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Triple Talaq bill passed by Parliament

The constitution states "The State shall endeavour", I hope you understand what endeavor means. I am sure that you are aware that all religions in India have separate personal laws. The communal BJP wants to implement Hindu laws in the name of Uniform Civil code.

Yes, Endeavour to bring UCC. Banning 3T is a step in that direction. If congressis did not appease mullahs this need not have been done.

Hindu Code Bill was brought in the 50's itself. The congress said that Muslim code bill will not be brought now as they are minority community and they can reform themselves. But 70 years down the line no reforms have taken place. Instead Congress appeased the Mullahs with Shah Bano case. Read about both these things if you don't know.

As I said previously, cow slaughter ban was brought in to appease Hindus, and irrespective of whether its included in the constitution or not, no real secular country does that to appease one particular religion.

Dont go about that secularism crap. There are hundreds of laws at both state and central level which appease muslims.
Yes, Endeavour to bring UCC. Banning 3T is a step in that direction. If congressis did not appease mullahs this need not have been done.

Hindu Code Bill was brought in the 50's itself. The congress said that Muslim code bill will not be brought now as they are minority community and they can reform themselves. But 70 years down the line no reforms have taken place. Instead Congress appeased the Mullahs with Shah Bano case. Read about both these things if you don't know.

Dont go about that secularism crap. There are hundreds of laws at both state and central level which appease muslims.

What are the laws imposed on Hindus to benefits muslims ? cow slaughter law is a law imposed on muslims to benefit hindu sentiments. And what"reforms" happened with hindus - 95% marry within caste. Priests are all still brahmin. cow slaughter still banned.
Yes, Endeavour to bring UCC. Banning 3T is a step in that direction. If congressis did not appease mullahs this need not have been done.

Hindu Code Bill was brought in the 50's itself. The congress said that Muslim code bill will not be brought now as they are minority community and they can reform themselves. But 70 years down the line no reforms have taken place. Instead Congress appeased the Mullahs with Shah Bano case. Read about both these things if you don't know.
Congressis may have done lip service appeasement to Mullahs but the real appeasement was done to Hindutva loons and they actually benefited from it. No wonder, the snake they were rearing in their backyard swallowed them at an opportune time.

The irony is Hindutva loons from 5000 BC speaking about reforms..LOL
They were the one's who fought tooth and nail to stop the hindu code bill from getting implemented. Read about these things if you aren't aware. Will give you a hint to get started..


Dont go about that secularism crap. There are hundreds of laws at both state and central level which appease muslims.
Please go ahead and mention them, I am all ears.
What are the laws imposed on Hindus to benefits muslims ? cow slaughter law is a law imposed on muslims to benefit hindu sentiments. And what"reforms" happened with hindus - 95% marry within caste. Priests are all still brahmin. cow slaughter still banned.

How about "reservation" for muslims via "minority quota" and minority educational institutions ?

Or Financial benefits and scholarships for Muslims ?

Also a Hindu is free to marry outside his caste if he so desires, and also a Hindu can marry without a priest by doing a court marriage.

Cow slaughter is done for the benefit of COWS, not Hindus.
In many countries marrying 13 yo girls is legal too. But we are talking about laws in India, don't deflect. Being ignorant about laws is not my problem.
Internet is fast, if you're not living under a rock, be free to check it.
Stop running round the circles and accept facts. A person at the age of 18 years isn't considered a Child. So stop hiding behind technicalities. If a person who is 18 years old is eligible to vote, get prosecuted as an adult in crimes, drive, have sex and do many other things, then he is old enough to marry as well. You are trying way too hard for Modi. Give up..

haha, so tell me what is a meher according to you? Parting gift?
Now you are speaking.. Ask, when you are unaware of things instead of acting like a smarty pant which you obviously are not. Meher is gift given by a Husband to his wife. It is not a parting gift and there is no hard and fast rule as to when it is supposed to be given.

And I posted the link, it clearly states wifes family was asked to give everything back during the divorce.
You posted a link but unable to discern why the wife's family was asked to return the Meher. Let me educate you, when a woman unilaterally decides to part ways with her husband, she has to return the Meher that her husband gifted her.

Just wait for uniform civil code dear, soon marrying 4-5 women be illegal too.
Aww.. I am feeling jittery:fie::fie:

Anyways a fun fact for you...

More Hindus than Muslims have two wives


And in such cases, the second wife is neither recognized by society nor given the legal status of ‘wife’.

