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Tried my first south indian food

People talk about south indian food(breakfasts) being light , what a laugh !!!!!! I am married to a south Indian , we have idli dosa almost ever day , and i tend to over eat (my fault:D) but its so damn tasty i end up eating 8-10 dosas or 8 idlis. On the other hand i would have been satisfied with only 3-4 alu parathas. . i blame the sambar for my gluttony .:angel:
I can eat only 1 masala dosa .. but homemade dosas are small and without masala.. so may be 4 dosa.
I can eat only 1 masala dosa .. but homemade dosas are small and without masala.. so may be 4 dosa.

Well in my home they tend to be the size of a dinner plate . potato baji is given separately , but its the sambar i cant stop eating. :D
Tried all of them since childhood.... LOVE THAT FOOD... ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT..... :D

With every bite, it feels as if heaven exploded in your mouth...... the spices are all out of this world.... :P

As a pakistani I had never tried south indian food, but today we went to a south indian restaurant. I had idli/dosa for the first time, also had a thali meal. It was good.

Have other pakistanis here ever tried south indian food?

some pics:






Ha ha - that's blasphemy :D
I know though - posted in South India :)
Dude, those veggie dishes are really out of this world...... though I'm a meat eater, however, if I were ever forced to be a vegetarian, I'd have one condition.... make all of the veggie dishes South Indian...... :partay:
Recently, I was at a South India hotel. A large Pakistani family were there snapping photos of almost everything (Items, tables, people) as if it were a museum :lol: though I felt they enjoyed themselves.

yes your south indian food is descended from heaven :lol:
Sorry to say but only south Indian dish i can bear is 'home made' Idli Sambar. I prefer N Indian food over S Indian any day
I love masala Dosa. That's the only south Indian food i have tried, apart from some appetizers. But i love Dosa. Give me i will sell my loyalty for a good crispy masala dosa. Oh my god. What have you done? Shyt. It's only 5 am here and i am craving for a Dosa.
Ok, you're welcome to taste those dosa delicacies at my place in Tamil Nadu - the birthplace of the dosa! And this is what I'll make you taste - the paper dosa!!! Here....


Four bl00dy feet long!!!!!! :woot: And tasty as hell!
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