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TTp supportive?IMRAN said drone strikes were contributing to the terrorism in the country?

its my, right to launch 1000 threads against ?
just like some your PTI kids doing it like NAYA PAKISTAN thread after which on every new morning, PDF members finds same or simmillar severl threads, keep running though?
i m one man army, against the support of PTI to the TTP terrorists & thier mutual agenda?
last thread, i was attacked personaly?
which i took open heartdly but then when i , answered back to that rubbish question of that stupid, i got banned from that thread?
so, what you think , i am going to do about it?
become quite?
sorry BATMANNOW is a army, they are up against? remember 13 may , i told you , i warraned you?

in IMRANs case its an foolish epic?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Ok, whatever you feel better, I respect your right to open as many threads as you want. I was just giving a suggestion.

And about one man army of BATMANNOW, I expected this one man army to watch the video I posted and comment on it, but I think you missed it or you are not interested. Nevermind..
Ok, whatever you feel better, I respect your right to open as many threads as you want. I was just giving a suggestion.

And about one man army of BATMANNOW, I expected this one man army to watch the video I posted and comment on it, but I think you missed it or you are not interested. Nevermind..
watch thailand news , im sitting in my condo, watching 2 different political groups exchanging gun fire 200 metters away?lolzz
but the beauty is, they been allowed by the army & police in that particulr place to settle it, just there ?out of it, they all beaten up brutally? lolzzz ok?
just remember that fools never rise?
they live thier misreble live in falls, or in the fools paradise, like IMRAN khan ?
who can start a dam protest against drones?
the only killing machine, which kills terrorists the great aquracy?
which has taken out the, most wanted of terrorists?
but still, FOOLs kings like IMRAN cant find a single to, speak & protest against TTp terrorism, which has killed 45,000 pakistanis till , today?
ohh just, because it will, make him the target of TTp terrorists ?
& his govt will lose the support of the terrorists like HAKEEM ULLHA & mullha sawaati, who gave PTI & JI clean chit to, contest & win the genrl election in KPK?
as long as, you are happy to post, on my thread be, specific on the issue, rather been a spokesperson of fools king IMRAN KHAN?

I totally agree with Drones should be continue to kill terrorists because our Army is so impotent that they cant kill terrorists so they outsourced US to kill some for us. I think we should allow India to kill some LEJ, LET and other terrorists organizations, it makes our relations with India strong. Kashmiris Jihadis should be deal with Indian drones. We support it. Drones operating in areas of KP and Baluchistan so why not Sindh and Punjab.
@Jazzbot: If I don't support American drone strikes, why do you assume that I have support IK. I don't agree with IK making peace with the Taliban, I don't appreciate that right after any blast, his first instinct is to find someone to deflect the blame. Prior to the election, he seemed like the perfect solution for Pakistan. But the responsibility has changed him.

Also, you can't run an effective government without unchallenged support. If IK had come to power, it would've most likely been a coalition - his lack of influence would have rendered him completely impotent to carry out any change.

He's simply not ready for governance yet.
I totally agree with Drones should be continue to kill terrorists because our Army is so impotent that they cant kill terrorists so they outsourced US to kill some for us. I think we should allow India to kill some LEJ, LET and other terrorists organizations, it makes our relations with India strong. Kashmiris Jihadis should be deal with Indian drones. We support it. Drones operating in areas of KP and Baluchistan so why not Sindh and Punjab.
you should better get agreed to imran, in whole or in genrl with NAWAZ sharif, that pakarmy shouldnt be allowed to launch any kind of FULL MILITRY OPPS against terrorists?
you should be agreed with terrorists , to give back sawaat to mullha sawaati, which your impotent army took away from that devil?
you should get agreeed to your stupid judiciary which still is unable to give any sentences to the captured or aressted terorists, instead they been cowardly alowed to break the jails & form thier own brigade of suciders?
also you should be agreed to mullha sawaati the butcher, to ask you your 14 years daughter/sister to be married with him, if not she been allowed to shot in her head like mallala?
also plz get agreed to change the name of pakistan to TALIBANISTAN, with mullha SAWAATI BUTCHER its ameer ul momineen & IMRAN its PM, with no army?
why not our filthy coward politicians , order & demand pakarmy to do the cleaning of terrorists like it did in sawaat?
what is stopping them, america?
sure the time will come some day, that if your beloved foolish politicians still unabled to take action against terrorists, PAKARMY will take the power from these croupt stupids, who just are bzy to fill thier pockets with. USAID?
if PAKARMY take power back in its hands, & kill terrorists you be agree to support its actions?
drones ate just there because, we are not fighting terrorists, whom our politicians were supporting before to get the power?
start fighting terrorists, drones wouldnt be there anymore, as every COAS of pakarmy was appointed by the PM, its the responsibility of PM to give orders to the army to fight terrorists with full force?
pakarmy still is waiting for the orders, while being the most deadliest of theTTp targets?
USA has the militry might & needed ecoonomic/ political power to fight, the terrorists around the world, but others dont?
Who cares that poor workers for anti polio campaign are killed? Besides, life of ordinary Pakistanis has little value compared to the enemy of Pakistan Shaheed Hakimullah Meshud, beloved of Manawwar Hassan & Taliban Khan.