Polygamy despite being illegal for Hindus, they continue to have more than one wife. Not sure how many wives they would have had, had there been no such regulation. 16000+?:undecided:

Going back to whataboutery I see.

It doesn't matter if it's miniscule, hey there already have been 3 cases for instant tripple talaq, with cases registered so it's not that miniscule.
LOL... Yet again you display your lack of comprehension skills. Where do you find whataboutery here? It is the hindutva loons who are good at whataboutery. I am speaking about priority. If I have a bigger issue at hand, I will look into it first. Same goes with the government.

Any number of cases can be registered, but it will only hold good if they are genuine. Many women and their families will try to file cases against husbands and their families in whichever way possible. Anti-Dowry laws were misused, these 3T laws will also be misused. Come back to me when you have concrete proof regarding "high
number" of 3T prosecutions until then, rest easy.

I don't why you keep asking this report, a simple google search will give you all the details. I am not going to spoon feed you, look it up. And might as well as remember the "temple run" of Rahul in the following state elections which was trying to win back Hindu votes. And congress leader Gulam Nabi Azad lamenting why congress leaders don't invite him for campaigns anymore.
Again, not gonna spoon feed you the information.

I hope now you figure out why muslims are still in SEBC, it's not that government stops them from getting educated, but a section in your community thinks educating/working women is bad.
The burden of proof is on you, you were the one who made claims about some Anthony commission. I've never heard about this "Anthony commission" hence asking you. If you are unable to post, then stop making claims.

What has Rahul running around temples got to do with our conversation?

I think you should figure it out as to why Tribals and Dalits are SEBC, then you can understand why muslims are SEBC. Is the government stopping Tribals and Dalits from getting educated or is there a section within them who is stopping their women from getting educated?

What do you think it could be? Cow slaughter was banned because the congress where Sangh back then? I'll answer after I hear your point of view.
I was and I am very clear in my terms that Anti-Cow slaughter law was brought in for Hindu appeasement. And who told you that Congress has to be a Sangh to appease Hindus? I shall be waiting for your reply.

How about "reservation" for muslims via "minority quota" and minority educational institutions ?

Or Financial benefits and scholarships for Muslims ?
Aren't Hindus getting reservation? They in fact get quota in all sectors not just in some "minority/majority" institution.

Aren't Hindus getting financial benefits from the Government?

Also a Hindu is free to marry outside his caste if he so desires, and also a Hindu can marry without a priest by doing a court marriage.
Hindu is free to marry outside his caste until he gets a free ticket down to death alley.

Dalit butchered for marrying upper caste woman in Gujarat

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...arrying-darbar-woman/articleshow/70151342.cms

Cow slaughter is done for the benefit of COWS, not Hindus.
LOL Come again:lol::lol:
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Stop running round the circles and accept facts. A person at the age of 18 years isn't considered a Child. So stop hiding behind technicalities. If a person who is 18 years old is eligible to vote, get prosecuted as an adult in crimes, drive, have sex and do many other things, then he is old enough to marry as well. You are trying way too hard for Modi. Give up..
If you want to pretend to be an idiot then go ahead. I said the law which states a man at 18 yo who marries a 17 yo is considered Child marriage as per Indian laws. I don't give a fuk about other stuffs you blabber. Is it a Child marriage in Indian law? Then it's Child marriage.
Meher is gift given by a Husband to his wife. It is not a parting gift
So, it can't be given after a divorce. Thanks for clarifying.

You posted a link but unable to discern why the wife's family was asked to return the Meher.
So you don't know why it's asked. Well, it was asked and that is the case in many such divorces.

Aww.. I am feeling jittery:fie::fie:

Anyways a fun fact for you...

More Hindus than Muslims have two wives


And in such cases, the second wife is neither recognized by society nor given the legal status of ‘wife’.

Polygamy despite being illegal for Hindus, they continue to have more than one wife. Not sure how many wives they would have had, had there been no such regulation. 16000+?:undecided:
Of course the number will be high because Hindus are nearly 1 billion for some 170m Muslims. Bringing absolute numbers and then comes with percentage for others is a nice try. But try it somewhere else. I like how you brought 16000+ from our epic, during those days King used to declare a group of women as their wifes for their protection. In this case it was Krishna's tribe the yadavas. If memory serves me right, neither of them were nine year olds.

