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Trump threatens Vietnam, which has been benefiting from U.S. tariffs on China

So you mean you have already tried, but failed?
Correct my friend

We can’t fight multiple fronts, least when the chinese mobilize the entire army.
. .
You have weapons but the PLA is mentally weak, pose no serious challenge to Vietnam military. Not bragging but a fact, a reality. We know you too good, in and out.

We did it. The Malays then threatened with jihad, Chinese with total war, so we withdrew. Maybe next time my friend.
Mentally weak? LOL. Have you ever thought that maybe you are not even worth the hassle? Remember how we fried you back in the 80s? we prefer slowly killing you from the inside, support a faction they tie you to our economy. =)
The way Trump is going soon there will be no country left to sanction. Then he will sanction himself.
My friend, you are now basically helpless in front of China, in both military and economy.

All your military assets will be cleared out in few hours by China's raining hypersonic missiles and pinpoint accurate MLRS.

China is always sparing you with mercy, and you shouldn't view the compassion as a sign of weakness.

When becoming increasingly frustrated in a trade war with China and failed to destroy China's high end tech firms like Huawei, Trump and his far right admin will most likely vent their frustration on other countries, including the US allies.

So at the end, China only has to deal with the US in a trade war, while the US has to fight the entire world.

Don't make any mistake about it. Trump's fight against China isn't personal. In the 80's he was the biggest Japan basher. It's just that China has overtaken Japan as the No 1 in Asia. Trust me, once things are or if they are settled with China, Japan and S. Korea will be next. Their cars, electronics are going to be hit with tariffs and they will have to sign agreements saying they will be forced to buy Chevys and Fords even when they don't need it.

He sees Vietnam in the same light, except he sees Vietnam as "getting there" so he needs to undercut Vietnam before it gets too big. Basically he's doing to Vietnam and India what he thinks the US should have done to the other Asian countries before they got too big.
And no Viet soldiers died? Have you gotten you islands back? OO yah he sunk a few ships and invaded Paracels and Spratlys. :china:

China is the aggressor in Sino Vietnam war, with Human wave tactic, your deads were much more than ours.... Think back, how Japanese invaded in to China, Chinese were killed brutally by Japan, in Nan Jing and others in China.

China can't swallow Islands of Vietnam under rules of International Laws... :sniper::taz::china:
. . .
Million Cnese like u r jobless now, keep handling US alone, Russia-VN dont care, if CN collapse, we will annex ur lands, ur islands

We r poor now, poor forever is not the problem.:cool:

Your analogy doesn't make sense. You said China's economy will collapse giving Vietnam the perfect opportunity to annex Chinese land. However, Vietnam is a poor country, so how will you achieve this grand scheme?

Vietnam doesn't have the infrastructure to enable these companies to relocate and export from places like Hanoi. Otherwise, a much bigger and better resource country like India which has an English speaking workforce would have been the next manufacturing hub. But India like Vietnam has problems with its infrastructure. Remember Vietnam is still an agrarian economy largely focused on rice. The process of shifting its economy from agrarian to manufacturing will take time.
China is the aggressor in Sino Vietnam war, with Human wave tactic, your deads were much more than ours.... Think back, how Japanese invaded in to China, Chinese were killed brutally by Japan, in Nan Jing and others in China.

China can't swallow Islands of Vietnam under rules of International Laws... :sniper::taz::china:
You can claim this and that, overall we slaughtered more Viets since you soldiers were hiding in the forest. Btw, since when are Japanese = Viets? Thats the problem with you guys, you worship people who rape, killed and gassed you. Because Japs killed us, the US nuked them, that's they payback. So are the Japs and Yanks your papa now?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. This is the problem with weak races.

We can't swallow islands? We just did, didn't we? :enjoy:
Your analogy doesn't make sense. You said China's economy will collapse giving Vietnam the perfect opportunity to annex Chinese land. However, Vietnam is a poor country, so how will you achieve this grand scheme?

Actually, we dont annex CN land after CN collapse cos its barren and usless...but we will take back our islands in SCS ( east VN) and will annex lands of other neighbours in the South and West, and Russia willing to help us ( Soviet/Russia helped VN annex Lao,Camb's lands and Thai's water in 1979).

And if u still dont know how can we annex their lands, then just wait till CN or US collapse ( maybe in 2023 ), when waiting tilk 2023, u can Google and check how Laos-Cam r under VN control after 1979.

And your military is just small fish to China, then China shall do the same to Vietnam according to your very own logics.
CN PLA is stupid and usless, they could not save their ally Pol Pot and Cnese ethnic in Camb even when they tried so hard by licking US-Jap's azz to get support.

So now, Hun Sen is VN's friend and willing to bash anyone trying to say VN invade Camb and annex Camb's land like he just bashed Sing PM Lee so hard :cool:
Actually, we dont annex CN land after CN collapse cos its barren and usless...but we will take back our islands in SCS ( east VN) and will annex lands of other neighbours in the South and West, and Russia willing to help us ( Soviet/Russia helped VN annex Lao,Camb's lands and Thai's water in 1979).

And if u still dont know how can we annex their lands, then just wait till CN or US collapse ( maybe in 2023 ), when waiting tilk 2023, u can Google and check how Laos-Cam r under VN control after 1979.

CN PLA is stupid and usless, they could bot save their ally Pol Pot even when they tried so hard.

So now, Hun Sen is VN's friend and willing to bash anyone trying to say VN invade Camb and annex Camb's land like he just bashed Sing PM Lee so hard :cool:

The minute Vietnam invades Laos and Cambodia then you can expect sanctions from the UN. The Russians will certainly not back you because of there economic interests with China. After all, Russia's largest energy customer is Chinese. What makes you think Chinese land is barren? Yunnan has the largest biodiversity in the world and that is the closest province to Vietnam.
Don't make any mistake about it. Trump's fight against China isn't personal. In the 80's he was the biggest Japan basher. It's just that China has overtaken Japan as the No 1 in Asia. Trust me, once things are or if they are settled with China, Japan and S. Korea will be next. Their cars, electronics are going to be hit with tariffs and they will have to sign agreements saying they will be forced to buy Chevys and Fords even when they don't need it.

He sees Vietnam in the same light, except he sees Vietnam as "getting there" so he needs to undercut Vietnam before it gets too big. Basically he's doing to Vietnam and India what he thinks the US should have done to the other Asian countries before they got too big.

It is perceived as the clash of the different civilizations.

Trump doesn't like non-white countries, but China is the main enemy. Apart of China, he never likes Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Iran either.

He hates China, but he simply couldn't ally himself with those non-white countries whom he despises as much as China.
It is perceived as the clash of the different civilizations.

Trump doesn't like non-white countries, but China is the main enemy. Apart of China, he never likes Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Iran either.

He hates China, but he simply couldn't ally himself with those non-white countries whom he despises as much as China.
Nonsense. Trump politics is America first, not the White first. You chinese brag you have money, no surprise he wants to take it from you. Sorry, it is like when I brag I have a house with a safe full of money, I am pretty sure, I can expect an unexpected guest tonight.
Nonsense. Trump politics is America first, not the White first. You chinese brag you have money, no surprise he wants to take it from you. Sorry, it is like when I brag I have a house with a safe full of money, I am pretty sure, I can expect an unexpected guest tonight.

MAGA is just a token for Make America White Again.

My friend, you are simply too naive about the ethnopolitics of the US.

But even with a non-white POTUS like Obama, it didn't bring an inch of benefit to China and other non-white countries.

So China still prefers a guy like Trump to be the POTUS, because this will serve as a rude awakening for the world, especially for those non-white countries to recognize the true color of the US.
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