Pakistan economy and well being of Pakistan? Perish the thought, ego of Taliban Khan is far more important. Here is the real reason for PTI protests.

Dr Farrukh SaleemSunday, December 01, 2013

282 117 158 4

Capital suggestion

To be certain, the PTI’s sit-ins have absolutely nothing to do with the blocking of Nato supply because sit-ins are not required to block NATO supply routes (all that is required is a police constable to do the job). To be sure, the PTI’s sit-ins have absolutely nothing to do with drone attacks. History is witness that in 2011 we had shut down the supply routes for seven months but there were a total of 73 drone attacks that year – th 2nd highest on record.

What then is the circus about? In the simplest of terms it is downright dirty politics. It is an attempt to maintain or build a vote bank by exploiting voter sentiments. In more complex political terminology it is called ‘constituency control’. In political history this is referred to as the ‘practice of creating and maintaining vote-banks through divisive policies encouraging voters to vote on the basis’ of negative sentiments rather than community or national interests. Or the Pakistani coinage, ‘ghairat politics’.

Generally, there are two types of politics: politics of delivery and politics of deception. Generally, politicians who fail to deliver then adopt politics of deception (in order to maintain their vote bank).

The PTI’s election manifesto had 10,160 words. The word ‘corruption’ appears 7 times, ‘law’ 31 times, ‘reform’ 19 times and ‘accountability’ 9 times. There was also a specific pledge to de-weaponise. On February 24, the PTI organised a seminar titled ‘Energy: From crisis to solutions’. Speaking on the occasion, the PTI chairman committed to “end corruption in 19 days and terrorism in 90 days.”

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s real issues are a deteriorating law and order situation, a battered infrastructure, worsening unemployment and a failing social services delivery mechanism. Is there any link between the supply route and any of these real issues?

Has there been a cost-benefit analysis of the sit-ins? For the record, the GLOC Agreement (Ground Lines of Communication) earns Pakistan $1,500 per container for around a million dollars a day; Coalition Support Funds are about $3 million a day and Kerry-Lugar funds are $4 million a day. That’s a total of Rs1 billion a day every day of the year.

Plus, our exports to the EU stand at $6 billion a year. Plus, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Rs118 billion developmental budget has a Rs35 billion grant component from Nato countries. Plus, $500 million from USAID makes Khyber Pakhtunkhwa the largest of the four provincial recipients. Then there’s Security Council’s Resolution 1386 under which Pakistan is under international obligations to provide logistic support.

The PTI’s circus is going to divert Pak-Afghan transit trade to Iran’s Port of Chahbhar. The PTI’s circus has strategic losses, credibility losses and financial losses. The PTI’s sit-ins are all about maintaining a vote bank – maintenance at the cost of national interests. The PTI’s sit-ins are all about cheap politics. The PTI’s sit-ins are all about petty politics – party interests at the risk of international isolation.

