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Tortured body of Punjab Police constable recovered after he was abducted by TLP in Wazirabad

Id shove some c4 up tlp gandoz rectums and blow em up like its shabrat.
TTP, MQM and now TLP do not came into being overnight. State watched them get bigger and bigger until they became so big that the solution involved a lot of bloodshed, loss of property and image to investors. Only in Pakistan, murderers have their tombs where people come to pay homage, renowned scholars lear funeral prayers of terrorists and people continue to join them in funerals.
We fought a bloody war against an ideology and despite painful lessons, state's narrative was found wanting even when clerics sitting in capital of the country called the fallen soldiers as apostate. There is no simple solution to TLP now but only if state wants to survive and progress, the narrative should be clear and state should win the narrative war.

Worst of all we supported jahil afghan talibunnies for 2 decades for what? ISISK is stronger than ever, TTP is stronger than ever, we have hordes of terrorist crossing our border with no visas, we are facing a humanitarian crisis next door that will make the 90s look like a piece of cake. Who in their wisdom is allowing thousands of terrorist cross the border without visa or even covid tests??? yup our JANERALS at GHQ.

Internally we have TLP demolishing every infrastructure or semblance of law... then we ask ourselves why no westerner/chinese/ or arab wants to come invest in our country????

Who the hell would want to invest is such a madness where your businesses are destroyed and shut down on the whim of stone age fanatics. We should start from the top and hang each of these bastards one by one. Their needs to be accountability from the Generals, Politicians, Elites, Judges, Mullahs and every bastard who has been responsible.

Sometimes I think who needs an enemy in India when our biggest enemy is GHQ who is hellbent on destroying Pakistan.

A bekar GHQ who to this day has yet to do airstrikes into afghanistan where terrorist are hiding yet allowed thousands of drone strikes in Pakistan and lied to the public about it for decades.
Following up on this thread by another member:

Here's what a known Police Officer on twitter shared about the recent martyr of Punjab Police.

Imagine this happening with a soldier, would the COAS still meet and appease those mullahs? Punjab Police has been left on its own by these politicians. 1000 of TLP members are to be released today in Punjab by the orders of the Government.
Yes, and Great PM believes in talks with TTP too. TLP is just a mild show.
COAS also showing his hypocritical face.
Cant believe he was involved in talks with these animals.
this is a cancer and it cant be removed and Pakistani state is part of it.
Why Tf is the government not taking action against these scums, they are killing and torturing policemen and the government is allowing them to do it.

Phir U Turn ko lay ga?
"Love" for the Prophet (SAW) made them beat a Muslim doing his duty to pulp. Simply no words for these animals.
when state and people believe and teach you can kill in the name of religion
good luck with stopping this cancer
People in Pak can get away with virtually anything just by using the name of religion. Not a today phenomenon but something that has been growing over the years. Will the supporters of this party reject their murderous and seditious behavior? We know the answer is No. If anything their support will increase as some people will view these events as a victory for this party.

How long before these type of people start matching India in its barbaric intolerance? In the future the main difference between Pak and India will likely be in Pak muslims killing and repressing fellow muslims and in India the hindu's doing the same to muslims.
i saw some videos on fb, when Humans are turning to animals

it reminds of times when back 1400s, Muslims were killing Muslims not much later after Passing of Muhammad S.A.W

Lets Pray Allah turn our and their hearts
otherwise we may be Disappointed infront of Muhammad S.A.W

I imagine how lucky are these to be called Shaheed, tho its painful i envy their luck
Brother of martyred Police officer says he has only CM Usman Buzdar and PM Imran Khan to blame for his brother's death. Listening to him iss not easy, really really painful.

When these punjab police got bribery and let go of any criminal charges. that thing is sadest of all not his death.
Bs yeh bribery k gunah ya kisi mazloom ki bad-dua na ly kr mara ho.
Punjab police main aisy aisy zalim log bharti hain ,k zameen bhi us sy panah mangti hy ,
have a heart
Brother of martyred Police officer says he has only CM Usman Buzdar and PM Imran Khan to blame for his brother's death. Listening to him iss not easy, really really painful.

do an open casket funeral or at least let someone take his photos (I know how devastating it is) but we need to show the brutality
only than can the killers be brought to justice - other than that they'll just ignore it

I don't think any police men would have the morale to fight after this one
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Why Tf is the government not taking action against these scums, they are killing and torturing policemen and the government is allowing them to do it.
government has cowered to their demands
we had shia terrorist organisations and Deobandibwahabi terrorists took the limelight
now we got Betalvi thugs.

very easy to criticise Gen Musharraf for lal masjid operation
sucking up to religious terrorists has brought us the day where lives of pur security forces police is of no worth.
The state has surrendered, all else is noise.

Thank you.
I can only hope Pak state will not go down the drain in remaining one year of Bajwa. Pak would have been in much better shape today had bajwa was not here as chief.

A submissive person submits to everyone.

10000% spot on.
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