I was and I am very clear in my terms that Anti-Cow slaughter law was brought in for Hindu appeasement. And who told you that Congress has to be a Sangh to appease Hindus? I shall be waiting for your reply.
Oh I'm clearly having fun with your ignorance.

You don't need to appease Hindus when they are absolute majority and there was no other party other than congress. Literally, congress ruled as they wished for more than 30 years without worrying about votes.

Cow was considered sacred by Dharmic religion, our constitution have many adoptions from the ethos of philosophy of our land. Our national motto "Satyameva Jayate" is straight out of Upanishad. Take a look at original Indian constitution, handwritten, you'll be surprised to see the sketches used. Going to Indian Flag the Dharma Chakra aka Ashoka Chakra (or wheel of Dharma) is in the center.
I can go on and on, the point is these are adopted because these are traditions of this land, and these represent India it is not to please anyone. The nationalism and Indian philosophy was interconnected and that congress used to represent Indian Nationalism.

I shall wait for your reply on this.:lol:
LOL... Yet again you display your lack of comprehension skills. Where do you find whataboutery here? It is the hindutva loons who are good at whataboutery. I am speaking about priority. If I have a bigger issue at hand, I will look into it first. Same goes with the government.
How is this a matter of priority, we are talking about unlawful practice among Muslims, and you're saying there are left out Hindu women. That's precisely the definition of whataboutery, if you don't know what it means, you better learn the definition rather than doubting my comprehensive skill, it's rather sound.

What's next, we should solve our poverty before discussing 3T?
Any number of cases can be registered, but it will only hold good if they are genuine. Many women and their families will try to file cases against husbands and their families in whichever way possible. Anti-Dowry laws were misused, these 3T laws will also be misused. Come back to me when you have concrete proof regarding "high
number" of 3T prosecutions until then, rest easy.
The genuineness of the allegation is not for us to decide. How do you know if it's false allegation?

The burden of proof is on you, you were the one who made claims about some Anthony commission. I've never heard about this "Anthony commission" hence asking you. If you are unable to post, then stop making claims.

What has Rahul running around temples got to do with our conversation?

I think you should figure it out as to why Tribals and Dalits are SEBC, then you can understand why muslims are SEBC. Is the government stopping Tribals and Dalits from getting educated or is there a section within them who is stopping their women from getting educated?
Ah so, you are still in denial and waiting for me to provide you with evidence, I'm assuming you already looked into them and disappointed, now barking at the tree. Temple run of Rahul Gandhi is a result of antony commission findings.

We are looking into their upliftment too, but according to many surveys condition of Muslims is worse than Dalits. Also, the population growth among you guys are high in comparison which is an indication of backwardness especially among women. 3T will embolden women. :)
@The_Showstopper you clearly have a thing against "hindu appeasement" Tell me how is 3T Hindu Appeasement?

Stop running round the circles and accept facts. A person at the age of 18 years isn't considered a Child. So stop hiding behind technicalities. If a person who is 18 years old is eligible to vote, get prosecuted as an adult in crimes, drive, have sex and do many other things, then he is old enough to marry as well. You are trying way too hard for Modi. Give up..

Now you are speaking.. Ask, when you are unaware of things instead of acting like a smarty pant which you obviously are not. Meher is gift given by a Husband to his wife. It is not a parting gift and there is no hard and fast rule as to when it is supposed to be given.

You posted a link but unable to discern why the wife's family was asked to return the Meher. Let me educate you, when a woman unilaterally decides to part ways with her husband, she has to return the Meher that her husband gifted her.

Aww.. I am feeling jittery:fie::fie:

Anyways a fun fact for you...

More Hindus than Muslims have two wives


And in such cases, the second wife is neither recognized by society nor given the legal status of ‘wife’.

Polygamy despite being illegal for Hindus, they continue to have more than one wife. Not sure how many wives they would have had, had there been no such regulation. 16000+?:undecided:

LOL... Yet again you display your lack of comprehension skills. Where do you find whataboutery here? It is the hindutva loons who are good at whataboutery. I am speaking about priority. If I have a bigger issue at hand, I will look into it first. Same goes with the government.

Any number of cases can be registered, but it will only hold good if they are genuine. Many women and their families will try to file cases against husbands and their families in whichever way possible. Anti-Dowry laws were misused, these 3T laws will also be misused. Come back to me when you have concrete proof regarding "high
number" of 3T prosecutions until then, rest easy.

