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TTP is not our concern, but Pakistan’s: Afghan Taliban

Do you think ak 47 trotting guerrillas really defeated usa without foreign help?
Defeated is not the right word but you can say Taliban exhausted USA both militarily and financially.

Also you have to understand that Taliban is an Insurgent group. You cannot destroy an insurgent group but contain it. So it was impossible for USA to destroy Taliban.

Pakistan also has a strong army but it still could not defeat Mukti Bahini in 1971 war. Why? Because Mukti Bahini was not an organized force but a guerilla force.

The problem with insurgent groups are that they go undercover once detected and return after some time. An insurgent may become taxi driver, chai wala etc you will never know.

Also guerilla tactics. Insurgents use stealth as a primary fighting tactic for which they cannot be easily identified and targeted.

Also most if not all insurgent groups are native of their land so they have geographical advantage.
3.“Pakistan’s problem” and “we will not let our territory be used” - Pakistan can come in and handle it and we will look the other way. No more foreign presence or aircraft or anything for Pakistan to take into calculus.
Any and all Pakistani assets heretofore needing covert ops or otherwise can now be overt including airstrikes or anything needed to clear everything out.

If my reading above is even 70% accurate, I say it’s exactly what Pakistan wants
Sounds too good to be true, even China is saying that whatever goes on in Afg is Afg's internal stuff (at least publically). Plus i'm sure publically this will cause rifts as well as TB will either stay mute on such strikes or under pressure condemn them. So not the best option in my opinion, at the end of the day TB cooperation will be needed and best case option is that they fully cooperate and we dont need our boots in the air nor ground.
Defeated is not the right word but you can say Taliban exhausted USA both militarily and financially.

Also you have to understand that Taliban is an Insurgent group. You cannot destroy an insurgent group but contain it. So it was impossible for USA to destroy Taliban.

Pakistan also has a strong army but it still could not defeat Mukti Bahini in 1971 war. Why? Because Mukti Bahini was not an organized force but a guerilla force.

The problem with insurgent groups are that they go undercover once detected and return after some time. An insurgent may become taxi driver, chai wala etc you will never know.

Also guerilla tactics. Insurgents use stealth as a primary fighting tactic for which they cannot be easily identified and targeted.

Also most if not all insurgent groups are native of their land so they have geographical advantage.
Actually no. The only reason why pakistan couldnt defeat the MB was because of India. Also they were 34000 army and 250,000 MB. But still the army was holding out
Yes, that will help understand a bit on global intelligence wars.
Body of lies too.

İt explains how Western intelligence with all of its technology is suffering in these wars cuz of their headstrongness/bigotry and lack of knowledge/understanding or empathy for the very people they want to "liberate" and defeat the terrorists.
But mullah saheb, we will make sure that you are not hosting them.
Why would they create more problems for themselves by speaking ill against a group and risk reprisals against them. He is absolutely right that it is not a matrer for Afhanistan to resolve. However the positives are.
A. No use of Afghan soil to launch attacks against anyone.
B. If the TTP follow Taliban then they will listen to them.
From Pakistan's perspective fence the border.
Control in house insurgency.
These would require fencing the Irani border to eliminate infiltration from there.
A combination of negotiations and judicious amounts of force when required. That way we may get into a position to negotiate from a position of strength. I dont think qe have any other options. Expecting the Taliban to do the dirties for us is not on the cards.
Actually no. The only reason why pakistan couldnt defeat the MB was because of India. Also they were 34000 army and 250,000 MB. But still the army was holding out
There were more than 95000 soldiers actually. 93000 troops surrendered to the Indian army at the end of the war and many fled. 30000 soldiers were there in Dhaka alone according to General Niazi.
There were more than 95000 soldiers actually. 93000 troops surrendered to the Indian army at the end of the war and many fled. 30000 soldiers were there in Dhaka alone according to General Niazi.

No, 90K includes civilian gov't employees and administrators...

General Niazi was too drunk to have remembered anything...
There were more than 95000 soldiers actually. 93000 troops surrendered to the Indian army at the end of the war and many fled. 30000 soldiers were there in Dhaka alone according to General Niazi.


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