The PTI may complain that the media turns its sit-ins into a circus. As a matter of fact, the circus was already there; the media is merely demonstrating that the performers are bent upon making Pakistan a laughing stock around the world.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com

Twitter: @saleemfarrukh
The sit-in - Dr Farrukh Saleem
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you should better get agreed to imran, in whole or in genrl with NAWAZ sharif, that pakarmy shouldnt be allowed to launch any kind of FULL MILITRY OPPS against terrorists?
you should be agreed with terrorists , to give back sawaat to mullha sawaati, which your impotent army took away from that devil?
you should get agreeed to your stupid judiciary which still is unable to give any sentences to the captured or aressted terorists, instead they been cowardly alowed to break the jails & form thier own brigade of suciders?
also you should be agreed to mullha sawaati the butcher, to ask you your 14 years daughter/sister to be married with him, if not she been allowed to shot in her head like mallala?
also plz get agreed to change the name of pakistan to TALIBANISTAN, with mullha SAWAATI BUTCHER its ameer ul momineen & IMRAN its PM, with no army?
why not our filthy coward politicians , order & demand pakarmy to do the cleaning of terrorists like it did in sawaat?
what is stopping them, america?
sure the time will come some day, that if your beloved foolish politicians still unabled to take action against terrorists, PAKARMY will take the power from these croupt stupids, who just are bzy to fill thier pockets with. USAID?
if PAKARMY take power back in its hands, & kill terrorists you be agree to support its actions?
drones ate just there because, we are not fighting terrorists, whom our politicians were supporting before to get the power?
start fighting terrorists, drones wouldnt be there anymore, as every COAS of pakarmy was appointed by the PM, its the responsibility of PM to give orders to the army to fight terrorists with full force?
pakarmy still is waiting for the orders, while being the most deadliest of theTTp targets?
USA has the militry might & needed ecoonomic/ political power to fight, the terrorists around the world, but others dont?

Mullah Fazlullah is a double agent (My point of view).
How this mullah escaped from swat and passing whole FATA areas?
I don't like the actions of Judiciary and army I am independent on my view.
If army killing terrorists so why you all against Musharaf, he is doing the same thing as current army is doing, only exception is Army is now controlling from behind.
I don't consider TTP is threat because my point is TTP is a psychological asset of us, Helping our institutions to build perceptions against Taliban and Jihadis so that we can continue our job. If not then why they still not be eliminated. Why TTP is needed when our army went to FATA. As far as USAID is concerned who made possible for Pakistan to take US aid.
Its a big game and big guys think big.

Here is the real reason for PTI protests.

Who cares that poor workers for anti polio campaign are killed? Besides, life of ordinary Pakistanis has little value compared to the enemy of Pakistan Shaheed Hakimullah Meshud, beloved of Manawwar Hassan & Taliban Khan.

Dr Farrukh SaleemSunday, December 01, 2013

282 117 158 4

Capital suggestion

To be certain, the PTI’s sit-ins have absolutely nothing to do with the blocking of Nato supply because sit-ins are not required to block NATO supply routes (all that is required is a police constable to do the job). To be sure, the PTI’s sit-ins have absolutely nothing to do with drone attacks. History is witness that in 2011 we had shut down the supply routes for seven months but there were a total of 73 drone attacks that year – th 2nd highest on record.

What then is the circus about? In the simplest of terms it is downright dirty politics. It is an attempt to maintain or build a vote bank by exploiting voter sentiments. In more complex political terminology it is called ‘constituency control’. In political history this is referred to as the ‘practice of creating and maintaining vote-banks through divisive policies encouraging voters to vote on the basis’ of negative sentiments rather than community or national interests. Or the Pakistani coinage, ‘ghairat politics’.

Generally, there are two types of politics: politics of delivery and politics of deception. Generally, politicians who fail to deliver then adopt politics of deception (in order to maintain their vote bank).

The PTI’s election manifesto had 10,160 words. The word ‘corruption’ appears 7 times, ‘law’ 31 times, ‘reform’ 19 times and ‘accountability’ 9 times. There was also a specific pledge to de-weaponise. On February 24, the PTI organised a seminar titled ‘Energy: From crisis to solutions’. Speaking on the occasion, the PTI chairman committed to “end corruption in 19 days and terrorism in 90 days.”

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s real issues are a deteriorating law and order situation, a battered infrastructure, worsening unemployment and a failing social services delivery mechanism. Is there any link between the supply route and any of these real issues?

Has there been a cost-benefit analysis of the sit-ins? For the record, the GLOC Agreement (Ground Lines of Communication) earns Pakistan $1,500 per container for around a million dollars a day; Coalition Support Funds are about $3 million a day and Kerry-Lugar funds are $4 million a day. That’s a total of Rs1 billion a day every day of the year.

