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TTP vows to hit Nato trucks

The trucks,the roads,the stations where they are parked.... and even the poor drivers are Pakistani and not american...

Lol, that's why nI laugh when some nut rejoices at them hitting trucks....it cost Pakistan far more than NATO.

( I don't believe this...but those who would claim that NATO would blow up the trucks to destablize Pakistan at least have semantics on their side)
The trucks,the roads,the stations where they are parked.... and even the poor drivers are Pakistani and not american...
drivers will never be there when TTP came and abut trucks USA pay them insurance money for lose win win :P

TTP please never let one drop of oil crossed the border :devil:
drivers will never be there when TTP came and trucks USA pay them for lose win win :P

TTP please never let one drop of oil crossed the border :devil:

Il be a realist.... America should rebuild the motorways and build more.....which these trucks use.... and a smarter transit fees should be taken....and taliban should be carpet bombed...... Problem solved.
You are right, helping to improve the infrastucture helps the supplies, helps the Pakistani economy, and the US long term goals (well-off people seldom turn to extremism, and money that actually helps the common Pakistani...rather than line the pockets of some thief.)
You are right, helping to improve the infrastucture helps the supplies, helps the Pakistani economy, and the US long term goals (well-off people seldom turn to extremism)

Well... thts what many army officers think...
Il be a realist.... America should rebuild the motorways and build more.....which these trucks use.... and a smarter transit fees should be taken....and taliban should be carpet bombed...... Problem solved.

no no no wrong idea

we would like to see daily party time like these :P

happy bithday NATO-US :rofl:




Wasnt Hakimullah Mehsud killed in a drone strike?
he is right TTP is only target as colateral or if they get involved in anti US activites...thats why now TTP keeps them selves away from antiUS activites and get spared..infact over 3000 fighters are gathered openly in noristan and USA doesnt even care..
its like a haqqani netwrok with shadow govt in noristan..there few in kandahar too...
i am not claiming this its BBCWORLD and other reputed media sources

trucks shouldnot pass through political means not through violence...
we should care about people who belong to FC and drivers who die in this attacks
Just like they are attacking their former Pakistani army allies(or patrons).
Btw it was the Americans who killed Baitullah.
And only Americans can kill Hakeemullah.
Why would the TTP attack their American allies? :D
Its not a pointless rant but a pointed observation.

There has been ZERO proof whatsoever that the TTP enjoy protection under the NATO in Afghanistan. I have been asking posters who share your view to give me proof of this collusion and not one of them has given me any evidence. The Most I got was a picture of a dead Pakistani Taliban showing his penis to be uncircumcised as some proof. :lol:

As for Drone strikes, the Drones took out Baitullah Meshued, the leader of TTP and countless other foot soldiers of the Pakistani Taliban and mid-level and senior commanders. I don't have time to write up the entire list. But what is most remarkable is the drop in terrorist attacks within Pakistan. Its reads like an economics graph. As Price goes up, Demand goes down. Same case here. As Drone Strikes went up, the terrorist attacks in Pakistan went down.

The Pakistani Taliban is nothing more than Pakistan raising Snakes to attack its neighbors but those same snakes turning to bite Pakistan in return.

Instead of inventing pointless conspiracy theories that moves the blame elsewhere, maybe you need to do some soul searching and see how Pakistan arrived at such a disastrous juncture and come up with a solution to the current crisis. Instead you will be dreaming of victory just like in 1971 and in the end half of the country separates.

Stop being the parent who has a child who is getting failing grades in school but instead blames others instead of the child. A Smart Parent would analyze his child's study habits, effort and what is exactly is going wrong. A dumb parent would invent conspiracy theories that the teacher gives his child harder exams than the rest, or his child writes the correct answers on the test but then someone erases those correct answers, etc.

I think as per your past track record of pointless rants the above bold part is more then enough to show the level of knowledge you have on the subject and being a loyal American or whatever its no surprise as most of Americans have no idea what they are talking about except for occasionally sitting infront of biased western media programs.

This time i am not gonna help you out, rather you will have to search it out yourself if you truly want to learn and want to have an intellectual based discussion instead of your usual pointless and pathetic rant.

