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Top Ten

The thread was suppose to be on Top Ten militaries not on Top Ten muslim militaries. We can discuss them seprately, you can open an another thread for that. This thread is for only Top Ten militaries around the world including muslim nations. Some people here are not reading the topic guidelines and are just posting, i can see who started it, and then who followed him. This will not happen in the future. You guys may start posting your opinions on Top Ten militaries in the world.

Posts that were for only muslim nations were deleted.

Ahsan F
Originally posted by Hawk@Nov 15 2005, 07:54 PM
I see someone post oman-yemen on the top tem militarily strong muslim countries but not bangladesh. Why? I mean, Bangladesh is doing a tremendously good job under UN and you need the strenght and technique to achive that. Itz just bad to see your ignorance against bangladesh.
[post=2965]Quoted post[/post]​
no particular order...just the hard ones. (not in terms of power rather ability)
(USA not on the list cuz they killed more brits then the enemy in Gulf 2)

Originally posted by Yahya@Nov 15 2005, 10:18 PM
no particular order...just the hard ones. (not in terms of power rather ability)
(USA not on the list cuz they killed more brits then the enemy in Gulf 2)
[post=2974]Quoted post[/post]​

Isreal has a good army?

I know they did pretty well against arab countries, but are you sure that their military is strong enough? Because they dont even have big numbers of soldiers, nearly no doubt about the quality of its armed forces though.

They also have a pretty darn good armoury in their inventory. They have 3650 MBT while Pakistan has 2300+ MBTs.

They also have pretty advanced American technology.

BTW: i have notice something, people who have knowledge about the countries only those countries make it to the list, and if they dont know anything about that country well that country doesn't make to the 10 no matter how strong it is. Same goes with us, Pakistan don't deserve to be in top 10, but since we have very good knowledge about military of Pakistan than other countries, Pakistan always make it to the list. :lol:
as training and capability terms not as total power. total power USA will be top and thats about it...

isreal is one of the worlds most profesional armys all though nothing compared to UK

Pakistan has Excellent training and well trained men..it was titled the worlds most efficient army in recent years.
North Korea's military is totally overrated! Sure they have over 20,000 artillery pieces. But what guides the artillery, and do you realize how old most of those guns are!? Their pilots only get about 15 hours in the air a year! Their Navy has nothing, their anti-ship missiles can easily be shot down by today's modern SAM systems and CIWS! They have 24 Romeo and Whiskey class submarines! Which are crap!
Originally posted by Kim Jong-il Hater@Nov 16 2005, 01:03 AM
North Korea's military is totally overrated! Sure they have over 20,000 artillery pieces. But what guides the artillery, and do you realize how old most of those guns are!? Their pilots only get about 15 hours in the air a year! Their Navy has nothing, their anti-ship missiles can easily be shot down by today's modern SAM systems and CIWS! They have 24 Romeo and Whiskey class submarines! Which are crap!
[post=2981]Quoted post[/post]​

What are Romeo and Whiskey equivilant to?
1. U.S.A - No explaination needed, go figure

2. Russia - Enough ICBM's to send U.S. and Europe to the stone ages

3. China - ICBM's to destroy the capital of any nation on the planet. The largest standing army. Very large airforce, puny navy but enough artillery pieces to bury the Indian army alive.

4. Britian - Submarine mounted ICBM gives it a second strike capability against any nation. The worlds second best navy in the world after U.S.

5. France - Nukes, Aircraft Carrier

6. Japan - Very close to France, Very good navy with AEIGIS. Shoots itself in the foot by not purchasing Aircraft Carrier coz of pacifist constitution. Does need to spend an extra dime to displace Britian at fourth if it decided to make the 100 Nukes a year from the many nuclear reactors and maintained 3 decent aircraft carriers by not buying dumbass AEIGIS and reducing airforce. Therefore needs to overhaul constitution.

7. Germany- No Nukes, No Aircraft Carrier. Large professional Ground forces.

8. India - Nukes, 1 Aircraft Carrier with an extra joke of an aircraft carrier. 2 million troops with a fast growing airforce.

9. Israeil - More Nukes than India and Pakistan combined. Medium range ballistics. Puny navy, ferral airforce and ground forces. Difficult toss-up between India and Israel.

After this it becomes very close because many nations spend approx. same with similiar capabilities at this level.
This entire list is completely arbiturary and without foundation. Countries like Canada and Australia fielded entire brigades half way across the globe. Israel, who can field an entire armoured corps overnight, cannot do the same. Does that mean Canada and Australia are superior to Israel? Everywhere outside the Middle East, it means exactly that.

Take this further, what country on earth outside the US can invade Canada or Australia? None. Whatever force the world can muster would be hard pressed to even come ashore and what can come ashore would be surrendering or dying real fast.

Therefore, in terms of defensive conventional combat power, almost all the industrialized nations are on par with one another ... with the exception of the US.

In terms of offensive conventional combat power, the list would be

the US
the UK
Russia and Russia is only included because it spans two continents.
Officer of Engineers said:
This entire list is completely arbiturary and without foundation.

Countries like Canada and Australia fielded entire brigades half way across the globe. Israel, who can field an entire armoured corps overnight, cannot do the same. Does that mean Canada and Australia are superior to Israel? Everywhere outside the Middle East, it means exactly that.

the US
the UK
Russia and Russia is only included because it spans two continents.

Okay, Israel's position is bit debatable but it does have nuclear weapons that Canada and Australia dont have. There is no way Aust. could replace Israel, Canada or Italy might.
Basically, there are three super-powers right now. US, Europe and (china+russia). as north korea and iran is morre likely to be in chinese block where as israel, saudiarabia,pakistan and Europe is in US block.
as far as top militry might is concerned. its....
MrConcerned said:
China is not even at 1991's America yet. Long way to go...
technologically right but you know that china has the biggest military in the world.:cool:

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