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Turkey did not invite India to appease Pak

look man im not really trying to make India look bad or affirm that Pakistan got a score there or something. Its just the way it is, one thing you will find among pakistani and indian people is that they care too much about their image..That blinds us to some hardcore realities, you can take Obama's words of appeasement and feel happy but if a country cant seem to win a war with a country which is fighting with literally just AK-47's against their mighty Raptors and Hornets then you have to admit that they really don't know what the f**k they are doing there..Di**k measuring contests are good but Afghanistan is a wrong place to do it no matter who you want to score a point against

Thats why we have not set boots on ground and concentrating our resources on building hopsitals,schools and roads.The elements of a sucessful country and that why 70% of the common Afghans like India.

Now please dont paste some youtube video of Talibani mullahs killing some Indian guards --- I dont consider the Taliban to be a representative of the common Afghan or Afghaninstan.

Logistically speaking we lost in 71 because it was separated from us with u in the middle. Now same is the case in Afghanistan. Say what you guys may and no matter how loud you scream indias intentions in Afghanistan have more to it then the reconstruction label that you guys put on it. Afghanistan is a logistical nightmare for you to handle. And after the allies cut down on their activities it wont be easy pickings any more.

You think we are saints to spend billions of dollars with only the angelic intentions of helping the Afgans ?? ---- International relations go by the policy of "You scratch my back while I scratch yours" and this applies to Indo-Afghan relations also.

Also note that I am all for a stable Afghanistan, and I am sure that if we had a choice Pakistan would have not wanted to get involved, But they had to because of the happenings, like I had always said we were the victims of our surroundings. It had more to do with the choices that we were forced to make then the ones that we could have made. That said, I would still support all kinds of actions by the PA if some others want to destabilize us and use Afghanistan as a base for their actions.

The cure for paranoia and conspiracy theories has not yet been invented. Cheers !
You think we are saints to spend billions of dollars with only the angelic intentions of helping the Afgans ?? ---- International relations go by the policy of "You scratch my back while I scratch yours" and this applies to Indo-Afghan relations also.

Thankyou for stating the facts unlike some who dont even want to open their eyes to reality.

The cure for paranoia and conspiracy theories has not yet been invented. Cheers !

It is as much a conspiracy as much as ISI doing something in india. Well we both know that our intelligence agencies are at each others throats. And they will do what ever they can to settle the scores. So rather then going in the denial mode and just brushing everything off as conspiracy on should acknowledge the reality.

And yes :cheers: to you as well.
It is as much a conspiracy as much as ISI doing something in india. Well we both know that our intelligence agencies are at each others throats. And they will do what ever they can to settle the scores. So rather then going in the denial mode and just brushing everything off as conspiracy on should acknowledge the reality.

And yes :cheers: to you as well.

Well there is indeed a degree of truth in you post --- but the truth is ISI is far more aggressive towards India than RAW is towards Pakistan and I guess you would acknowledge that.

And India (RAW) doesnt not have the stated policy of bleeding Pakistan through thousand cuts !.

Also I am not denying anything except TTP being on the payrolls of India .

Thankyou for stating the facts unlike some who dont even want to open their eyes to reality.

I dont believe in mincing words to sound like a saint --- Reality as it is --- Or atleast I hope thats the reality,cause you dont know sometimes the Congress govt can be incredibly stupid. :lol:
Well there is indeed a degree of truth in you post --- but the truth is ISI is far more aggressive towards India than RAW is towards Pakistan and I guess you would acknowledge that.

And India (RAW) doesnt not have the stated policy of bleeding Pakistan through thousand cuts !.

And yes I am not denying anything except TTP being on the payrolls of India .

I dont believe in mincing words to sound like a saint --- Reality as it is --- Or atleast I hope thats the reality,cause you dont know sometimes the Congress govt can be incredibly stupid. :lol:

Point taken as much as I do believe in the fact that enemy of my enemy is my friend. But I cant just point a finger at india accusing them of collaboration with the TTP just based on assumptions. Do I believe in the fact that they are collaborating with each other, sort of. But its an assumption, like they say in Urdu doodh ka jala chanch bhi phoonkh phoonkh kay peeta hai. We like u have every thing to be concerned of and every one is a suspect. But are they guilty, the answer to that is no. Because as much as Musharaf and others would scream about it, they have not made the public aware of the facts.
Take care.
Well in India vision, Russia kept out India for pleasing Pakistan first and now Turkey. Why don't they realize that only border shared neighbors can play a close support role and India has nothing of that. India should get over its obsession thinking itself as emperor of asia..India is far away from being an emperor of its own lands..

And India (RAW) doesnt not have the stated policy of bleeding Pakistan through thousand cuts !.
Actually the concept of bleeding someone through gurellia terrorism was a communist / soviet ideology and by virtue of its close communist relations not only India adopted it but demonstrated it successfully in east-Pakistan. Just becaused we coined the term does not mean we invented it. Now india crys foul when being paid back in same coin.
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When it comes to spreading its political clout, I am sure most of your countrymen disagree with you. They frequently complain of too much American interference, decreasing sovereign writ in some area and supposedly old friends (Saudi etc.) paying more attention to India.

I am sure i know my countrymen more then somebody from across the border. American interference or not has nothing to with the topic at hand. Clearly we managed to keep India out.Comment on that if you can.
Big deal --- Afghans and US (the two parties that matter) want us there.

Turkey can take a hike.

You forget to mention Pakistan because we too matter when it comes to Afghan theater and clearly Pakistan does not want India there for whatever good or bad reasons.
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