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Geo did nothing wrong. It only aired what Hamid mirs brother said. It did not break any rule. Its ARY that broke all the rules by making unauthentic and fabricated stories. ARY should be banned
Geo did nothing wrong. It only aired what Hamid mirs brother said. It did not break any rule. Its ARY that broke all the rules by making unauthentic and fabricated stories. ARY should be banned

Well Mr. Indian troll, they jumped the gun and made baseless accusations without any evidence and before the investigations.

Besides your opinion in this matter is irrelevant because you are from an Enemy Country.

This debate is for Pakistanis.
According to the constitution, ISI and Armed forces cannot be criticized openly in the media and same with the judiciary.

If anyone has problems with it, go screw yourself!
According to the constitution, ISI and Armed forces cannot be criticized openly in the media and same with the judiciary.

If anyone has problems with it, go screw yourself!
That's the Answer. I like that.
According to the constitution, ISI and Armed forces cannot be criticized openly in the media and same with the judiciary.

If anyone has problems with it, go screw yourself!

Bro, it was not "criticism", it was extreme humiliation and specifically targeting ISI & DG ISI by name.
It was a shabbily planned operation in which HM was used as a guinea pig. The target was to defame Army & ISI.
The best way to Punish a Company like GEO is to totally BOYCOTT the Company.

That means pressurize Advertisers to stop doing business with Geo.

The Public should stop watching their Channel.

People should refuse to appear as guest on their shows.

Hit this low life company in the Pocketbook.

They understand the language of MONEY very well.
Support You :pakistan:

Thinking Of People :pakistan:
Why don't you stop Trolling for a change.

What evidence do you have that the attack was perpetrated by Army.

Show your evidence or STFU.
Another idiot. That too a professional. What is the need of evidence here? All Geo TV did was make an allegation, if the army has got a problem with it why not simply file a motion of defamation in the courts and be done with it? What is with the high handedness that is shown by the army?

And what is to say that army will not do so in future. Now the precedent has been set, anytime a news channel says something army will deal with it similarly. RIP free media of pakistan. You guys don't get youtube already. What is more astonishing, Pakistanis are supporting curbing of free media. This way army will stop anyone from saying anything against them. Going the China way, truly.
According to the constitution, ISI and Armed forces cannot be criticized openly in the media and same with the judiciary.

Could you please quote the relevant clause of the Constitution that bars such criticism? Thanks!

And if such a boycott fails the reduce circulation and viewership of the Jang Group, then what does it mean?

Jang Groups' publications being rejected by various units of Pakistan Army.#BanGeo


This seems more like sulking rather than anything coherent.
Geo did nothing wrong. It only aired what Hamid mirs brother said. It did not break any rule. Its ARY that broke all the rules by making unauthentic and fabricated stories. ARY should be banned
کیسی بھی شخص کے جھوٹا ہونے کیلٗے کافی ہے کہ وہ سنی سنایٗ بات بغیر تصدیق کے آگے کہے۔ this is what our religion says. And has called them unscrupulous as well. Media has a very important responsibility of maintaining their credibility and narrate the facts. Especially when it is matter of religious nature or national security. This amounts to irresponsible reporting and has been doing it since long. There should be disciplinary action against them as per law. If law provisions for canceling the license be it.
They have no right to influence opinion of people. This channel has been influencing viewers opinion since long.

My dear cheng, many people like me have stopped watching geo, stopped subscription of their newspaper at home and in offices. Still there are people who are not tainted with Amn Ka Tamasha
Could you please quote the relevant clause of the Constitution that bars such criticism? Thanks!

And if such a boycott fails the reduce circulation and viewership of the Jang Group, then what does it mean?

This seems more like sulking rather than anything coherent.
They have no right to influence opinion of people. This channel has been influencing viewers opinion since long.
My dear cheng, many people like me have stopped watching geo, stopped subscription of their newspaper at home and in offices. Still there are people who are not tainted with Amn Ka Tamasha

It is your right to decide what to see and what to boycott, surely. If enough people join you, then of course Geo must listen. But if enough do not join your boycott, then that speaks equally loudly.

However, I must point out to you the it is one of the more important roles of an open media environment is to influence, form and mold public opinions, and this must be done as part of a free national debate. Shutting down channels or censorship never works. Never. Participating in the process and forcefully presenting your own point of view is a better strategy.
It is your right to decide what to see and what to boycott, surely. If enough people join you, then of course Geo must listen. But if enough do not join your boycott, then that speaks equally loudly.

However, I must point out to you the it is one of the more important roles of an open media environment is to influence, form and mold public opinions, and this must be done as part of a free national debate. Shutting down channels or censorship never works. Never. Participating in the process and forcefully presenting your own point of view is a better strategy.
sitting in US and commenting on Pakistan is very easy. Living it is difficult.
There is no doubt that it is individuals choice. We are not forcing it on anyone. We all are exercising our right to choose. Even in US there is a code of conduct for media. Here they are unbridled. Let me see CNN or any other channel criticizing CIA or FBI in such insulting way and then what happens. These private commercial ventures will now dictate what is good for national security and what is not.
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