of EU | World news | The Guardian

Say what you will accept the EEC countries excuses for not allowing Turkey to join I can not help but think religion was an issue. You may have a different culture to Arabs or Iranians but one would assume that you would not be discriminated because of religion
Ataturk was a great leader, I would have fought on his side. His policies may have been right at his time but today things have changed.

West is the den of sin and corruption. If we want to protect ourselves, families and nation, we should be hold our culture, religion tight. Each western incursion into our country corrupts a few more youths' brains, makes our women look like ******, etc... We should convince our brothers, who have been deceived by evil, to join our rightful cause.

What I see every day on streets is not a good sign, a few more generations we will have lost our roots. It is like Chinese corrupting Huns and enslaving them. Bilge Kagan and Tonyukuk saw it and warned us centuries ago.

You hold a suprisingly low opinion of your own people and country. Young people with bad hiarcuts listening to crap music and wearing clothing you dont approve of is going to destry the Turkish culture, come on in every country the same complaint "kids these days"

The problem with the Ummah is the difference between being pious and being a bigot.

pi·ous   adjective
1. having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.

Bigot noun
1. a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who thinks that anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong

While everyone wants to tell everyone else how to be a better Muslim there can be no unity, if everyone concentrated on perfecting their own relationship with Allah you would have your Ummah. Sadly perople seem to prefer the later.
I have a kind of solution!

Make a common security force!

It will help in many ways, most of above it will help to unite and eliminate misconception about each other.

Second solution is open up each other for visit/tourism. e.g. the Azeri Iranians have brotherly feelings toward Turkey, simply because they travel and trade with Turkey more often and vice versa.
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