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Turkey Financing Top Global Terror Groups

The WFB is reporting the foundation for defense of democracies.
Its a BS american conservative site.

Here you go.

State-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds for Salafi jihadist terrorist militant groups, such as al-Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban, and Lashkar-e-Taiba in South Asia, and donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide, according to Hillary Clinton.[110] According to a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state, "Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups."[111]

US embassy cables: Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists raise funds in Saudi Arabia | World news | theguardian.com

WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists | World news | The Guardian

Global Terrorism and Saudi Arabia: Bandar’s Terror Network | Global Research

Al-Qa‘ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) - Terrorist Groups
Terrorism Out of Saudi Arabia - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

May be you should question your fat king about that ? :D he is more knowlodged about where those terrorists are coming from :)
Who is NOT financing world terror groups in the first place.

Saudi Arabia is where al Qaeda was born, America should have dropped a nuke on that desert after September 11, 2001.

bad idea because if you had done that how you would have been able to make partnership with al-qaeda terrorists against Syria
May be you should question your fat king about that ? :D he is more knowlodged about where those terrorists are coming from :)

Saudi Arabia doesn't border Syria and Jordan-Syira border is sealed. Does that ring a bell?
Saudi Arabia doesn't border Syria and Jordan-Syira border is sealed. Does that ring a bell?
enough BS... Saudi "Arabia" is not an angel when it comes to sponsoring and supporting terrorism, both AKP and Saudi "Arabia" supported terrorism in Syria, Saudi "Arabia" sends weapons and terrorists through Jordan, and AKP welcomes all foreign terrorists in Turkey to get trained and then enter Syria, AKP made Turkey border with Syria terrorists land... and Saudi "Arabia" made Jordan's border with Syria terrorists warehouse...
Iraq, does that rings a bell ? Iraqi regions bordering Syria is crawling with extremists. FSA is concentrated at Turkish border.
Iraq, does that rings a bell ? Iraqi regions bordering Syria is crawling with extremists. FSA is concentrated at Turkish border.
there is no such thing as F$A, F$A was a name created to replace Alqaeda name in order to manipulate the world ...
Iraq, does that rings a bell ? Iraqi regions bordering Syria is crawling with extremists. FSA is concentrated at Turkish border.

Yes Al-Nusrah front and other Al-Qaeda affiliates all came from Iraq. :lol:
Iraq, does that rings a bell ? Iraqi regions bordering Syria is crawling with extremists. FSA is concentrated at Turkish border.
Saudi Arabia has basically declared war on the Iraqi people by supporting terrorists.

Yes Al-Nusrah front and other Al-Qaeda affiliates all came from Iraq. :lol:
first they were sponsored and paid by Saudi Arabia to cause death in Iraq and Syria.
ISIL is Led by Member of the Saudi Royal Family: ISIL Fighter on Al-Arabiya

Saudi Cleric Admits on TV that Saudis Form Majority of Takfiri Group Members in Syria
Arabian Legend needs to go pray to god to forgive him for his lies.

ISIL is Led by Member of the Saudi Royal Family: ISIL Fighter on Al-Arabiya

Saudi Cleric Admits on TV that Saudis Form Majority of Takfiri Group Members in Syria
Those Saudis clearly support terrorism.

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