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Turkey Financing Top Global Terror Groups

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Turkey Financing Top Global Terror Groups

Turkey becoming world’s leading terrorism finance hub

Turkey has become a principal financial hub for terrorists under the leadership of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose government has helped Iran skirt sanctions, supported jihadi groups in Syria, and provided financial backing to Hamas, according to a new report by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD).

Turkey, a key U.S. ally, “has turned a blind eye” to terror financing and is potentially on the verge of crossing the line to becoming an official state sponsor of terrorism, according to the Friday report, which cites the Erdogan government’s close ties to some of the world’s top terror organizations and operatives.

The report comes just a day after 84 U.S. lawmakers and former government officialsurged President Barack Obama to confront Erdogan over his harsh repression of political opponents.

As Turkey’s support for terrorism expands, the Obama administration has remained silent out of fear of offending Erdogan, whom the White House considers a strategic asset, according to the report authored by FDD’s Jonathan Schanzer, a former terrorism finance analyst at the U.S. Treasury Department.

The Obama administration “has remained on the sidelines, expressing relatively mild concern about the crackdowns on law enforcement officials and the jailing of journalists, while electing not to mention terrorism finance issues publicly,” the report states.

“Washington’s silence stems from fears of a fall-out with Turkey, which has been a crucial ally over the years, and is situated strategically at the intersection of Europe and the Middle East,” according to the report. “But Turkey’s actions constitute a direct challenge to Washington’s sanctions regime.”

The report catalogues in detail Turkey’s cozy relationship with jihadi groups, terrorist operatives, and the Iranian regime.

Last year, “Turkey was involved in a massive sanctions-busting scheme with Tehran,” according to the report. “Now known as ‘gas-for-gold,’ the scheme helped the Iranian regime gain some $13 billion” despite international sanctions meant to stop such deals.

Additionally, over 2,000 Iranian companies are reportedly registered in Turkey, where pro-Erdogan political elites have been accused of facilitating large cash transfers with Tehran.

Turkey’s top intelligence agency is also believed to be working with Iran in a bid to “scuttle intelligence operations” aimed at stopping Iran’s nuke program, according to the report.

Erdogan has also gone to great lengths to bolster extremist rebel groups in Syria, according to the report, which cites “mounting evidence suggests that Turkey has been directly or indirectly arming, training, and even financing Sunni jihadi groups” in the country.

Turkey reportedly sent 47 tons of weapons to Syrian rebels during a six-month period in 2013, according to the report.

There are “few questions that it has been Turkish policy to provide support to a range of rebel factions,” the report states. “Turkey now appears to allow a broad spectrum of anti-Assad forces, including those with radical ideologies, to operate on Turkish territory.”

“Jihadi personnel and finances” have been identified as flowing from Turkey to Syria.

Israeli military officials have additionally claimed that “Syrian al Qaeda groups were training in three separate bases in the Turkish provinces.”

Erdogan has also been exposed for having a close friendship with Yasin al-Qadi, a Saudi Arabian businessman who has faced sanctions for his financial ties to al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and other terrorist fronts.

Hamas has become another ally of the Erdogan government, which has held meetings with the terror group’s senior leadership and allows one of its key operative to work in Turkey.

Senior Hamas leader Saleh al-Aruri has been living in Turkey, “where he has been allegedly involved in the financing and logistics of Hamas operations,” according to the report, which states that “al-Aruri may be raising funds on Turkish soil that go to support terrorism.”

This coincides with “broader Turkish support” for Hamas, including political cover and financial backing.

Turkey has even inked a $4 billion deal with a Chinese missile firm that has been sanctioned “multiple times by the U.S. for selling prohibited missile technology to Iran,” according to the report.

Turkey’s deal with the controversial China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp appears “to be a direct attempt to undermine the U.S.-led sanctions against Iran,” the report states.

The Turkish government’s growing ties to terror have come amid a corruption scandal that has rocked Erdogan’s AKP political party, which has “purged the investigators, prosecutors, and journalists involved” in exposing the corruption.

FDD’s Schanzer warned that left unchecked by the United States and the rest of the international community, “Turkey’s terrorism finance problems could fester further.”