The burden of proof is on you, you were the one who made claims about some Anthony commission. I've never heard about this "Anthony commission" hence asking you. If you are unable to post, then stop making claims.

What has Rahul running around temples got to do with our conversation?

I think you should figure it out as to why Tribals and Dalits are SEBC, then you can understand why muslims are SEBC. Is the government stopping Tribals and Dalits from getting educated or is there a section within them who is stopping their women from getting educated?

I was and I am very clear in my terms that Anti-Cow slaughter law was brought in for Hindu appeasement. And who told you that Congress has to be a Sangh to appease Hindus? I shall be waiting for your reply.

Aren't Hindus getting reservation? They in fact get quota in all sectors not just in some "minority/majority" institution.

Aren't Hindus getting financial benefits from the Government?

Hindu is free to marry outside his caste until he gets a free ticket down to death alley.

Dalit butchered for marrying upper caste woman in Gujarat

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...arrying-darbar-woman/articleshow/70151342.cms

LOL Come again:lol::lol:
You know we can keep on debating about these numbers till the cows come home (oops ;)) but the truth is the only number that matters is 303.

BTW I forgot to ask you how did you feel on 23rd May.
If you want to pretend to be an idiot then go ahead. I said the law which states a man at 18 yo who marries a 17 yo is considered Child marriage as per Indian laws. I don't give a fuk about other stuffs you blabber. Is it a Child marriage in Indian law? Then it's Child marriage.
Not sure about me pretending like one but I am convinced that you are one. I've been repeating myself numerous times that 18 year old man marrying can't be considered a child marriage. Stop hiding behind "Indian law" to justify your beloved Hindu Hriday Samrat dumping his wife.

So you don't know why it's asked. Well, it was asked and that is the case in many such divorces.
I know why its asked, not sure about you though. No wonder you've been shooting in the dark.

Of course the number will be high because Hindus are nearly 1 billion for some 170m Muslims. Bringing absolute numbers and then comes with percentage for others is a nice try. But try it somewhere else. I like how you brought 16000+ from our epic, during those days King used to declare a group of women as their wifes for their protection. In this case it was Krishna's tribe the yadavas. If memory serves me right, neither of them were nine year olds.
Naah dear, not speaking about the absolute number, I am speaking about the percentage...

Practice of bigamy is prevalent more among Hindus


Oh I'm clearly having fun with your ignorance.
Aww... You loving it:welcome:

You don't need to appease Hindus when they are absolute majority and there was no other party other than congress. Literally, congress ruled as they wished for more than 30 years without worrying about votes.
LOL What logic:lol::lol:, Majority doesn't need appeasemento_O
Congress didn't rule as they wished, at every step they were forced to assuage hindu sentiments. Be it Hindu code bill, Anti-Cow slaughter laws etc. Time and again they bowed down to fulfill hindu wishes.

Read the following...


I am amazed at your reasoning skills.. how do you think a political party will form a government without the support of majority?

Cow was considered sacred by Dharmic religion, our constitution have many adoptions from the ethos of philosophy of our land. Our national motto "Satyameva Jayate" is straight out of Upanishad. Take a look at original Indian constitution, handwritten, you'll be surprised to see the sketches used. Going to Indian Flag the Dharma Chakra aka Ashoka Chakra (or wheel of Dharma) is in the center.
I can go on and on, the point is these are adopted because these are traditions of this land, and these represent India it is not to please anyone. The nationalism and Indian philosophy was interconnected and that congress used to represent Indian Nationalism.

I shall wait for your reply on this.:lol:
Aww... Nice way to camouflage hinduism in the name of "Dharmic religion". Stop sugarcoating the appeasement of hindus, Our land isn't a homogeneous entity, Look around, it has been influenced by all religions including Islam and Christianity. All of this represent India, not just some Dharmic religions.

How is this a matter of priority, we are talking about unlawful practice among Muslims, and you're saying there are left out Hindu women.
It indeed is a matter of priority, if we are discussing about women empowerment, then shouldn't you first solve the issue which affects more women.

rather than doubting my comprehensive skill, it's rather sound.
Doesn't look so..

What's next, we should solve our poverty before discussing 3T?
Poverty vs 3T:what: Come up with some better justifications..

The genuineness of the allegation is not for us to decide. How do you know if it's false allegation?
Where did I claim it is false?? I only claimed that it hasn't gone through judicial process. They are accusations, not judicial judgments. So I would rather prefer to wait for them to be prosecuted rather than jumping the gun.

