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Turkey has evidence that Israel was behind Egypt's coup says Erdogan

Dat face couldn't lie.

Although I don't like Erdogan, but he has a point here, people should understand they are not giving Egypt billions for sake of humanity and Muslims 'brothers' :

Addressing the Gulf countries providing financial aid to Egypt's military government: "The situation of the African Muslim countries is obvious. To which of them did you help and give such a support?"
Although I don't like Erdogan, but he has a point here, people should understand they are not giving Egypt billions for sake of humanity and Muslims 'brothers' :

It would be good if you could further explain your output. AFAIK Saudi Arabia is the world largest donor to both Muslims and Non Muslims country. Not sure if your ''Muslims brothers'' slogans do function here?
It would be good if you could further explain your output. AFAIK Saudi Arabia is the world largest donor to both Muslims and Non Muslims country. Not sure if your ''Muslims brothers'' slogans do function here?

Countries like Somalia or Sudan are in much more danger and need that money more than Egypt, or Afghanistan. proposing to give $8b to Egypt only days after Morsi ousted and calling all protesters as terrorists by your king indeed raises serious suspicions, even if your intentions are clear and honest.
World has evidence Erdogan has been hitting the crack-pipe.....this statement. It's a shame....Turkey used to be one of the few sane nations....now it is descending into a running joke like the rest in the region. Perhaps the Europeans saw this coming....and that's why they kept them out of the EU.
That's what we were afraid of, interference in internal Arab issues. Erdogan called for the UN to pressure Egypt, and further kept interfering in Egyptian issues like it's his country. That was a reprehensible behavior. I hope he doesn't ruin Turkish relations with the GCC and other Arab countries.
That's what we were afraid of, interference in internal Arab issues. Erdogan called for the UN to pressure Egypt, and further kept interfering in Egyptian issues like it's his country. That was a reprehensible behavior. I hope he doesn't ruin Turkish relations with the GCC and other Arab countries.

akhe, before critisizing ERdogan as you Arab monarchies first you must convince your people..is your people cheering your kings or cursing on Egypt policy..?? dont forget, your kings and sultans immediately after coup promised us all, they gonna to turn Egypt into heaven and fix everythings correctly by their semitic wise.....Now, Egypt turned to hell..You must have understood that money wouldnt solve every problem..Even sometimes it may worsening things more..

Not only as a muslim president, also as a human being Erdogan did what that must be done...Very Thanks Erdo...
That's what we were afraid of, interference in internal Arab issues. Erdogan called for the UN to pressure Egypt, and further kept interfering in Egyptian issues like it's his country. That was a reprehensible behavior. I hope he doesn't ruin Turkish relations with the GCC and other Arab countries.
Still convinced Erdogan is good?

World has evidence Erdogan has been hitting the crack-pipe.....this statement. It's a shame....Turkey used to be one of the few sane nations....now it is descending into a running joke like the rest in the region. Perhaps the Europeans saw this coming....and that's why they kept them out of the EU.
What kind of a bss hypothesis is that?
So by your logic,the EU knew for 50 years Erdogan was coming therefor they kept Turkey out of the EU?
World has evidence Erdogan has been hitting the crack-pipe.....this statement. It's a shame....Turkey used to be one of the few sane nations....now it is descending into a running joke like the rest in the region. Perhaps the Europeans saw this coming....and that's why they kept them out of the EU.

Regretfully the EU has its blame on this,they've pressured Turkey to "reform" to take steps in ensuring that the army won't interfere in politics anymore and this is what it got.Nice job,maybe someday they will learn that not everybody can be the same in an ideal world built in "western" image.
That's what we were afraid of, interference in internal Arab issues. Erdogan called for the UN to pressure Egypt, and further kept interfering in Egyptian issues like it's his country. That was a reprehensible behavior. I hope he doesn't ruin Turkish relations with the GCC and other Arab countries.

Syria, Iraq, Egypt is what Erdogan is interfering in now for years, this is not the first time only Egypt is added to it.
akhe, before critisizing ERdogan as you Arab monarchies first you must convince your people..is your people cheering your kings or cursing on Egypt policy..?? dont forget, your kings and sultans immediately after coup promised us all, they gonna to turn Egypt into heaven and fix everythings correctly by their semitic wise.....Now, Egypt turned to hell..You must have understood that money wouldnt solve every problem..Even sometimes it may worsening things more..

Not only as a muslim president, also as a human being Erdogan did what that must be done...Very Thanks Erdo...

Nobody interfered in Egyptian internal affairs, it's Egyptian people who called for the army to bail out the country as peoples' standards of living had been deteriorating.
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