Plus, our exports to the EU stand at $6 billion a year. Plus, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Rs118 billion developmental budget has a Rs35 billion grant component from Nato countries. Plus, $500 million from USAID makes Khyber Pakhtunkhwa the largest of the four provincial recipients. Then there’s Security Council’s Resolution 1386 under which Pakistan is under international obligations to provide logistic support.

The PTI’s circus is going to divert Pak-Afghan transit trade to Iran’s Port of Chahbhar. The PTI’s circus has strategic losses, credibility losses and financial losses. The PTI’s sit-ins are all about maintaining a vote bank – maintenance at the cost of national interests. The PTI’s sit-ins are all about cheap politics. The PTI’s sit-ins are all about petty politics – party interests at the risk of international isolation.

The PTI may complain that the media turns its sit-ins into a circus. As a matter of fact, the circus was already there; the media is merely demonstrating that the performers are bent upon making Pakistan a laughing stock around the world.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com

Twitter: @saleemfarrukh
The sit-in - Dr Farrukh Saleem

the bigger circus that People sees starts from 7 PM till 12 AM when clowns sits on TV and jokers like Farrukh Saleem selling ideas of someone to build programmed views, perceptions, knowledges and strategies. The whole shit is programmed, when you select your topic and chose people with certain mindset then whole program will demonstrates their (topic + People) views on 60 million TV viewers.
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@Jazzbot: If I don't support American drone strikes, why do you assume that I have support IK. I don't agree with IK making peace with the Taliban, I don't appreciate that right after any blast, his first instinct is to find someone to deflect the blame. Prior to the election, he seemed like the perfect solution for Pakistan. But the responsibility has changed him.

Also, you can't run an effective government without unchallenged support. If IK had come to power, it would've most likely been a coalition - his lack of influence would have rendered him completely impotent to carry out any change.

He's simply not ready for governance yet.

And where did I claimed that? You have the right to differ from IK or anyone else on any issue, what is the issue?

And about IK's governing skills and things, lets better discuss that when we'll test him, lets stop with these speculations for now. Because you will conclude based on what you think about him, and I will conclude based on what I think about him..

I just wanted to hear your thoughts about that video for some reasons, if you were not interested, you should have just said that straight in your post or just ignored it. There wasn't any need for posting lies or assumptions about IK? Peace talks were a suggestion, not only from PTI but from each and every political party that exist in Pakistan including ISI and Army. But that chapter is almost close now even before peace talks were started. So lets just stop our guns on this issue now?
The Taliban and the PTI are not interlinked. All Imran Khan has done is give advice for how the nation should be run. Let us remember that Imran Khan is a burki from his mothers side and the burkis reside in a town called Kaniguram in South Waziristan (I know this because of my book Badal and research that went into it) Who better would know about the dynamics of FATA than Imran Khan whose mother is from the area. There is no better leader than him right now.

Imran Khan's terrorism policy is in its initial phase. Imran Khan will soon realize the countries secular vision soon. I am confident in this much.
The Taliban and the PTI are not interlinked. All Imran Khan has done is give advice for how the nation should be run. Let us remember that Imran Khan is a burki from his mothers side and the burkis reside in a town called Kaniguram in South Waziristan (I know this because of my book Badal and research that went into it) Who better would know about the dynamics of FATA than Imran Khan whose mother is from the area. There is no better leader than him right now.

Imran Khan's terrorism policy is in its initial phase. Imran Khan will soon realize the countries secular vision soon. I am confident in this much.
Sir he was secular long ago Sir by every passing day he is becoming more religious in his views both on personal level and as well on on level of state their are no chances of secularism and most around him are hard core religious people

And his policy is not on initial stage but has the answers which our government and our Armed Forces both have to accept one day and they will

@niaz Imran Khan has given the solution you make blunders and than you cry you have cases like Afridi and you made sure Polio workers pay the price it was already had to convince people of that area and than you made blunder you allow USA to kill your own people and betray Afghans and sell even their ambassador to USA and than cry when they hit back Sir that will never work

Call him Taliban Khan as much as you want in the end it would be you and others like you who would have done damage to Pakistan

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