Ah so, you are still in denial and waiting for me to provide you with evidence, I'm assuming you already looked into them and disappointed, now barking at the tree. Temple run of Rahul Gandhi is a result of antony commission findings.
Are you out of your mind? You make some roughshod accusations stating some "Anthony commissions" and when I ask you to post the source for that claim, you keep muttering some mumbo-jumbo..

We are looking into their upliftment too, but according to many surveys condition of Muslims is worse than Dalits. Also, the population growth among you guys are high in comparison which is an indication of backwardness especially among women. 3T will embolden women. :)
Dalits are progressing a bit because there were affirmative actions taken up by successive governments. But when similar steps are taken towards the upliftment of those backward muslims, Hindutva loons start crying hoarse over it.

@The_Showstopper you clearly have a thing against "hindu appeasement"
I never really had a problem with Hindu appeasement until I saw Hindutva loons moaning about "muslim appeasement"

Tell me how is 3T Hindu Appeasement?
Well I am not sure as I never claimed it as one

You know we can keep on debating about these numbers till the cows come home (oops ;)) but the truth is the only number that matters is 303.
I do realize that, but you don't seem to see anything beyond that. So best of luck with the future of this country..:tup:

BTW I forgot to ask you how did you feel on 23rd May.
Wasn't surprised after seeing the result, rather surprised with the margin of win:coffee:
Not sure about me pretending like one but I am convinced that you are one. I've been repeating myself numerous times that 18 year old man marrying can't be considered a child marriage. Stop hiding behind "Indian law" to justify your beloved Hindu Hriday Samrat dumping his wife.
Well, idiots are never sure if they are one. Living in India and marrying in India is where Indian laws are applicable dum dum. Being an Indian I hold Indian constitution above all laws, what do you hold? I'm curious to know.
Child Marriage restraint act.

If you start defining adult, then you should declare a girl who received her first period and a guy who just have his balls dropped is an adult. Is that how you define adult? How can one be so thick.

Naah dear, not speaking about the absolute number, I am speaking about the percentage...

Practice of bigamy is prevalent more among Hindus

haha milligazette.
There is no credible survey that suggest polygamy is prevalent among Hindus. Your sources mention, "reliable sources" say it's something. Based on a 1960's census. No subsequent surveys were done either. Basically a BS wrapped in candy cover for consumption of you lot.
LOL What logic:lol::lol:, Majority doesn't need appeasemento_O
Congress didn't rule as they wished, at every step they were forced to assuage hindu sentiments. Be it Hindu code bill, Anti-Cow slaughter laws etc. Time and again they bowed down to fulfill hindu wishes.

Read the following...


I am amazed at your reasoning skills.. how do you think a political party will form a government without the support of majority?
See you proved my point that such bills are introduced for the betterment of community. :lol: How Hindu bill is appeasement? It unified different laws prevalent among different sections into one common law.

Aww... Nice way to camouflage hinduism in the name of "Dharmic religion". Stop sugarcoating the appeasement of hindus, Our land isn't a homogeneous entity, Look around, it has been influenced by all religions including Islam and Christianity. All of this represent India, not just some Dharmic religions.
Again what can I do about ignoramuses. Yes, Dharmic religion is what Hinduism, Budhism, Jainism, Sikhism etc... because their core principle revolves around Dharma. Our land isn't, but we are proud of what came out of our land. It is our core philosophies. It preaches inclusiveness and hence we have a pluralistic society.
That is we have Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jain, Zoroastrians, Jews, Buddhist and other tribal, atheistic, agnostic beliefs living together.

It indeed is a matter of priority, if we are discussing about women empowerment, then shouldn't you first solve the issue which affects more women.
And my answer was, empowerment is not hierarchical basis. If there is oppression of women in Jain community then we should take action against them. Because there only few Jains, should we deny them their right?

Where did I claim it is false?? I only claimed that it hasn't gone through judicial process. They are accusations, not judicial judgments. So I would rather prefer to wait for them to be prosecuted rather than jumping the gun.
In any survey, registered case are considered. For others we have conviction rate. So, rape statistics is based on number of cases registered not number of convicted cases.

