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Turkey cancels visit by Swedish minister as planned protests stoke tension

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What we criticize here is that this provocation took place under the protection of Swedish law enforcement.
That's a big problem in Western and Northern Europe,but still unthinkable here.
ah ok so collective blame is not allowed when your to blame ?

but its ok for the West to label islam as a terror religion and blame all muslims when 1.6 billion Muslims practice it ?

sorry no can do
When others do it about Muslims,you get angry and say it's racism. Now you're doing the same and it's not racism? What "sorry no can do"? We're talking about logic here.
So their anti-Pakistan posts gives you the license to insult ALL Greeks & Turks? Don't you realize how many Pakistanis are living and working in Greece, not to mention all the refugees, many of whom have committed crimes.

Also look at this, a Greek woman singing Dil Dil Pakistan in her own country. Care to insult her? And look how dishonorably the Pakistanis are acting by waving only the Pakistani flag and not the flag of their host country:
If someone insults me or pakistan I have no time for them. You wish to bow to them that's fine you carry on. I bow to no man. Even as a kid I would be happy to get beaten up rather than run. Racism facism and hate have ti be addressed head on. Who cares if the are turks or Greeks.
Most of these Internet warriors are just that ...keyboard Mike tysons. Reality is probably fat slobs that are bullied by their sisters. Anyways each of us deal with things differently
If someone insults me or pakistan I have no time for them. You wish to bow to them that's fine you carry on. I bow to no man. Even as a kid I would be happy to get beaten up rather than run. Racism facism and hate have ti be addressed head on. Who cares if the are turks or Greeks.
Most of these Internet warriors are just that ...keyboard Mike tysons. Reality is probably fat slobs that are bullied by their sisters. Anyways each of us deal with things differently

There's a difference between insulting them as individuals and insulting ALL of their kind. This is especially since plenty of your people live & work in Greece and Turkey as well.

This forum is not hidden and countless people from around the world can view it. I am NOT bowing to anyone.

But the fact is you are acting undignified considering how many Pakistanis are allowed to live in Greece, inspite of what many of them there have done.

It's easy for you to sit comfortably in Britain and troll against others online, but so many of your people are having a hard enough time in Greece & Turkey facing prejudice because of how some Pakistanis behave.

Stop adding to it. Stop adding to their problems. I also reacted knee-jerk when I had a kemalist dope say nonsense to me about Pakistanis. But a Turkish girl asked me a valid question, that why would I insult them just because the Turks I encountered weren't nice. She was right.

I already told this Turkish fellow that Pakistan's relations with them are not exactly a one-way benefit for Pakistanis. It's beneficial for Turks as well, probably moreso.

You need to grow up sir.
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There's a difference between insulting them as individuals and insulting ALL of their kind. This is especially since plenty of your people live & work in Greece and Turkey as well.

This forum is not hidden and countless people from around the world can view it. I am NOT bowing to anyone.

But the fact is you are acting undignified considering how many Pakistanis are allowed to live in Greece, inspite of what many of them there have done.

It's easy for you to sit comfortably in Britain and troll against others online, but so many of your people are having a hard enough time in Greece & Turkey facing prejudice because of how some Pakistanis behave.

Stop adding to it. Stop adding to their problems. I also reacted knee-jerk when I had a kemalist dope say nonsense to me about Pakistanis. But a Turkish girl asked me a valid question, that why would I insult them just because the Turks I encountered weren't nice. She was right.

I already told this Turkish fellow that Pakistan's relations with are not exactly a one-way benefit for Pakistanis. It's beneficial for Turks as well, probably moreso.

You need to grow up yaar.
They insult pakistan and I insult only them and I need to grow up. Wah what amazing logic.
The turk you refer is a nasty evil man who uses the most vile language regarding mothers. You think is should respect such people...not a chance ..

Perhaps you need to grow a pair...grovelling to people like this results in likes of shahbaaz shreef.

Anyways I have no desire to argue with you. I just don't agree with u
They insult pakistan and I insult only them and I need to grow up. Wah what amazing logic.
The turk you refer is a nasty evil man who uses the most vile language regarding mothers. You think is should respect such people...not a chance ..

Perhaps you need to grow a pair...grovelling to people like this results in likes of shahbaaz shreef.

Anyways I have no desire to argue with you. I just don't agree with u

I never insulted Pakistan. He's lying. This is what set off this whoreson.

