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Turkey concerned over Xinjiang incidents

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Turkey will serve itself well if they don't poke into the affairs of other countries. They have threatened neighboring Syria with war, gone against the Russian-backed Armenians over the Nogorno-Karabag conflict, angered Israel with the Flotilla incident, a long-standing conflict with Greece over Cyprus, have the Kurdish separatist movement in their eastern region and now taking on China. Turkey has made good progress economically, but these external distractions can cause severe damage to Turkey's future.

you need to understand that uighurs in turkey are a lot and they have influence on the parliament, just like zionists have influence in the US congress. lobbyism it is called!

although i agree Turkey shouldnt interfeere in China's internal affairs they do, mainly because of uighur pressure and that they are the only country who can somehow keep a pressure on china, something the turkmen countries cant!
you need to understand that uighurs in turkey are a lot and they have influence on the parliament, just like zionists have influence in the US congress. lobbyism it is called!

although i agree Turkey shouldnt interfeere in China's internal affairs they do, mainly because of uighur pressure and that they are the only country who can somehow keep a pressure on china, something the turkmen countries cant!

Considering your recent warmth with Chinese, you must either return the pressure on Uyighurs to stop or suffer Chinese diplomatic displeasure. If I remember correctly, Turkey was always up in arms about this Turkestan region in China even before Erdogan rose to power.

But if Turks can stay out of it, trust me you'd be reaching great heights in terms of regional status and a positive impression around the globe.
They have threatened neighboring Syria with war,

by threatened, do you mean recently or back in 1999?

gone against the Russian-backed Armenians over the Nogorno-Karabag conflict

the reason why we have gone against armenia in this matter is because they ARE the agressor, they are taking illegal land and declaring independence on the land of Azerbaijan, an indespensable ally of Turkey. russian backed doesnt mean Turkey arent going to open its mouth.

angered Israel with the Flotilla incident

i'll leave this uncomented, dont want to start a israel war thread!

a long-standing conflict with Greece over Cyprus,

you and a lot of people need to do reaserch before telling us that we are agressors and that we illegally occupy north cyprus. and if yoy had done some proper reaserch you would have known that the turkish part actually is for a reunion something the greek side isnt.

have the Kurdish separatist movement in their eastern region

i dont have that much to say about this issue, i personally dont have a single problem with kurds in my country, and i hope they dont have some problems with me either. they are my fellow countrymen.

what i do have something against is bdp and pkk. those who votes and believes in their ideology can go hel*

and now taking on China.

Turkey has supported uighurs on this issue but havent made it into a big deal, i dont think they will make a big deal out of this either, if so then i am against it.
Oh, Turkey.

You mean the country that refers to the arrests of terrorists as "genocide"? The country that has openly supported the extremist insurgency in the region? The country that claims that so-called "unfair policies" (which ironically applies to everyone in China, not just Uyghurs) are perfect excuses to kill people? Most of the Uyghurs themselves feel ashamed of the attacks.

Sorry, but China has more important and more civilized countries to interact with.
There should be a no-fly zone over E. Turkistan/Xinjiang and UN Peacekeepers should be deployed there.
I would suggest SCO members to deploy near Turkey borders, hope they will shut up themselves. Kurdish people are very serious matters, they need to be independence separating from Turkey!

Turkey have done numerous crimes in the past while China doesn't interfer others. Pakistan always sided with China no matters what. :)

This is an excellent brief and informational documentary.

Beijing must respect Uyghur Turkic People, they have their own culture, language, a different religion/belief than Han Chinese, a different history, if Beijing doesn't treat the Uyghurs with respect it will only create perpetual unrest and instability and it will in spite of Chinese Han military dominance weaken their hold on "Xinjiang", and it will capture more of the world's attention.

Look at 4:00 Han barbarity against Uyghurs, this kind of ethnic hatred will create more animosity...The Uyghurs are people living in their own land and if the Han Chinese Government sitting in Beijing hundreds of miles away doesn't respect them the Uyghurs will most likely resist and may even get more militarized.
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I would suggest SCO members to deploy near Turkey borders, hope they will shut up themselves. Kurdish people are very serious matters, they need to be independence separating from Turkey!

Turkey have done numerous crimes in the past while China doesn't interfer others. Pakistan always sided with China no matters what. :)

in that case baloch people should also have their own country. why you steal from them? why this and why that. i cant start and argue about this for ever, but i love pakistan and pakistanis. unlike you, who hate us becuase we are from the west!
Sorry, but China has more important and more civilized countries to interact with.

sure go ahead. turks are all monkeys and filled with hairs all over their body, they should be hated because the government has some pressure from uighurs in turkey. i dont know what you mean, but calling a country that has an economy to be ranked number 17-16 is important. if you dont want it dont take it.
How can people expect Turkiye not to speak up for Uyghur Human rights? Uyghurs are ethnic Turks, brothers of Turkish people in Turkiye.

Imagine if there were a province in Russia, a majority Han Chinese province in Russia, and the Russian authorities perpetrated brutality and injustice against them. Of course China would speak up and say to Russia we are concerned for the safety for ethnic Han Chinese living in Russia...

This is an excellent brief and informational documentary.

Beijing must respect Uyghur Turkic People, they have their own culture, language, a different religion/belief than Han Chinese, a different history, if Beijing doesn't treat the Uyghurs with respect it will only create perpetual unrest and instability and it will in spite of Chinese Han military dominance weaken their hold on "Xinjiang", and it will capture more of the world's attention.

Look at 4:00 Han barbarity against Uyghurs, this kind of ethnic hatred will create more animosity...The Uyghurs are people living in their own land and if the Han Chinese Government sitting in Beijing hundreds of miles away doesn't respect them the Uyghurs will most likely resist and may even get more militarized.

i am waiting for a reply by raptor telling us that this is pure propaganda and that it actually is turkey that does this against uighurs.
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in that case baloch people should also have their own country. why you steal from them? why this and why that. i cant start and argue about this for ever, but i love pakistan and pakistanis. unlike you, who hate us becuase we are from the west!

Most Balochis are not asking for separate state, Balochis voted for Pakistan. Though there remain genuine unresolved grievances in Balochistan like in other parts of Pakistan.
There should be a no-fly zone over E. Turkistan/Xinjiang and UN Peacekeepers should be deployed there.

hahahaha...man its not libya or Iraq ..its about china world emerging super power...who will deal with Dragon?
@ Raptor

You need to look at this issue with a clear mind, look at the rights and wrongs, and how the situation can be improved. Don't use this situation to peddle any animosity you hold for Turkiye.

May your loyalties lie with the truth.
Its nothing about Turkism or radical Islamism or whatever.. the problem is China brutally opressing those people.. They are our brothers, ofcourse we will defend them they are our brothers.
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