Doesn't look so..
Says the guy who can't figure out what Child marriage is and who can't understand analogy. Like this:disagree:
Poverty vs 3T:what: Come up with some better justifications..
Are you out of your mind? You make some roughshod accusations stating some "Anthony commissions" and when I ask you to post the source for that claim, you keep muttering some mumbo-jumbo..
SMH this guy. :disagree:

Dalits are progressing a bit because there were affirmative actions taken up by successive governments. But when similar steps are taken towards the upliftment of those backward muslims, Hindutva loons start crying hoarse over it.
LOL! Like what? Shah bano case? Has BJP denied you anything that was rightly yours?
Well, idiots are never sure if they are one.
Says the idiot himself LOL...

Living in India and marrying in India is where Indian laws are applicable dum dum. Being an Indian I hold Indian constitution above all laws, what do you hold? I'm curious to know.
Child Marriage restraint act.
View attachment 572584
If you start defining adult, then you should declare a girl who received her first period and a guy who just have his balls dropped is an adult. Is that how you define adult? How can one be so thick.
India and Indians dont live in vacuum, dumb-head. They do follow a global pattern on many basic things. And Laws can be amended, the same way as the Juvenile Justice Bill, which proposed that the accused who are above 16 years of age(instead of 18 years) will be treated as an adult. A child growing to adulthood is a continuous process, he/she doesn't suddenly become an adult as soon as he/she turns 21. So stop with your bullshit arguments and save yourself from any further embarrassment.

haha milligazette.
There is no credible survey that suggest polygamy is prevalent among Hindus. Your sources mention, "reliable sources" say it's something. Based on a 1960's census. No subsequent surveys were done either. Basically a BS wrapped in candy cover for consumption of you lot.
Aww... Try harder. I knew this was coming. Hence I posted the other link which is from frontline. Oh but I forgot, dumb-heads with selective reading believe that whatsApp news and Opindia are credible. Polygamy among Hindus was banned in 1950's and the census was carried out in 60's, So basically Hindus were more polygamous despite the law preventing them. Speaks volumes about this canard of "muslims being more polygamous"

See you proved my point that such bills are introduced for the betterment of community. :lol:
Where and how?

How Hindu bill is appeasement? It unified different laws prevalent among different sections into one common law.
Gosh... you keep displaying your ignorance and lack of comprehension skills again and again:hitwall::hitwall:

Didn't I ask you to read the following article previously..


There was huge backlash against Hindu code bill by Hindu extremist organisations and also within Congress.

Again what can I do about ignoramuses.
Well.. you can visit a psychiatrist and get yourself treated(If it does have a treatment). The fault lies within;)

Yes, Dharmic religion is what Hinduism, Budhism, Jainism, Sikhism etc... because their core principle revolves around Dharma. Our land isn't, but we are proud of what came out of our land. It is our core philosophies. It preaches inclusiveness and hence we have a pluralistic society.
That is we have Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jain, Zoroastrians, Jews, Buddhist and other tribal, atheistic, agnostic beliefs living together.
I don't care about your mumbo jumbo on "Dharma" and "inclusiveness". I can see how this Dharma and inclusiveness is playing out, right in front of me..

And my answer was, empowerment is not hierarchical basis. If there is oppression of women in Jain community then we should take action against them. Because there only few Jains, should we deny them their right?
Did I say that 3T victims should be denied any right because they are a minority? What are you smoking? I am speaking about priorities. On one hand, you have huge number of abandoned wives with no social security and on the other hand, there are a few cases of 3T victims who are given way too much of importance while ignoring the rights of those abandoned wives. That doesn't sound like women empowerment.

In any survey, registered case are considered. For others we have conviction rate. So, rape statistics is based on number of cases registered not number of convicted cases.
The surveys also take note of conviction rates along with the registered cases and the results are published as per requirement.

Says the guy who can't figure out what Child marriage is and who can't understand analogy. Like this:disagree:
This coming from a person who believes that a 20 year old man is a Child:lol:

Thank God, finally you make some sense..

All this while, you've been ranting about some "Anthony Commission" while it should have been "AK Anthony panel report", Nonetheless, you finally display the presence of grey matter in you.

LOL! Like what? Shah bano case? Has BJP denied you anything that was rightly yours?
I was expecting a meaningful debate but alas I got involved with a typical Hindutva troll. Were Dalits given a Shah Bano like case for their upliftment? Backward muslims expect similar kind of affirmative actions that were taken for the advancement of Dalits, but then again, that can't be expected from a organization, its sister concerns and their followers who bay for muslim blood.
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