“These problems have already raised questions about whether Turkey currently serves as a barrier to extremism from the Middle East,” Schanzer said.

Report: Turkey Financing Top Global Terror Groups | Washington Free Beacon
Are you serious ? :D at least make someone else open the thread, you're Saudi.
Are you serious ? :D at least make someone else open the thread, you're Saudi.

The article posted to be either agreed upon or refuted. If you have anything to say in regard to that please go ahead.
Here you go, you're doing same thing, Saudi Arabia or any other middle eastern country can easily part of that subject, but you don't open threads to discuss, you open them to bash Turkey.

-Turkey is clearly hostile with Al Qaeda and groups related to it, everybody knows that, Turkey is not supporting them, government is helping moderate groups at Syria(Which I don't want either), and many times they stated they do not help Al Qaeda.

-They do not financially support Hamas, there is no proof for that, plus Turkey many times stated that they want Hamas to drop weapons and fight in political arena, only reason government has talks with Hamas is because they represent a huge part of Palestinians, therefore they should be normalized, stop violence and accepted as a represantive of Palestinians.

-How exactly doing trade with Iran became financing terrorists ? is Iran a terror organization ? world's relationship with Iran is normalizing, soon these sanctions which damages the economies of countries at region will be put off and there will be no such needs.

"Turkey financing top terrorist groups" yeah, find some other subject to bash Turkey, you're ridiculing yourself by opening ironical threads.
Turkey has even inked a $4 billion deal with a Chinese missile firm that has been sanctioned “multiple times by the U.S. for selling prohibited missile technology to Iran,” according to the report.

Turkey’s deal with the controversial China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp appears “to be a direct attempt to undermine the U.S.-led sanctions against Iran,” the report states.

skirting sanctions against Iran is not equivalent to "financing terrorism'. more US thinktank bullsh!t.
Here you go, you're doing same thing, Saudi Arabia or any other middle eastern country can easily part of that subject, but you don't open threads to discuss, you open them to bash Turkey.

-Turkey is clearly hostile with Al Qaeda and groups related to it, everybody knows that, Turkey is not supporting them, government is helping moderate groups at Syria(Which I don't want either), and many times they stated they do not help Al Qaeda.

Turkey support Al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria. There is no moderate group other then the FSA.

-They do not financially support Hamas, there is no proof for that, plus Turkey many times stated that they want Hamas to drop weapons and fight in political arena, only reason government has talks with Hamas is because they represent a huge part of Palestinians, therefore they should be normalized, stop violence and accepted as a represantive of Palestinians.

Hamas receives financial and other aids from Turkey for the fact that Hamas is a MB brach.

-How exactly doing trade with Iran became financing terrorists ? is Iran a terror organization ? world's relationship with Iran is normalizing, soon these sanctions which damages the economies of countries at region will be put off and there will be no such needs.

Iran has been listed as a state sponsoring terrorism with members of its regime on the wanted list. Also, helping Iran skirting sanctions imposed is a violation to the international agreement in that regard to the Iran's nuclear program.

"Turkey financing top terrorist groups" yeah, find some other subject to bash Turkey, you're ridiculing yourself by opening ironical threads.

rime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is seemingly very busy in reversing Turkey’s democratic achievements through a set of legal and administrative moves. These include abolishing the rule of law and the separation of powers, restricting the use of the Internet, increasing government control of the judiciary, exerting efforts to end free media, banning Facebook and YouTube, profiling dissident civil servants, academics and journalists, and thus turning the regime into an authoritarian, one-man and one-party system.

However, leaving internal political developments aside for today, let’s tackle recent developments in foreign policy, especially with regard to the Middle East and Turkey’s ties with Gulf countries.

A very important development took place this week, with three major Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates - withdrawing their ambassadors from Qatar because of Doha’s continued interference in the GCC countries’ internal affairs. However, one of the main reasons for degrading the level of relations with Qatar is Doha’s aggressive policies with regard to Syria and its continued support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Saudi Arabia is extremely disturbed by Qatar’s strong support for al-Qaeda affiliated groups in Syria, which has caused a visible split between the two countries on issues concerning the Syrian problem. It’s no surprise that Saudi Arabia has announced that it designated the Muslim Brotherhood, the al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) as “terrorist organizations” on March 7.

