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Top US commander: Burning Quran endangers troops

Everyone stop pretending nothing is going to happen after burning the koran, this will build up immense hate therfore end result is WW3.
Shameless westerns are worried that by this act thier armed forces will be in trouble in afghaistan but THESE HUMAN KILLERS DONT SAY THAT THIS IS A WRONG ACT AND THEY DONT DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT.....


GOD PLEASE HELP US.............

Since you are muslim, you should also appologize on behalf of the the muslims, because theTaliban and AlQaeda are muslims and they are killing tens of thousands of innocent people both in Afghanistan/Pakistan and around the world.
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Finally americans are having to bite their bullet of "invincibility".
What commander is actually portraying is the risk to troops from so called insurgents.
assalam alaikum,
Freedom of speach or burning the holy book of more then a billion should not be tolerated and if there is any reaction to it only the small church followers should be blamed
Can't believe such things are still happening in this day and age... The sad part is that they have so much public support.
Can't believe such things are still happening in this day and age... The sad part is that they have so much public support.
^^ That's the problem - If some people in a Muslim country had decided to burn Torah then Western Media would have started the same bullshit that Muslim want to kill all jews etc but now i don't see much opposition against this from western Media.
Wow i bet now they will attract more hate filled racist faggs with such an act.

Jesus would be so PROUD!
An equivalent scenario would be a remote Madrassas with 25 students burning a pile of Bibles. How you would link those 25 with a Billion Muslims worldwide is a leap of logic I don't quite understand.
An equivalent scenario would be a remote Madrassas with 25 students burning a pile of Bibles. How you would link those 25 with a Billion Muslims worldwide is a leap of logic I don't quite understand.

I have yet to hear a real mosque burning any holy book!

Also the scenario u presented doesnt fit!

It fits if those 25 go on and advertise about it on main stream media and Government or the people of Pakistan dont say jack and let em go ahead!

Cartoons dipicting Islams holy personalities and the silence and support of europe n USA was a beautiful reminder of the hate thts growing up there!
This action will just prove that Americans are just bigots, racists, narrow minded as people they demean. What will be the difference between them Talibans and Hindu fanatics that kill Christians burn churches. I am sure some Afghans that cooperate with Americans may take punitive actions against them. The poor Christians in Pakistan and other Muslim countries may pay the price in killings and damage to properties.
In the U.S., burning books, ANY books, is protected speech. The U.S. constitution protects such acts, including Bible burning, flag burning, anything burning. The Government cannot prohibit such an act.

I personally am against it. It is a matter of simple courtesy and respect. But what has people a bit annoyed is that there's apparently no problem burning U.S. flags worldwide and having giant "Death to America" rallies, while simultaneously millions of Muslims freely worship here in the U.S.
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