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Turkey and Israel: Now Is the Time to Reconcile

Why should Israel meet Ankara demand? maybe Ankara should meet Israeli demand?
Right now only solid problem between Israel and Turkey is Mavi Marmara issue. If Israel meets Ankara's demands than I don't see why relations should not be resumed.

What about heron agreement?

israel's airspace violations?

As abdullah gul said, "israel made a historical mistake"

israel is not turkey's ally anymore.
Why should Israel meet Ankara demand? maybe Ankara should meet Israeli demand?

Israel is TOAST as far as I am concerned. We will never forget the Heroes of Mavi Marmara and their ultimate sacrifice.

Nathanyahu is the world's biggest liar. The man is incapable of speaking the truth.
Right now only solid problem between Israel and Turkey is Mavi Marmara issue. If Israel meets Ankara's demands than I don't see why relations should not be resumed.
I can. A short list:

1. Turkey was hostile towards Israel before Erdogan's Mavi Marmara.
2. Turkey would use any sort of an apology, as a weapon against Israel.
3. Turkey tried(And was turned down with a slap) to befriend Israel's worst enemies, the one's that sponsor terror in Israel.
4. Turkey calls Hamas, a worldwide recognized Terror orginaztion, democratically elected freedom fighters.
5. Erdogan's government has tried many times to spur hatred towards Israel, again before the Mavi maramara.

There is no friend in this Turkish government, perhaps in a new Turkey in a few years.
I can. A short list:

1. Turkey was hostile towards Israel before Erdogan's Mavi Marmara.
2. Turkey would use any sort of an apology, as a weapon against Israel.
3. Turkey tried(And was turned down with a slap) to befriend Israel's worst enemies, the one's that sponsor terror in Israel.
4. Turkey calls Hamas, a worldwide recognized Terror orginaztion, democratically elected freedom fighters.
5. Erdogan's government has tried many times to spur hatred towards Israel, again before the Mavi maramara.

There is no friend in this Turkish government, perhaps in a new Turkey in a few years.

You need to understand that, erdogan elected as Turkish prime minister.

erdogan = turkey

so stop saying "erdogan's goverment" ;)

Am i saying "racist/child killer israeli government" ?
4. Turkey calls Hamas, a worldwide recognized Terror orginaztion, democratically elected freedom fighters.

oh them evil 'switzerlanders' and Norwegians! why u no recognize Hamas as terrorist organization? ptex just said everyone except terror supporting Turkey recognizes Hamas as terrorist organization..

not to forget them evil babuskha Ruskies and Australians! :argh:
oh them evil 'switzerlanders' and Norwegians! why u no recognize Hamas as terrorist organization? ptex just said everyone except terror supporting Turkey recognizes Hamas as terrorist organization..

not to forget them evil babuskha Ruskies and Australians! :argh:
Irrelevant nations like Switzerland and Norway are irrelevant.
Not to mention Russia which is the main supporter of every rogue nation like Syria, Iran and North Korea.

You should be proud to be in the similar group as Russia, in this category.

Know also that Russia does NOT recognize the PKK as a terrorist organization.
Irrelevant nations like Switzerland and Norway are irrelevant.
Not to mention Russia which is the main supporter of every rogue nation like Syria, Iran and North Korea.

You should be proud to be in the similar group as Russia, in this category.

Know also that Russia does NOT recognize the PKK as a terrorist organization.

irrelevant because they don't suit your agenda of "hamas recognized as terrorists by everyone in the world"

i haven't made statements where the world supports us against pkk and recognizes it as terrorist organization, just telling you that the world isn't as you proclaim.

maybe those countries are not important to you, but they are important to other nations.
You decided to attack Gaza when apparently our diplomats were trying to mediate and Netanyahu told Erdogan just a few day earlier that you had no plans to do so.
Let me tell you what really happened:

1) There was half year truce between Israel and Hamas.
2) When truce ended Israel asked to continue with truce. But Hamas refused.
3) Israeli PM Olmert went to TV and asked Hamas to prolong truce or they will bear the consequences.
4) In response Hamas launched operation "Oil Stain", launching 87 rockets at Israeli towns in one day.

Only then Israel launched its own operation. And Erdogan blamed Israel, not his Hamas buddies.

Remember how your foreign minister decided to humiliate our ambassador?
The ambassador was called because of disgusting series aired on Turkish state TV. Imagine how Turkey was reacting if Israel made series about heroic PKK guys and sadistic Turkish soldiers who deserve to be killed. Chair thing was stupid and He immediately apologized for it.

Mavi Marmara? The fact that you're not willing to say "hey listen, we might have used a bit to much force there, sorry about that buddy"
Israel stopped some dozen ships with activists and every time it happened without any casualties. But when mob of some hundred man with iron clubs and knives attack 4 guys with paintball rifles. It could not end well. Commandos are not riot police they know only shooting.

Turkey asked UN commission, Israel agreed, but when commission published its result Turkey rejected.
Hmm Where to begin :/

@Archdemon: Your call, I think israel has nothing to lose much to gain from a better relationship with Turkey.