The international community knows that Qatar and Turkey represent a different alliance within the international community tasked to solve the Syrian problem. Qatar is the main sponsor of combatting the Syrian opposition, along with al-Qaeda affiliated groups, while Turkey is seen as the main logistical resource country for these groups, and the location from where they have been infiltrating into Syria.

Although the Turkish government has taken some actions aimed at changing this perception, not much has changed in the field according to international observers.

The Turkish-Qatari alliance also showed its reflection before and during the Geneva II Conference. It has been accused of making a breakthrough more difficult at the conference by insisting that Bashar al-Assad must go before the two parties can agree on a political solution. This is why Turkey has been sidelined from the Syrian equation by its Western allies and Qatar by its GCC allies.

But at least one good thing for Turkey is that it now has a companion in the league of countries enjoying “precious loneliness.” But Qatar has to do more to deserve this prestigious seat: It has to ban YouTube and Facebook and quit the GCC to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, along with its best friend.

Turkish-Qatari alliance in ‘precious loneliness’ league - SERKAN DEMİRTAŞ
Saudi Arabia is where al Qaeda was born, America should have dropped a nuke on that desert after September 11, 2001.
-Turkey is hostile with Al Qaeda, whole world knows that, if you don't, its your ignorance, don't bring up sh.t , Turkey is mainly supports FSA in Syria.

- 1) Can't see a proof 2) as stated Turkey wants Hamas to stop violence and normalize, Turkey doesn't supports its terrorist actions.

- Then as said Saudi Arabia should be nuked and turned into a desert:-)D) by now, yes we made trade with Iran, what is the result ? did they nuked Israel or you ? no, they're normalizing their relationship with rest of world.
For years, Syria have always told the UN that AKP is sponsoring terrorists in Syria, from training camps to weapons all those terrorists were trained in Turkey.. AKP opened up Turkey to the terrorists, every terrorists travels to Turkey in order to get trained and then enter Syria... and yet many accused Syrians of fluff talk... heck even a Saudi posted this article... in addition I have posted many threads with videos showing the Turkish armed forces smuggling weapons to terrorists in Syria...

and Saudi "Arabia" is not any better, it is also sponsoring terrorists in Syria and Iraq... most of Isil and nusra front are Saudi terrorists...
Turkey Financing Top Global Terror Groups

Turkey has become a principal financial hub for terrorists under the leadership of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, supported jihadi groups in Syria,

Erdogan has also gone to great lengths to bolster extremist rebel groups in Syria, according to the report, which cites “mounting evidence suggests that Turkey has been directly or indirectly arming, training, and even financing Sunni jihadi groups” in the country.

Turkey reportedly sent 47 tons of weapons to Syrian rebels during a six-month period in 2013, according to the report.

There are “few questions that it has been Turkish policy to provide support to a range of rebel factions,” the report states. “Turkey now appears to allow a broad spectrum of anti-Assad forces, including those with radical ideologies, to operate on Turkish territory.”

“Jihadi personnel and finances” have been identified as flowing from Turkey to Syria.

Israeli military officials have additionally claimed that “Syrian al Qaeda groups were training in three separate bases in the Turkish provinces.”

Report: Turkey Financing Top Global Terror Groups | Washington Free Beacon
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-Turkey is hostile with Al Qaeda, whole world knows that, if you don't, its your ignorance, don't bring up sh.t , Turkey is mainly supports FSA in Syria.

- 1) Can't see a proof 2) as stated Turkey wants Hamas to stop violence and normalize, Turkey doesn't supports its terrorist actions.

- Then as said Saudi Arabia should be nuked and turned into a desert:-)D) by now, yes we made trade with Iran, what is the result ? did they nuked Israel or you ? no, they're normalizing their relationship with rest of world.

Yes those terrorist in Syria fall from the Sky. LoL.

In America Saudi Arabia is known as the king of terrorism. The American people hate your guts.

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