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TTP Murdered 11 foreign mountaineers at Nanga Parbat base camp.

could this by any chance be related to the ongoing talks between Americans and Afghan Taliban?
What steps are being taken to ensure safety of other foreign tourists in the northern areas? Are they being provided security until they can be evacuated?

The toughest thing for the security forces would be to predict and prevent incidents like these. Would'nt it be tough to protect all?
All the posts from now on will be deleted, not specifically yours.

I can't go and clean the last 10 pages...so let's start afresh.

what you have just demonstrated is not just the folly of your thinking , it is a much wider collective problem that Pakistan is facing

see if you can spot the problem in the following , I bet you can not

what you have just demonstrated is not just the folly of your thinking , it is a much wider collective problem that Pakistan is facing

Just shut it...you have no idea what kind of posts I deleted...so better to keep quiet and let me do the moderating.

As for the problem with the pic, ask members like @muse and @Irfan Baloch and others, they will tell you what I have been harping about since a week and what my opinions are regarding this whole Taliban media campaign thing.
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For TTP terrorist this will be very little, they should be tortured to death & tortured after death.:sniper:

Many taliban are getting tortured and their dead bodies getting incinerated by you-know-who.
One of my friend suggested that there should be gladiator like death matches of captured taliban. Another one suggested that there should be mob justice to taliban, their dead bodies dragged in the streets. Another one suggested that fauji jawan should drink the blood of alive taliban and eat their flesh, that would inflict fear in hearts of taliban.
Poor intelligence and ISI should be answerable for its incompetency, correct these white elephants ISI, FIA, IB, CID/Special Branch so people will not blame on others. This is what we received after allocation of 627 billion on defense and heavy allocation on civil intelligence & security organizations.

If only a majority of Pakistanis thought like this - Our problems would on their way to resolution.

I do not know if you guys caught a piece I posted - The Interior Minister has issued a federal directive that ALL ARMY personnel are to be searched before they can enter Red Zone in Islamabad -- Just look at how they protect themselves and how we are protected or how our guests are protected --- And for our more "Catholic than the Pope" Army defenders, look now at the reputation, that in your own capital, the very people elected to govern Pakistan, will only be in your presence after you have been searched - this is what willful dereliction of DUTY has earned
Many taliban are getting tortured and their dead bodies getting incinerated by you-know-who.
One of my friend suggested that there should be gladiator like death matches of captured taliban. Another one suggested that there should be mob justice to taliban, their dead bodies dragged in the streets. Another one suggested that fauji jawan should drink the blood of alive taliban and eat their flesh, that would inflict fear in hearts of taliban.

If you ask me, you need to change your friends more than anything.

Are you sure they aren't vampires?
If only a majority of Pakistanis thought like this - Our problems would on their way to resolution.

I do not know if you guys caught a piece I posted - The Interior Minister has issued a federal directive that ALL ARMY personnel are to be searched before they can enter Red Zone in Islamabad -- Just look at how they protect themselves and how we are protected or how our guests are protected --- And for our more "Catholic than the Pope" Army defenders, look now at the reputation, that in your own capital, the very people elected to govern Pakistan, will only be in your presence after you have been searched - this is what willful dereliction of DUTY has earned

if that is going to be the case , then the road ahead will be very bumpy .. looks like nawaz and his goons haven't learnet from their own mistakes of the past

other tourists from Gilgit air lifted by the military heli.
I am appalled, but not surprised. When we allow murderous thugs like TTP to exist, and to continue their actions without any serious action against them, well than incidents like this are bound to happen.
well what to make of this that two different groups are claiming responsibility for this heinous acts .

An extremist militant group known as Jundallah claimed that they were behind the attack. The organization has carried out previous deadly attacks on Pakistan’s Shiite Muslim minority population.

"These foreigners are our enemies and we proudly claim responsibility for killing them and will continue such attacks in the future as well," Jundullah spokesman Ahmed Marwat told Reuters by telephone.

Another militant group, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, has also claimed responsibility for the attack, saying their fighters conducted the killing “to retaliate for the US drone assaults in north-west Pakistan.

Pakistani militants kill 9 tourists and their guide in hotel shooting ? RT News
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