the reputation is the indication of your own filthy racist behavior..
The reputation of the Turks in Europe is a disaster, you cannot deny that!
you should wake up and see the true problem of your country..
the only problem of my country is mass migration from shithole countries, we could live in absolut paradise, why do we import the problems of other people, I don't get it!
german parants have no choice, the kindergardens and schools are full of foreigners and soon you will be the foreigner..
no, they are not, as I told you before, in schools there is a segregation taking place like in few other places, when it's about their children, parents want the best or nothing, so as soon as there are too many foreigners attending the schools, the locals send their children to other school, that's why we have some schools with more then 90% foreigners, in the parts of towns where you and your people live...
you destroy your country but you give the wrong guys the fault.. turks are just a few, the majority of your problems are the ones who have many many children and they will outnumber you..
Turks are not just a few, Turks are the biggest group of migrants. In 1958 the first Turks came, our government more or less signed what the Japanese now refused, and since that time, Turks had all the chances under the sun in Germany, but in majority, you guys messed it up completely, that's why more and more Germans are wondering, what are those guys doing here, we don't we send them back to where they came from?!?
The next ten years are going to be interesting...