@cracker: as far as i know they failed to finish integrating Aselflir300 to herons in time. That's why they had to delay deliveries of Herons but these aircraft had critical role in our war against terrorism so they were blamed but i believe it was just incompetence.

@PteX: As i said hundereds of times before. What Erdo. thinks is irrelevant most of the Turks including me didn't give a phuck about his little jihad starting by Davos. You think you've just killed some extremist morons but by attacking mavi marmara you have attacked Turkish Nation and you gained everybody's anger in here not just of extreme religionists. Governments change but nations stand forever. As long as you keep acting like this you won't have straight relationships even with the governments after AKP.

About Hamas issue Erdo. says they are our brothers Gül says they are bunch of scum. I am no AKP fanboy and it's a grave dishonor to side with a terrorist organization. We are Turks we rather openly declare war but this is disgusting.
Hmm Where to begin :/

@Archdemon: Your call, I think israel has nothing to lose much to gain from a better relationship with Turkey.

@cracker: as far as i know they failed to finish integrating Aselflir300 to herons in time. That's why they had to delay deliveries of Herons but these aircraft had critical role in our war against terrorism so they were blamed but i believe it was just incompetence.

@PteX: As i said hundereds of times before. What Erdo. thinks is irrelevant most of the Turks including me didn't give a phuck about his little jihad starting by Davos. You think you've just killed some extremist morons but by attacking mavi marmara you have attacked Turkish Nation and you gained everybody's anger in here not just of extreme religionists. Governments change but nations stand forever. As long as you keep acting like this you won't have straight relationships even with the governments after AKP.

About Hamas issue Erdo. says they are our brothers Gül says they are bunch of scum. I am no AKP fanboy and it's a grave dishonor to side with a terrorist organization. We are Turks we rather openly declare war but this is disgusting.

It was President Gul who attacked Israel for killing the extremists that sent thousands of rockets at Jewish homes, it was him who condemned our act of self-defense and he is the one posing with HAMAS leaders here:

Turkey's President Abdullah Gul and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal meet in Istanbul | View photo - Yahoo! News

Here, he is suggesting to host HAMAS, a group that claimed thousands of innocent lives(Israeli and Arab).


I want to believe you represent the majority of Turks but AKP has been in power for 10 years, and they abolished many secular laws already with the help of the citizens of Turkey.
Right now only solid problem between Israel and Turkey is Mavi Marmara issue. If Israel meets Ankara's demands than I don't see why relations should not be resumed.

At present, Both governments make it as a matter of pride and never approach to accept anything other side demands (At least, not on media ) but When Government of a side is changed, The relations would become much more friendly than ever.
I think the arrogance will perish the Jewish state they know that holocaust bandwagon that gave them license to kill will not work in coming years either they will have to "bend it like Beckham" or .........................
It was President Gul who attacked Israel for killing the extremists that sent thousands of rockets at Jewish homes, it was him who condemned our act of self-defense

First of all, your country occupied Palestinian lands and today Israel continues to occupy East Jerusalem although UN resolution



United Nations Security Council Resolution 478

United Nations Security Council Resolution 478, adopted on 20 August 1980, declared Israel's 1980 Jerusalem Law a violation of international law, and states that the Council will not recognize this law, and calls on member states to accept the decision of the council. This resolution also calls upon member states to withdraw their diplomatic missions from the city. The law declared Jerusalem to be Israel's "complete and united" capital.

more info at United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second of all, how many people were killed because of those rockets? On the other hand, how many people did Israel kill including innocent children, women?

Third of all, you always use this propaganda all over the world to just justify your cruelty, brutalities to those innocent people.

Last of all, you must understand this, you cannot correct wrong things doing wrong things. Look at the world, and ask yourself why do people hate Israel? People do not hate you because you are Jewish. People hate you because of your cruelties. Today the USA vetoes everything about the Israel in the UNSC. However, the USA may not back you up in the future. Therefore, you should stop making enemies for your own favor.

P.s.: I am not a racist nor a hater of Jewish people. Because of my religion I respect every human being, more importantly I respect people because of the creator.
They just sentenced, in Turkey, 4 Israelis to 18,000 Years in prison.
Its not so bad. By 20012 they will be free. And if they behave well they could be released already in 14012.

First of all, your country occupied Palestinian lands and today Israel continues to occupy East Jerusalem although UN resolution
Israel has full right to occupy it according to reso 242 and Oslo agreements.

This map is lame false propaganda. Here is correct one:


Second of all, how many people were killed because of those rockets? On the other hand, how many people did Israel kill including innocent children, women?
Hamas terrorists killed over thousand Israelis. When we defeated suicide terrorists they switched to rocket terror. Now rocket terror also became not effective.

Third of all, you always use this propaganda all over the world to just justify your cruelty, brutalities to those innocent people.
We dont need any justification because we are not interested on any brutality. Our moto is simple dont touch us and we wont touch u. And even when they deliberatelly kill our women and childrfen we dont kill women and children in revenge but target terrorists.
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