Type google.com if you do know how to use search engines, and then find out what the Afghan security and govt officials have to say about TTP presence in Kunar & Nooristan and how they are running the show there with no ANA/ANP/NATO/US forces engaging them or doing drone strikes on them. The recent killing of 17 Pak soldiers and then the showing of their heads not on their bodies on a video happening in Afghanistan is a fact which can not be dismissed. The recent complain launched about the cross border raids and sheltering of TTP inside Afghanistan to Gen Alen on his visit last week by the Pak Army COAS are again facts supporting the ultimate fact that NATO/US is sheltering TTP and another fact US/NATO emptying Kunar & Nooristan & their border posts right when we were driving out TTP from Bajaur & Mohmand is a cold fact that US/NATO are giving protection to TTP.

You are a kid, mature yourself, learn about what you are talking, learn about facts and then engage in a discussion. As for your rest of the rant, i take it as a childish rant and hope next time you will be more mature and won't indulge in useless rant and waste your own and other peoples time.
I think as per your past track record of pointless rants the above bold part is more then enough to show the level of knowledge you have on the subject and being a loyal American or whatever its no surprise as most of Americans have no idea what they are talking about except for occasionally sitting infront of biased western media programs.

This time i am not gonna help you out, rather you will have to search it out yourself if you truly want to learn and want to have an intellectual based discussion instead of your usual pointless and pathetic rant.

Type google.com if you do know how to use search engines, and then find out what the Afghan security and govt officials have to say about TTP presence in Kunar & Nooristan and how they are running the show there with no ANA/ANP/NATO/US forces engaging them or doing drone strikes on them. The recent killing of 17 Pak soldiers and then the showing of their heads not on their bodies on a video happening in Afghanistan is a fact which can not be dismissed. The recent complain launched about the cross border raids and sheltering of TTP inside Afghanistan to Gen Alen on his visit last week by the Pak Army COAS are again facts supporting the ultimate fact that NATO/US is sheltering TTP and another fact US/NATO emptying Kunar & Nooristan & their border posts right when we were driving out TTP from Bajaur & Mohmand is a cold fact that US/NATO are giving protection to TTP.

You are a kid, mature yourself, learn about what you are talking, learn about facts and then engage in a discussion. As for your rest of the rant, i take it as a childish rant and hope next time you will be more mature and won't indulge in useless rant and waste your own and other peoples time.

So in other words you have no proof and as usual blaming everyone else but Pakistan for the failures that has come to engulf Pakistan.

Care to explain why would the TTP take their marching orders from Christian and Hindus?

Care to explain why would the TTP be blowing up NATO convoys?

Care to explain how would NATO differentiate between Afghan and Pakistani Taliban if one group of Pashtuns is their supposed ally and other is their sworn enemy?

Care to explain why would the TTP be killing their own muslim brothers on the orders of non-believers?

Care to explain why would US drones be killing Pakistani Taliban members?

Care to explain why would USA and India want to de-stabilize Pakistan and create a nightmare scenario of a failed state of Pakistan awash with Nuclear Weapons sitting on India's doorstop?

This theory of USA and India supporting one group of Taliban when they are fighting another group of Taliban is totally absurd. But I have to applaud the creativity of the people behind this garbage.

Pakistan created and fostered Jihadi groups to launch attacks in Afghanistan and Kashmir to bring about Sharia Law in those regions. But Pakistan lost control of these groups and now they have turned their guns on Pakistan. A situation which has happened many times in history, such as USA and USSR allies during World War II but then became adversaries during Cold War, such as China and Vietnam allies during Vietnam War but then became adversaries after it, such as Jordan and Israel became allies during Black September but adversaries after it, etc.

Learn some history and some facts. It will do you some good.
So far full co-operation by TTP. While 50'000 strong army of TTP, shoulder to shoulder with ANA, is busy warring with PAK army in same area.

Bussiness as usual 100 trucks cross Afghanistan 10 are recorded.

Its not a pointless rant but a pointed observation.

There has been ZERO proof whatsoever that the TTP enjoy protection under the NATO in Afghanistan. I have been asking posters who share your view to give me proof of this collusion and not one of them has given me any evidence. The Most I got was a picture of a dead Pakistani Taliban showing his penis to be uncircumcised as some proof. :lol:


It is rumored that Hakimullah Mehsud has realised this is a potential problem and has order all such evidence to be removed before TTP goes on a mission. No one has explained how this may affect recruiting levels.
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