Just shut up. Thread isn't about Greece. Nobody cares.
Freedom of expression


In the outrage following the Quran provocation, a group of people demonstrated in front of the Swedish consulate and tried to burn the Swedish flag. The people involved were intervened by police and legal proceedings were initiated against them. The flag is one of the most sacred images of every nation. And burning it is not freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression


They always tell you that Nazis burned books.

They never tell you what books lol :D

Hirschfeld was targeted by Nazis for being Jewish and gay; he was beaten by völkisch activists in 1920, and in 1933 his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was sacked and had its books burned by Nazis. He was forced into exile in France, where he died in 1935.

Worthless books on transgender horseshit. And worthless instİtute for genital mutilation.

Good riddance
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I think you missed the point.

The point was the hypocrisy and double standards shown by the same political party when it comes to so-called "freedom of expression"
And the point is that there is no hypocricy.

Freedom of Expression does not mean Freedom of Consequences.
Sverigedemokraterna does not claim that she had no right to say whatever.
They have the right to decide that she no longer represented their view.
That is them applying the Freedom of Expression.

You have the right to state an opinion here. I have the right to ”ignore” You.

In the outrage following the Quran provocation, a group of people demonstrated in front of the Swedish consulate and tried to burn the Swedish flag. The people involved were intervened by police and legal proceedings were initiated against them. The flag is one of the most sacred images of every nation. And burning it is not freedom of expression.

It certainly is Freedom of Expression in many democracies,
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Freedom of expression



This certainly is a better comparision. This is what happens when You do not have Freedom of Speech.
If a radical Muslim burned a Bible,would you have said "oh well it's just one extremist nutcase,you can't blame all Muslims for this" or would you have blamed his entire country and his government?
Muslims believe in Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) too. Muslims believe in Bible but also believe it has been changed overtime so it’s a mix of Gods words + additions overtime. We still respect it and it mentions Jesus PBUH who we hold in very high regard. Any Muslim disrespecting Jesus PBUH would fall out of the fold of Islam because disrespecting Jesus PBUH means disrespecting a Prophet of God which is Blasphemy, and Blasphemy makes them fall out of the fold of Islam. Any so called Muslim who disrespects Jesus PBUH will be dealt with as if he disrespected the Quran.
It doesn't matter how many voters have this islamaphobic racist which involved in the provocation. What we criticize here is that this provocation took place under the protection of Swedish law enforcement.

Remember the process that led to Nazi Europe in the last century. Were the fascists burning Torahs in front of synagogues also expressing freedom of expression?

Can you burn a Torah in front of a synagogue in Sweden today? Give it a try.

You cannot demonstrate in Stockholm by hanging a poster of Osama bin Laden, nor can you burn a Torah in front of the Jewish community and make racist statements about them. If you do that, the Swedish judiciary will intervene.

In the same way, Sweden will not protect a criminal who threatens US national security. Why am I being precise, because it has not. The Swedish judiciary could not even intervene in this matter. US soldiers arrested the criminal on Swedish territory and took him to the airport within two hours.

What we criticize is the attempt to cover up this orientalist arrogance by instrumentalizing universal values. Stop muddying the issue.
The right to burn a Torah in front of a Synagoga or a Bible in front of a Church is guaranteed in the Swedish Constitution.
What you may not do is to call for attacks on Muslims, Christian or Jews.

You can certainly wield a picture of Osama bin Laden. You can even use an ISIS flag in a demonstration. You may not recruit anyone to join ISIS, Al Qaeda or PKK or any other organisation which has been branded a terrorist organisation in the EU.

U.S. soldiers are not allowed to arrest anyone In Sweden. US government employees may accompany Swedish police when they arrest individuals as part of police cooperation.

Are You simply uneducated or are you a troll?
Do You have a third explanation for presenting lies?

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This certainly is a better comparision. This is what happens when You do not have Freedom of Speech.
Agreed. It's one thing to protest but this is too much. Totally uncivilized. Muhammed would be disgusted.

It makes me believe that human social psyche is interconnected with tribalism, religion, politics even though I have emphasized separating them but it simply re-appears, even in Western countries.
Based Turkey with the big swinging d*ck all around NAFO shit.
They know the US cannot expel them from NAFO so they are gonna do whatever they want for their best interests.
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