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TTP executes 23 Frontier Corps prisoners of war after 4 years of captivity.

Best way forward is to not have any peace talks
Do targeted airstrikes against anit-state militants in NWA
Maintain currently held positions till end of 2014 and formualte startergey based on how things evolve in afghanistan
rest is just emotinal bru ha hu and posturing which may help play politics but not any gains on ground
In the current state of Pakistan, the best gift India could give Pakistan is a full scale invasion.

Seriously, no trolling!!!!!

A month of frantic war activities would mean TTP getting no coverage + they would be unable to conduct any bomb blasts since it would be seen as pro India activity.

It would provide Pakistan with a psychological clean slate.

Actually the TTP bastards did hint of stopping attacks against Pakistan and concentrate on India in an event of war when tensions escalated last time. In theory some part of it may work but the "Invasion" plan is best kept in lala land. A war/ maybe even a small battle may change their strat but Invasion is a word very carelessly thrown around these days by some funny people as if it has any practical meaning.

Is afghan invaded? Iraq invaded? both had little to no military forget nukes.

Only practical option is public aggressive opposition, combined with a miracle which grants "General" Raheel and Nawaz tool with some balls and hunting these rats down.

Invasion is in the worst interest of India or the new tough guy in the yard (Iran). Atleast with India its a MAD, no there are no safe corners despite what some fanboys what to dream about.
Even after killing of 23 FC officials IK is still crying for talks in his tweets .............


sorry to say but he really is one heartless b@stard

Best way forward is to not have any peace talks

I think we must give peace talks a chance.. let some rapists and murderers make a visit to all participants of the peace committee. and a special visit to Amir Jamat Islami too

then we can start the opertion
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How come they were left in their captivity for this long and how come no rescue mission was launched?
First and foremost, we send our deepest condolences to the friends and families of these servicemen. We deeply mourn the loss and hope that their loved ones will find the strength to deal with this tragedy. This is obviously a very tough period for the great nation of Pakistan, and we stand by the government of Pakistan in their quest for peace. We share a common stance against terrorism, and wish to see peace prevail throughout the region, especially Pakistan. We have full confidence in the government’s ability to bring the situation under control. The seriousness of the situation requires us all to remain hopeful and not give up on our shared dream of restoring peace in the region.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
Another thing I was thinking, it's probably better the savage talibs killed them. There are many worse things in life than death.

And one of them is being in the savage talibs captivity, and for four years at that. It's obvious the govt didn't care about these poor soldiers. After all they were left there without any rescues or diplomatic pressure asking for their release.

So, now we have these 23 brave souls and probably more right now. Who are in talib prisons, enduring hunger, torture, abuse and with no end in sight.

I think the talibs finally showed mercy and releived them of their pain. Other wise they'd be there suffering for many more years.
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